View Full Version : harassed on my wall

03-13-11, 05:52 AM
I just started my farm a few days ago and someone I don't even know keeps posting hateful things on my wall. I keep deleting it but they keep posting. I know it's probably just a troll but what should I do?

03-13-11, 06:01 AM
Try to ignore them as best you can. Delete any messages you dont want on your wall. Dont reply to them or write anything on their wall at all, as it could encourage them more, and also give them easy access to your farm. If it gets really bad, take some screen shots and email them to teamlava. They may not do much about it, but at least you would have tried. Good luck, I hope it gets sorted out.

03-25-14, 10:04 PM
Write to Team Lava and send your screen shots. Report the Farm name. They will do something about it!

03-26-14, 02:00 AM
Please note that in game harassment is something you will need to report to support@teamlava.com