View Full Version : Edit mode gets rid of people please!

03-13-17, 05:03 PM
Please. Every time I try to reorganize my land, there's someone walking around in the exact spot I need. It sometimes feels like they're doing it on purpose. "Oh? You're moving stuff around in that spot? Let me come see!"

No, Thurston if you would just get out of the way I COULD make a nice area for the horses. But no, you have to stick your sorry butt in every time I try so I stopped trying.

Three of them. THREE girls decide they want to frolic in the new spot I'm trying to build making it impossible to move anything or put new stuff down. And that's as far as I could get. Not even going to bother finishing what I was planning to do.

Make them invisible or even just freeze them so they stay put instead of beelining to be in my way at all times?