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View Full Version : Super Happy?

08-17-10, 11:43 AM
Does anyone know the trick to getting a supper happy rating? Seeing as the happy face just needs to have happiness higher than population, I figured if you had it WAY higher then pop, you should be able to get the huge smiley face but either I haven't geotten it high enough, or that's not the answer cuz my citizens are content but not super happy.

Anyone know?

08-17-10, 12:25 PM
It has no bearing on the game whether your townspeople are happy or not, so who gives a rat's a$$. It's just a stupid game also, so who gives a flying flip about some stupid ass smiley face at the top! Jeesh!!

08-17-10, 12:26 PM
With some quick testing it looks like your happiness has to be 50% higher then you population to be Super Happy.

08-17-10, 12:30 PM
It has no bearing on the game whether your townspeople are happy or not, so who gives a rat's a$$. It's just a stupid game also, so who gives a flying flip about some stupid ass smiley face at the top! Jeesh!!

You probably only make your bed when your Mommy tells you too, huh.

08-17-10, 03:34 PM
More bigger residential buildings make for a higher population, more businesses and decorations make the population happier, and more factories make more money to buy stuff faster. It depends how you want to play...
Do you want a small very happy population? Very large but unhappy population? A reasonably happy large population? Perhaps a miserable small population? It's up to you. Do you want to tile the landscape in geometric patterns? Or a logically arranged and aesthetically pleasing city? There is no right way to win. Freedom baby. Yeah!

08-17-10, 03:51 PM
With some quick testing it looks like your happiness has to be 50% higher then you population to be Super Happy.

Thank you. I did a bit of tweaking, put some houses away and replaced them with a couple businesses and it ended up to be just the right mix to put me over. I love seeing that game-show grin next to my population.

Hawk 8
08-17-10, 05:36 PM
I did not even know there was a super happy, thanks for the information!

08-21-10, 04:27 AM
It has no bearing on the game whether your townspeople are happy or not, so who gives a rat's a$$. It's just a stupid game also, so who gives a flying flip about some stupid ass smiley face at the top! Jeesh!!

Do I detect a very angry person. Not a productive comment. Stop trolling and bashing people.

08-22-10, 04:18 AM
It has no bearing on the game whether your townspeople are happy or not, so who gives a rat's a$$. It's just a stupid game also, so who gives a flying flip about some stupid ass smiley face at the top! Jeesh!!

Rage at City Story...growing. ;)