View Full Version : Can not expand?

01-15-17, 08:13 PM
I am trying to expand to the next section for me which is 22x25 and for ages it said I needed 10,000,000 coins and a certain number of neighbors. I finally got enough new neighbors and now it just shows expand for 10,000,000 coins and nothing about needing new neighbors but when I click on it to expand it says I don't have enough neighbors, invite your friends to be your neighbors. I do have 54. I looked to see if I could find anything in the forum anywhere but could not find anything about expansions. Thankyou in advance for your help.

01-15-17, 08:17 PM
Oh good grief! after searching for so long, literally as soon as I left this post, I found the information!! although it said the next expansion was 22x24 and I needed 56 neighbors, I clicked in my game again to check but I cliccked on the side instead of the bottom and the expansion worked! You can delete this thread if you like! :)

01-16-17, 04:45 AM
Glad you worked this out. Congratulations on your new expansion! :)