View Full Version : Remove animation on coin collection indicators

02-04-17, 02:50 PM
I noticed that recently S8 have realised the importance to support older devices and improve the performance of their games. The recent changes have made my game so much easier to play! I do thank you for that. I do have one suggestion that I think would help and should be easy. I noticed that when a habitat gets full of coins the little hovering icon actually animates, and they don't move in unison. So looking at two full habitats closely, each habitat has it's own independent animation. My game normally runs pretty slow since I'm on an older device, but I see an immediate performance boost when I go around and collect from all my habitats. The game just scrolls more smoothly. Also whenever I need to make sure the game doesn't crash on me while I do something important, I do a quick pass around my island to pop all these icons. I've even gone so far as to move all my dragons onto premium habitats with higher limits, sell all remaining unnecessary habitats, sell my coin boost buildings to slow down coin accumulation, move babies into my solo diamond habitats to, pack my barn full of higher level dragons and put babies (that generate coins slower) out; all to reduce the impact these icons have to my game.

Can S8 make the icons just be static? When you zoom out, the subtle bobbing action isn't even discernible. Or even make them all reference the on animation instance and bob in unison. Maybe for older devices this can be an option. I just never really saw the benefit to the animation since it's such a slight up and down motion. Cranking up the limit at which these icons are displayed would also be nice, since they seem to display at around 1/3 full mark, when really you only need to collect when they're almost full like 2/3.

03-19-17, 01:08 PM
Tbh I think they should just have a toggle to turn off automatic collecting. A lot of players don't even need to collect coins anymore, and these icons not only slow the game but cloud the view of all the habitats you have built up. Clicking on the habitat to collect the coins would be the alternative, a bit like the farms.