View Full Version : Bad Storm8!!

02-11-17, 05:00 AM
Storm8 please listen to us!

We've been requesting a return to the storyline and more expansions for a long time now!

Surely giving the customers want they want will drive revenue if done in the correct fashion.

You continually add new features , that become useless shortly after.
There is such a solid foundation of gameplay that isn't being utilised.
There is no reason for this apart from developer laziness!
Look back into the early game and use items and buildings from then.

I understand that the new event style of gaming is an easy to follow format to make money , but do your jobs properly and find ways to incorporate the main story and basic gameplay back into the game.

Also turning this community style game into a competition style game isn't appreciated by the majority of players.

Stop following simple marketing formats and get creative with the game.

I refuse to put any money into the game until main storyline and expansions are given to us.

02-11-17, 06:02 AM
Hear hear!!! (And I still have plenty of story line and expanding to do, it just shocks me that S8 appears to ask opinions and then completely ignores the majority)

02-11-17, 08:05 AM
35935how? i have no space? too many useless decorations, too many piglets and cows, elves put down a watch tower in my kingdom and refuse to move as they spy my storage cellar, .....and if a event comes up i need to turn my beautiful organized kingdom into a cluster .........!

i would love to get back to the story, i would love to travel through the glimmer gate, i would love to take all these darn animals and put them into 1 building to consolidate space.

build the kingdom of my dreams? i have small dreams then......think bigger!

02-11-17, 08:10 AM
35936ok i will. as soon as we can expand or go to another land or go to the harbour, or space, or where the elves live. why dont they move here and i will relocate to there?

oh heres an idea.
a HUGE forest fire destroys all our kingdoms and we have to find another , bigger, better glimmerwood! lol

we take our our refugees, animals, city walkers, cows, chickens, we shift the line for the wedding chapel over to the new land. and start again. but with all our stuff!

02-11-17, 11:09 AM
I've been on a gem strike since the purple fiasco. I did break it once to get a second golden mine, but I digress.
I was on the verge of purchasing gems this past week, for a few of the 'Love Shack' valentine animals and plants. But S8 pulled them from the market AND introduced this "event". So I decided against the purchase. Instead of complaining, I should be thanking them!

Here's my take. They could not care less if we stop spending or even quit playing. New people sign up everyday, and some players are happy to spend no matter what. Unless EVERYONE stops supporting this type of event, they will never stop releasing them. And sadly, I just don't see that happening. There seems to have been a downward spiral for the past year.

I agree, why on earth do they keep asking for our feedback and suggestions if they only do the EXACT opposite of what the majority asks for repeatedly? It just seems that they could make at least as much money by actually giving players what they want. I would buy gems for the Love Shack. And would have bought them for the plants and animals with the old drops! I WILL NEVER buy them for events such as this leaderboard nonsense.

There are so many disappointments, but the biggest for me is that once enough people catch on to an idea and/or purchase the gem enhancement, S8 then discontinues that aspect of the game.

I wonder how many bought the beastbane displays, only to discover that the monster hunts have become extinct?
How many fortune teller tents sit abandoned, or in storage?
How many rotten cabbages can we really store, with two cabbage huts? And since the second one became available, the prize updates (which had been monthly with cool stuff with awesome drops) have now become sporadic and mostly repeats and deco?
How many huge timed event prizes sit in storage because expansions have become a thing of the past?
We had just a few level 6 building requirements, enough that I'm certain people went back and bought the dew flower. Now, basically useless.
TBH, I'm waiting for gold items to become obsolete now that the golden mines have appeared. I'm guessing something else that is extremely rare will soon become the 'new' gold nugget.

I am hanging on by a thread, in case we ever get to the real storyline again, but with each passing month, my hope dwindles. One day, I'll eventually have enough and quit. Not yet, but it feels like it's coming soon.

02-11-17, 01:12 PM
Thanks for posting that, bingo.
It lists everything concisely, precisely, & better than I could...lol
And totally agree with everything you pointed out.

I also hit the like 🔘 on your posts, cyndora.

02-11-17, 04:07 PM
I've been on a gem strike since the purple fiasco. I did break it once to get a second golden mine, but I digress.
I was on the verge of purchasing gems this past week, for a few of the 'Love Shack' valentine animals and plants. But S8 pulled them from the market AND introduced this "event". So I decided against the purchase. Instead of complaining, I should be thanking them!

Here's my take. They could not care less if we stop spending or even quit playing. New people sign up everyday, and some players are happy to spend no matter what. Unless EVERYONE stops supporting this type of event, they will never stop releasing them. And sadly, I just don't see that happening. There seems to have been a downward spiral for the past year.

I agree, why on earth do they keep asking for our feedback and suggestions if they only do the EXACT opposite of what the majority asks for repeatedly? It just seems that they could make at least as much money by actually giving players what they want. I would buy gems for the Love Shack. And would have bought them for the plants and animals with the old drops! I WILL NEVER buy them for events such as this leaderboard nonsense.

There are so many disappointments, but the biggest for me is that once enough people catch on to an idea and/or purchase the gem enhancement, S8 then discontinues that aspect of the game.

I wonder how many bought the beastbane displays, only to discover that the monster hunts have become extinct?
How many fortune teller tents sit abandoned, or in storage?
How many rotten cabbages can we really store, with two cabbage huts? And since the second one became available, the prize updates (which had been monthly with cool stuff with awesome drops) have now become sporadic and mostly repeats and deco?
How many huge timed event prizes sit in storage because expansions have become a thing of the past?
We had just a few level 6 building requirements, enough that I'm certain people went back and bought the dew flower. Now, basically useless.
TBH, I'm waiting for gold items to become obsolete now that the golden mines have appeared. I'm guessing something else that is extremely rare will soon become the 'new' gold nugget.

