View Full Version : Do customers have a preference?

03-16-11, 06:57 AM
What do our customers like best? Do they have a preference? I set up an experiment to see what their ordering preference is. Why? Well what else is there to do? At some point you can't make your bakery any bigger or bake any new things. So I decided I would shut my door and bake like crazy until I had at least 30,000 of each item. Take a count and then open the doors for about 24 hours and see what they buy the most of. I only have $1,752 left when I opened the doors. I will pick up tips but not add any new baked goods or drinks during this time.

To start I have this many of each bakery item:
Chocolate Cookies 30240
Peach Cobbler 30510
Brownies 30743
Blueberry Muffins 31200
Chocolate Cake 30350
Chocolate Tart 30000
Valentine Cupcake 30425
Carrot Cake 35700
Croissant 31475
Holiday Donut 33750
Fruit Tart 30550
Pumpkin Pie 31500
Strawberry Cake 30366
Sugar Cookies 30480
Banana Bread 31775
Strawberry Cheesecake 30600
Raspberry Macarons 30400
Valentine Cookies 30500
Gingerbread Cookies 31500
Cinnamon Rolls 30710
Red Velvet Cake 30625
Vanilla Cupcake 32900
Fruitcake 30475
Lemon Meringue Pie 34250
Coffee 30140
Espresso 31008
Hot Chocolate 35150
Latte 30660
Egg Nog 30740
Chamomile Tea 32175
Sparkling Cider 30600
Mocha 34500
Love Potion 32480
Chai Tea 33500
Cappuccino 45400
Earl Grey Tea 43790
Hot Apple Cider 36000

Kesh's Goodies

invite name: Infidel4Ever

03-17-11, 07:28 AM
I let it run for 24 hours. I did not add anything through baking and here are the start, end, and difference of each:

Start End Difference
Chocolate Cookies 30240 29565 675
Peach Cobbler 30510 29830 680
Brownies 30743 30071 672
Blueberry Muffins 31200 30519 681
Chocolate Cake 30350 29673 677
Chocolate Tart 30000 29328 672
Valentine Cupcake 30425 29747 678
Carrot Cake 35700 35025 675
Croissant 31475 30806 669
Holiday Donut 33750 33079 671
Fruit Tart 30550 29875 675
Pumpkin Pie 31500 30831 669
Strawberry Cake 30366 29685 681
Sugar Cookies 30480 29807 673
Banana Bread 31775 31099 676
Strawberry Cheesecake 30600 29923 677
Raspberry Macarons 30400 29725 675
Valentine Cookies 30500 29819 681
Gingerbread Cookies 31500 30818 682
Cinnamon Rolls 30710 30034 676
Red Velvet Cake 30625 29948 677
Vanilla Cupcake 32900 32233 667
Fruitcake 30475 29805 670
Lemon Meringue Pie 34250 33574 676
Coffee 30140 29458 682
Espresso 31008 30327 681
Hot Chocolate 35150 34472 678
Latte 30660 29979 681
Egg Nog 30740 30065 675
Chamomile Tea 32175 31500 675
Sparkling Cider 30600 29927 673
Mocha 34500 33826 674
Love Potion 32480 31804 676
Chai Tea 33500 32821 679
Cappuccino 45400 44727 673
Earl Grey Tea 43790 43113 677
Hot Apple Cider 36000 35319 681

Looking at the numbers there really is no preference (random number generator appears to be random). I made close to 140k in the 24 hours. Now that this phase is over my next task is to see how long I can keep things going before running out of stock. I will close at night to let my staff have a break but open again every morning.

Kesh's Goodies

invite name: Infidel4Ever

Open doors at 10am EST.

03-17-11, 12:38 PM
This kind of made me laugh, because I can relate to not being able to expand and nothing new to cook. Thanks for running the experiment, I surely don't want to do it! :)

03-17-11, 02:48 PM
Nice experiment! I was curious, and now I know without having to do all the hard work you put into it. Thanks for sharing.

03-18-11, 12:18 PM

Looking at the numbers there really is no preference (random number generator appears to be random). I made close to 140k in the 24 hours. Now that this phase is over my next task is to see how long I can keep things going before running out of stock. I will close at night to let my staff have a break but open again every morning.


Hee! :)

I thought I'd mentioned a couple of times that the customers had no preferences in a number of other threads in both this and the RS forum.

Still, the figures are interesting to me because it confirms something that I've suspected for some time.

Based on a simple count of the number of happy faces exiting a bakery with a rating of 100, we can estimate that the consumption rate is approximately 45 plates per minute. This calculates to 2,700 per hour and 64,800 per day.

However, your tallying shows a total consumption of only slightly more than 25,000 in a 24-hour period. I had always been curious as to why the total amount of coins I made in a day never seems to hit the potential amount based on the 45 plates per minute rate.

This data gathering you did helps to confirm a suspicion I had that the BS server-side app probably has a routine to put back food and refund the customers at regular intervals. I had written in a thread in the "Feedback and bug reports" forum about losing money and gaining food mysteriously.

