View Full Version : Please fix your inappropriate word filter!

06-11-17, 02:04 AM
This has happened to me many times in Fashion Story and Dragon Story and i was ready to throw my phone across the room tonight because I typed the below post on someone's wall 5x and couldn't figure out which word your filter is considering inappropriate. Also, just wanted to point out that you can type the word "aw", but the word "awww" with more than 2 w's is "inappropriate". There are many other words like that that I've come across, but I can't remember them right now. Clearly your word filter needs some help.

This is what I was trying to type on someone's wall in DS:

"Yea, really not into this LB anyway cuz I'm not feeling the sun themed dragons or decor, but if it were a champion like u said or just cuter dragons, I might stay up a little later to try and beat the crazies!"

(fyi: "crazies" is not the inappropriate word, I tried it without)

[S8] Elsa
06-13-17, 11:49 AM
If you'd like to report an error with the language filter, please contact support for assistance. We're not able to comment or discuss the language filter on the public forum for security reasons. Thank you for your understanding!