View Full Version : Update Day 1/3/2017

01-03-17, 10:04 AM
Happy New Year!
First update of the year... What will it bring?

https://68.media.tumblr.com/ebbc87504a8327bef4dd04fd12c1de91/tumblr_inline_oj7xz0QcpJ1qm7yoc_540.pngA new year brings new resolutions! Your Boutique is here to help you find your strength, center, and inner peace. Bust out some new moves with the Yogaquin in Fashion Story (https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Ffashio nstory&t=ODYyYWY4NjljNzlkMDU1YTc4MGY0N2IxYjA1ZTBhNTVjNTg4 NWI5YixFQnRYZEJ2Yg%3D%3D&b=t%3AMiGO39LPuGPNy0wIKroVXg&p=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.storm8.com%2Fpost%2F1553544644 49%2Fnew-content-for-january-3-6-2017&m=1)!
Stretch it out with:

Yoga Mats decoration
Sporty Pants catalog
Sporty Top catalog

01-03-17, 11:34 AM
Whatever it is, I hope the catalog will move away from 10 hours and low profit.

01-03-17, 01:01 PM
Whatever it is, I hope the catalog will move away from 10 hours and low profit.

7 hour yoga outfit, very pink, cute. XP is huge, yield is decent, profit low.

Under the design tab, relaxation display 2x2 for 24 gems, yoga mats 1x1 for 35,000 coins, yogaquin for 40,000 coins, mat rack for wall at 15 gems.

There's also a faux antler wall rack for 10 gems that doesn't fit the theme but is marked "new."

01-04-17, 12:06 AM
They finally got Fuchsia right!! It took them years to get the right shade of pink finally into this game, but too bad it's just a workout outfit. Please make many more outfits in this specific color!

The head-less mannequin is creepy! Just to clarify, I'm talking about the one that stretches her leg behind her body. Please fix this and give her a head. I placed it in my store and had to immediately put it in storage, it just doesn't look right without a head. Also, it would be even better if she looked more human and less plastic, i.e. skin color, eyes, hair etc.

01-04-17, 04:00 AM
The only thing I like is the relaxation display.

Really missed the days when we're so excited about the updates. Now it just seem soooo quiet. :(

01-04-17, 12:33 PM
Agree with CuteTali that the pale headless mannequins are really creepy. Storm8, could you please give them heads, facial features, and normal skin tones?

I do love the fuchsia color in the catalog (yes they finally did get it right), especially the sporty top. Hoping for more catalogs featuring this color.