Why would they do this? Well, a simple explanation would be that they had taken notice of the compliant in RS that there were too few customers going in and out of the restaurant, so they decided to put more in BS. However, this resulted in an unmanageably high consumption rate which was evidenced in some early complaints in the BS feedback and bug reports forum. So, in order to let the gamers have their cake and still be able to eat it, they probably introduced this routine to regularly put back the food previously consumed and at the same time reduce the accumulated coins. The result? A bakery filled with customers but food levels going down at a much slower rate.

The only issue here is that a hare-brained method like this would more often than not lead to "out-of-sync" errors.

Of course everything here is just pure conjecture ;)

03-18-11, 10:20 PM
This was fascinating, how did you get all those totals? Just dish counts or ... ?

03-18-11, 10:42 PM
This was fascinating, how did you get all those totals? Just dish counts or ... ?

Probably just tallying the start of day and end of day totals. I did something similar to this in the RS forum when the game was out for a few weeks, just out of curiosity, and found out that the customers did not have any preferences.

03-18-11, 10:51 PM
Hee! :)

I thought I'd mentioned a couple of times that the customers had no preferences in a number of other threads in both this and the RS forum.

Still, the figures are interesting to me because it confirms something that I've suspected for some time.

Based on a simple count of the number of happy faces exiting a bakery with a rating of 100, we can estimate that the consumption rate is approximately 45 plates per minute. This calculates to 2,700 per hour and 64,800 per day.

However, your tallying shows a total consumption of only slightly more than 25,000 in a 24-hour period. I had always been curious as to why the total amount of coins I made in a day never seems to hit the potential amount based on the 45 plates per minute rate.

This data gathering you did helps to confirm a suspicion I had that the BS server-side app probably has a routine to put back food and refund the customers at regular intervals. I had written in a thread in the "Feedback and bug reports" forum about losing money and gaining food mysteriously.

Why would they do this? Well, a simple explanation would be that they had taken notice of the compliant in RS that there were too few customers going in and out of the restaurant, so they decided to put more in BS. However, this resulted in an unmanageably high consumption rate which was evidenced in some early complaints in the BS feedback and bug reports forum. So, in order to let the gamers have their cake and still be able to eat it, they probably introduced this routine to regularly put back the food previously consumed and at the same time reduce the accumulated coins. The result? A bakery filled with customers but food levels going down at a much slower rate.

The only issue here is that a hare-brained method like this would more often than not lead to "out-of-sync" errors.

Of course everything here is just pure conjecture ;)

The head count after the last update on R.S. is a lot less than it was before. It seems about the same on B.S.

03-18-11, 11:39 PM
Probably just tallying the start of day and end of day totals. I did something similar to this in the RS forum when the game was out for a few weeks, just out of curiosity, and found out that the customers did not have any preferences.

When I first started playing, I worried that customers that "wanted" coffee or a cupcake would leave if that item wasn't cooked ... :)

03-20-11, 09:55 PM
Is it important to keep our heart score high? One nbr told me that it may determine the daily bonus amt. I wonder because I had a philosophy at one time that I would just stop worrying bout it, only put 2 chairs out, and let the score get low and food drain more slowly. Does it matter???

03-21-11, 02:58 AM
Is it important to keep our heart score high? One nbr told me that it may determine the daily bonus amt. I wonder because I had a philosophy at one time that I would just stop worrying bout it, only put 2 chairs out, and let the score get low and food drain more slowly. Does it matter???

The higher your heart score, the quicker the customers come to your restaurant/bakery and eat.
The lower, the slower :)

03-21-11, 10:51 AM
The head count after the last update on R.S. is a lot less than it was before. It seems about the same on B.S.

Meaning people with the update get 20 customers at a time rather than 24?

12-19-11, 03:43 AM
So can somebody clear some things? Do the max income depends on the number of tables with chairs and/or with the number of display shelves for our foods?

12-19-11, 07:44 AM
Andrea, that's a great question! I hope someone can answer! :)

12-19-11, 02:29 PM
This is a very interesting discussion. I love seeing the numbers behind everything that leads up to the conclusion of no preference. I, too, thought when I started out that certain characters only ate certain foods and I had to have those foods to get those customers in. Play and learn, I guess! :)

12-20-11, 12:58 AM
My assumption is that the game took food off each counter in the order they were put out one by one. Like say there is one counter with 500 brownies and 2 counters with 450 cookies on each, the cookies would clear out first even though theref was more of them overall.

What i dont know is how mangy seats&tables are needed for optimal selling per expansion should expansion be a factor on sell rate. Or whether an extra door & matre'd affects sell rate too.

12-20-11, 01:50 AM
If you have 30 tables and chairs no customer should leave unhappy. Extra doors or podiums do not make a difference.

12-20-11, 09:33 AM
OH well I experimented a bit and found that income quite depends on how many food display we have. At first I have lots of chair with tables and my foods in each display decreased by more or less one hundred plates in an hour. Then I tried to remove many tables with chairs and only left few, then took note of the numbers of plates in each display, come back in an hour again and the result is the same, more or less one hundred plates deducted in each display. That is my conclusion anyway, so if I want to increase my income I will have to buy more food display and make sure there are more or less 2400 plates in each which will be good in a day. But its a different story for every food we order cause some cost 4coins per plate some cost just one coin.

12-20-11, 09:44 AM
If you want to earn more coins per hour, cook & serve the foods that sell for more coins. Red Velvet Cake in Bakery Story & Apple Pie in Restaurant Story for example.