I am hanging on by a thread, in case we ever get to the real storyline again, but with each passing month, my hope dwindles. One day, I'll eventually have enough and quit. Not yet, but it feels like it's coming soon.

agree with this post 100% so many things get hyped and thrown at us we scurry along buy gems for NEED right now stuff then it fizzles out. it is getting old. and all those gems i spent on these gem only things, i would love if they had drops AFTER the event so it felt like it was worth your hard earned cash. but right now i am tired and not getting excited over anything gem related because it does me no good, and it gets swept under the rug. all for nothing. what we want is expansions and i would like to KNOW when they ARE coming? you take polls and get feedback? what else do we need to do?

02-11-17, 07:06 PM
Spiritwind can we please get this moved back to the Discussions page??

As much as the post is feedback, I want it to also be a discussion on the topic with other players so that it might have more weight with Storm8.

Also I feel like other players don't frequent this feed as much and posts here don't get the attention they deserve.

Hopefully if we can get a movement happening Storm8 will pay more attention to our concerns.


(totally understand if you can't because of guidelines you need to follow, in that case disregard) :)
(you can delete this post after you've read if you like)

02-12-17, 06:25 AM
Adding my support to this thread.

Characters with character and humour, a storyline that kept me interested in what would come next , and space to design a beautiful kingdom drew me to this game and made it my number one.

There is still plenty of room for it to grow, in story and physically!

Don't turn it into a clone of other games.

02-12-17, 08:19 AM
For feedback though, I want to see more of the things we have utilized. The cabbage hut, the MRC, and the Barons tent. And I'm even getting used to the greedy elves sky ways. I like knowing I can work towards a rainbow Ali. No mystery there.

kooky panda
02-12-17, 01:40 PM
Spiritwind can we please get this moved back to the Discussions page??

As much as the post is feedback, I want it to also be a discussion on the topic with other players so that it might have more weight with Storm8.

Also I feel like other players don't frequent this feed as much and posts here don't get the attention they deserve.

Hopefully if we can get a movement happening Storm8 will pay more attention to our concerns.


(totally understand if you can't because of guidelines you need to follow, in that case disregard) :)
(you can delete this post after you've read if you like)

I actually moved this thread to the feedback forum. The feedback forum is the main forum that the Storm 8 staff read to get feedback from the players.

I also wanted to remind everyone to keep your feedback constructive and follow the Forum Rules & Policies (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?6-Forum-Rules-amp-Policies) when posting so the thread can remain open. Posts violating the rules will be removed.


02-12-17, 09:54 PM
Please please continue the story line! Please make the elven trade more fair! And putting in a lot of time and energy on an event where you win a building that just drops coins, kinda makes everyone cranky! So in the future could we please have rewards that are actually rewards! A least a drop of something! Everyone is running out room. So please listen and put out more expansions

02-12-17, 11:46 PM
No more Leader Board events. I play this game because I like that neighbors HELP each other.
And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE advance the storyline!!!

02-13-17, 01:26 AM
Yeah, what they said...

I'm getting 3000 points and then quitting this event. I will not spend gems on the Gamble of getting a horse. It is rubbish and the odds are stacked against those in unfavourable time zones (mine is only slightly unfavourable so it's not a personal gripe)

02-13-17, 06:24 AM
I recently hit level 50 and finished all storyline quests. I used to get up in the middle of the night to collect in order to keep the story line going (I sleep poorly so if I'm up anyhow ...). I don't mind the timed quests, as I can choose to participate or not. I started the royal games and was kind of enjoying it. But after 3 1/2 days I am NOT enjoying it. Same three things in the workshop and kitchen over and over and over and over. I could have easily expended energy and made enough trade exchanges to get the trade tickets. I still have 5 spaces left to expand to. Tickets are meh. The permits themselves would have been awesome. In any event, I can adjust my playing habits and spending habits accordingly, if the developers would be honest with us and tell us the strategy for this game. Will it ever go back to the story line that captured us all, or is the current state what we will have to live with. Just please let us know! And in case it wasn't clear, we want the storyline back!!!!!

02-13-17, 09:16 AM
For the first time I will not complete a castle story quest :(. I refuse to compete against my neighbors and fellow community members. Castle story has always been a fun, help your neighbors kind of game. I really hope this is the first and last of these leader board events in this game. The game has been changing lately, but this is too much change from the game I love to play. :(

02-13-17, 09:21 AM
These competitions made me give up FFS and now you are ruining CS. Please, just stop.

02-13-17, 10:45 AM
Royal games=worst event in my two years of playing it. BOOOOO

02-14-17, 01:24 AM
Please don't make this leaderboard ongoing and never ending like you did in Dragon Story. I have no issue with a leaderboard event once in a while to add some fun and excitement for players who are interested. However, I quit playing Dragon Story due to non stop events. When you constantly give new content and items available only through competitions that are time consuming many people miss out. I play these games in my limited downtime to relax and have fun. I'd much prefer you further the storyline instead.

10-29-17, 08:01 AM
DEAR Princess cup o butter:

I have never spent a single $ on every game. Like you said I don't want to support this overdoing money sucking for nearly nothing back.


11-05-17, 07:25 AM
Please stop the constant timed events. I want to spend my time and limited energy on developing my buildings and expanding my kingdom. Also does anyone ever update Stormie's kingdom? I am tired of the green beast which has been there for weeks.
I've also noticed that no one is greater than a level 50. Why is that? Is it yhe end i
Of the game?