View Full Version : What happens when you complete an oven?

05-25-17, 07:00 AM
Hi, does anything happen when you complete all the recipes in an oven or other appliance.

ID: sunnydayz71

05-25-17, 07:05 AM
you just master all recipes and can always cook them whenever you want :)

05-25-17, 07:05 AM
Hi, does anything happen when you complete all the recipes in an oven or other appliance.

ID: sunnydayz71
when you master any recipe in any apliance, you get promotional rewards.
check Game Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?59840-Bakery-Story-Game-Guide&p=1413689&viewfull=1#post1413689) to see the rewards.

when all recipes are mastered and you got the last reward, nothing happens.
you can continue to cook any recipe, you will just not get promotional rewards for it, but you will still get your profit when people eat wht you cooked and served :)

05-25-17, 09:36 AM
when you master any recipe in any apliance, you get promotional rewards.
check Game Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?59840-Bakery-Story-Game-Guide&p=1413689&viewfull=1#post1413689) to see the rewards.

when all recipes are mastered and you got the last reward, nothing happens.
you can continue to cook any recipe, you will just not get promotional rewards for it, but you will still get your profit when people eat wht you cooked and served :)

Oh, bummer... I was hoping it unlocked something... oh well. I still enjoy finishing off each appliance. Thanks again to all who reply.