View Full Version : Issue with Decorations

01-26-17, 02:23 PM
Hey guys! I've seen a lot of my neighboors having a few decoration items that I have been dying to have, yet I can not find them for them the life of me. They are also several levels below me, so I know it's not a level issue.

A few of them are:
Yummy Sweets
Nippon Sweets

If anyone can tell me how I can obtain them, it would be greatly appericated!!

01-26-17, 04:04 PM
Are you sure you don't see it in decorations tab? I still have them available for purchase so they're not removed.

Yummy Sweets was a part of this update - http://blog.storm8.com/post/113911235519/new-content-for-march-16-20-2015
Nippon Sweets was a part of this update - http://blog.teamlava.com/post/111995966735/new-content-for-february-23-27-2015

As far as I know, these should be unlocked even if you start playing after they were released since they weren't part of goals. Maybe someone who started playing in 2016 can confirm for you.

01-26-17, 09:38 PM
Hi lunafreyax3! Welcome to the android experience of playing Bakery Story! (That was sarcastically cheery.)

Those items were released in the Tokyo Sweets version and the Pastry Shop version. If you weren't playing in early 2015 when those versions were released then obviously you didn't download them, so the content specific to those versions isn't available to you. Non-sarcastically, I'm sorry.

02-07-17, 06:40 AM
I only started last spring and I have the items available

02-11-17, 05:08 PM
I have a question certain items is locked because of a goal i didn't meet how can i purchase them

02-12-17, 06:33 PM
I have a question certain items is locked because of a goal i didn't meet how can i purchase them

Unfortunately, you can't. Unless you're lucky, the developers will decide to gives us a sale (Limited Time Offer = LTO) where they'll re-release goal decor items so the newer players will have a chance to purchase it at a lower / normal price. Just like the recent sale for Valentine's.

Btw, really sorry about the wrong info! That was for RS, not BS.

02-13-17, 09:15 AM
Unfortunately, you can't. Unless you're lucky, the developers will decide to gives us a sale (Limited Time Offer = LTO) where they'll re-release goal decor items so the newer players will have a chance to purchase it at a lower / normal price. Just like the sale for Valentine's.

However, don't know if you're aware but just to give you a heads up. Certain appliances for sale this Valentine's, like the Cupid's Fountain was actually a goal appliance from last year's Valentine's goal. So even if you buy one, only the first recipe will be unlocked. If you didn't complete the goal last year; the other 2 recipes will remain locked. Sucks, but it also holds true for some of the appliances in the appliances tab as well. Sigh.

I do not see the Cupid Fountain in my appliance list, do you know where I can find it?

02-13-17, 06:05 PM
I do not see the Cupid Fountain in my appliance list, do you know where I can find it?

oh my goodness, that was really silly of me! I'm so sorry, I thought I was replying to a thread in Restaurant Story. So sorry! I wouldn't know if there's a Cupid's Fountain in BS but in RS, it definitely is there! Once again, so sorry for the misinformation!