View Full Version : Are social hearts useless?

01-21-17, 04:06 AM
Hello, I have a question.
When I tap on friends' or people from community hearts, I increase my social valuation. But I have still not understood the needing of doing this: I reached four full hearts but not compensation given.
So, is social valuation completely useless?
Thank you

01-21-17, 09:31 AM
To a point, yes. It doesn't do anything for your restaurant. Though when people are looking at the community tab your place could stand out to someone because you have more stars than someone below or above you, but still... Useless

01-22-17, 06:44 AM
1. You can leave a tip when you visit others and vice versa for others who visit you. You get coins from tips.

2. A higher Social Rating increases your chances of appearing at the top of the Community list when other players are looking for someone to visit.

01-23-17, 09:15 PM
For me, I do it for the trophy you can get after literally thousands and thousands of hearts. I tend to do it when Im trying to fall asleep lol. Otherwise, there's not much point in doing so other than returning the favors of those who took the time to tip you :)

01-31-17, 06:35 AM
A lot of players will only accept and keep 3 or 4 star tippers as nbrs.
They feel that nbrs with a low tip rate are a waste of time.
Keep tipping!