View Full Version : Cruise recipes

02-12-17, 07:31 AM
Sadly I've never finished a cruise before bur I was wondering, if you finish a cruise, do the the recipes you learn stay? Or do they disappear when time is over?

02-12-17, 09:05 PM
There's usually a few recipes involved in cruises. I'll use the last cruise as an example.

The gem recipe you unlock by finishing the cruise is permanent. Once you finish the cruise the specific special character will visit your restaurant every x hours (it varies) and drop their special item which you need to cook the gem recipe. In this case it's the sweetheart Swiss roll recipe.

There's usually a side quest which leads to unlocking a recipe. In this case the Carmel Cream Custard that one will be permanent if you unlock it.
During this side quest you're often asked to master a certain recipe to star level 2 in this case the red hotcakes this recipe is temporary.

02-13-17, 10:16 AM
Thank you, hopefully next time I will finish a cruise. I saw some very helpfull things in this forum :)

03-13-17, 09:14 PM
Is there any clear reason why a cruise/event related recipe ends up in the Celebration stove or the Jubilee oven? I've only ever used the Jubilee and never got around to getting the Celebration stove, so was wondering if I am missing out on something.

EDIT: Thanks, Rynetory2! I guess I'll know if I'll ever need it for a future event.

03-13-17, 09:25 PM
Nope you aren't missing anything. Most of the older cruise/event recipes are on the celebration stove, before they release the Jubilee oven. Now the newer recipes go between these appliances. The recipes in the game are categorised in respective appliances. These 2 appliances are dedicated to cruises, events and quests.