View Full Version : iOS and Android differences?

04-11-17, 06:55 AM
I just recently found out that one of Storm8's other games has it so that android only gets a fraction of the game compared to iOS (many features are missing in android, even features that have been in iOS for over a year... including some crops/trees, events, and so on). This is pretty unfair.

Now, I am wondering is it the same here in Restaurant Story 2? Am I missing out on stuff because I'm not on iOS? Do they seriously expect me to just give up all my android stuff and switch to an apple just so I can play a full version of their game? Phones aren't game consoles, you don't tout exclusive to them, people use their phones for other things ... we don't carry around two of them just to have access to exclusives (especially in just one game..), and it would be super expensive to do so (game consoles are like $300-400, while phones with acceptable performance tend to be $700-900... with apple being on the expensive end of that equation!).

It's unfair to give over half the mobile userbase only a portion of the game, and not even telling us directly that this is the case. I was livid when I spent so much expansion materials in the farm game to unlock this treehouse that I had a quest for, only to find out it does -absolutely nothing- in android, while iOS gets a whole minigame out of it!

So yeah, what am I missing out in RS2 due to not 'being on storm8's preferred platform'? I have spent money on both games, and now I am starting to regret it, and considering quitting any and all storm8 products. I'm not buying a $800 phone just so I can get all the game's features... =/

04-11-17, 07:22 AM
For questions on platforms parity, please file a forum dispute (http://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?75-Forum-Disputes) thread and discuss with the Community Manager.