View Full Version : Name that egg!

03-24-17, 12:13 AM
(I'm relatively new here and wasn't sure if this belonged in one of the existing threads so if it does, sorry!)

I have an egg and I'm too impatient to just wait for it to hatch to find out what's in it so I came to you guys! It had a 12 hour incubation to start.


https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jmEZlTtrb51oHzhKllJKOzQDR6bY8uk0DYf_c3MJLCs4ZPWgbt bbi2qBNqL-sWDd_z8FYKYEjV39sej6ozoDIZqqRP_Gi_hRRWPzqzKLiItqAl 4tktK5QQXszMHBzn4lXO0YuDnamlXF58gg25y7Mue-a3Jrpf_HCBGmM97Hjx4UMxjybVRo4NeGDH2biQFBpKyqQcsJH1 U5EdoVBSuUtdsK37ehAr_CGM0T7PT3qJHJNnEPHcykcTJhSdr7 0dec3ynwKissB7gHl-GD50D59XWsyGwGFjRPW4JjJQhka3bod52zPBjQs6hZowrcBq1l wt-DNk3eqWzVXI0H7IsYSccUiL_L83LbQSvBOMb7-ibZLni0zIMpGRsfJT9LCkVyyFu-EGliRj8JoHMgLEzJsckR3rPnRKxkrAoOFgXGGy5W93f18JlVHh 3iagoocnAYEoJOEMqb4aS0bUMVVTa0qovy2IurmF7OLuWs4bht bLyP1c49sC_81l_LxRv2KHLgv4AF_eHKh6bh__iKJ4cEzgauTm yMHIjJv3iywX9d9dPa4eaGCmPskM8zo9ytEMD-Btd-ZfXr48y3q7dv1xduxIqgjgIBgmAFmJwlb7lkzuI7hPVnAjMINT vG66jIUF8WyNo4kCQn7BG_PkQgSkdrFAnNnH5bNMZtlo2yKNqW mQ=w304-h261-no

Let me know if it doesn't let you see the picture, I've never tried this before lol

Thanks in advance!

03-24-17, 12:22 AM
The egg in the picture is of the Tree Frog Dragon :)

And it's incubation should be 8 hours, not 12 hours (unless you mistakenly uploaded a different pic)

03-24-17, 12:46 AM
THANK YOU!!! You rock!!!

And oops! The incubation time was my mistake. I was thinking of a different egg. (I have 2 incubating at once.)