View Full Version : What do you consider basic parts?

01-30-17, 01:40 PM
I just thought I would post a thread to see what everyone considers basic parts. My neighbors love to gift oven element everyday. I understand that gets used almost if not every time with goals. But what is basic? What other parts have been used a lot?

01-30-17, 04:33 PM
Nowadays, it's just oven element. Before, they used to be screws, gears, paint, motor, knob, metal sheet, etc.

02-07-17, 08:57 AM
I send Oven Elements, too. Occasionally I will send a motor, screw, gear or paint, just for the heck of it, but mostly it's the elements because we need them so often!!

If the goal oven requires 8 elements and you get four or five ovens you can deplete the oven element supply pretty quickly!

10-02-17, 04:38 PM
So would a yellow knob be considered a basic part?

10-02-17, 04:40 PM
At this point I think every part is valuable. Oven element yes. But I'm trying to keep a healthy stock of pretty much every part...except dragon scales.

10-02-17, 07:52 PM
Ok thank you. I have one neighbor that gets "feisty" if I send parts she doesn't think are basic. Smh

10-03-17, 02:54 PM
I consider basic parts to be gear, paint, fuse, knob, metal sheet, etc.

I never gift oven elements because I’ve seen several neighbors say they never want those. I have 100 oven elements and always decline them as gifts.

I send random parts unless there’s a goal, except to those who prefer basic parts or food.

10-04-17, 12:03 PM
I consider basic parts to be fuse, gear, oven elements, gears, knobs, metal sheets, motor, nozzle, paint, blue motor, screw, spring, wiring.. I dont gift oven elements to much anymore and i personally have over 500 of them...so i decline them.

10-04-17, 05:52 PM
At this point, it looks like goal ovens are each using 3 parts: one new, one unusual, and one basic.

Specifically, the last 6 goals, not counting the vampire mixer short goal, have used knobs, wiring, fuses and oven elements twice each, and gears, nozzles, metal sheets and springs once each.

The unusual parts ranged from not so unusual (cooling coils) to only used in one other long-unavailable oven (drum sticks).

There are right now 179 non-food gifts.

So if you started from absolutely no parts, and got 20 gifts per day, assuming even distribution, by the time the next goal rolls around in 2 weeks, you would have only 1 or 2 of each (technically, 14 days x 20 gifts per day divided by 179 possible gifts is 1.56 of each, but you can't have fractional gifts). So you might have 4 parts needed for the first oven, if you're lucky.

However, if you got 20 gifts per day that were only the 8 basic parts, you'd have 35 of each, and plenty of whichever one was used for the first oven, unless it broke the 1 new, 1 basic, 1 weird pattern.

It's not a perfect equation, of course--most people aren't starting from zero. But I pretty much stopped collecting basic parts when every appliance released was only using oven elements and have by now used my whole stash, so at this point I'm much preferring basic parts as more useful than random ones, cause of math.

10-22-17, 11:24 AM
I started playing in 2013 and stopped for awhile and only got back to both Bakery and Reataurant Story not too long ago. Back in 2013, screws, gears, paints m sheets, fuse, wirings, springs were considered basic parts. And because of the hiatus i took, i came back half clueless on what neighbours today consider as basic parts. I had a nbr who deleted because i kept sending what i considered a basic part.

Now i consider oven element as a basic part too as most of the newer ovens need it.

Good that i stumbled across this thread