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View Full Version : Happy Holidays - Catering Event! - Dec 22, 2016

[S8] Regina
12-22-16, 03:34 PM

Requires level 10+ | Minimum game version is iOS 1.7.2/Android 1.7.1


[S8] Regina
12-22-16, 03:34 PM
Extra Information provided by the moderators
Happy Holidays Cruise! This is a 10 days cruise.

Welcome ELFonzo, the Holiday Elf, and learn the recipe for his delicious holiday Elf Hat Cupcakes!


Catering Cruise Guides

Cruise Day
This cruise uses Set A in https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?83244-Cruise-Event-Guide&p=1343792&viewfull=1#post1343792

Once you have completed all 10 days, ELFonzo will visit your restaurant every 4 hrs and drop you ingredient to make the Elf Hat Cupcakes (gem recipe).



Elf Hat Cupcakes: 20/30/40

[S8] Regina
12-22-16, 03:34 PM
Extra Information provided by the moderators

Pint-sized Pastry Chef!!

Goal 1
Serve Tomato Soup x1
Learn Eggnog Tart
Win a Snowy Holiday Tree in Day 2 of the Happy Holiday Cruise!
REWARDS: 1,000 coins, 50 xps

Goal 2
Master Eggnog Tart to Star Level 1
Serve Sugar Cookies x4
REWARDS: Rewards are 1,000 coins and 1 mastery spice

Goal 3
Master Eggnog Tart to Star Level 2
Serve Elf Hat Cupcakes x1
REWARDS: Snowy Oven

Snowy Oven and Willow the chef

Limited Recipes
Eggnog Tart


Eggnog tart mastery levels:
Level 1: 3 cooks
Level 2: 6 cooks
Level 3: 10 cooks
Takes 4 eggs, 2 sugar, 2 cream
Cooks 1 1/2 hours, 200 coins to learn
Serves 300 and gives 1,200 coins

12-22-16, 03:58 PM
For the Pint-sized Pastry Chef goal, is the reward the Snowy Oven that was released last year, or a new different oven?

12-22-16, 04:01 PM
When will it auto start? After Christmas Day I hope.

12-22-16, 04:25 PM
For the Pint-sized Pastry Chef goal, is the reward the Snowy Oven that was released last year, or a new different oven?

Oven is from last year.

12-22-16, 09:57 PM
same same but different...
so disappointed

12-23-16, 12:42 AM
Agreed. But I'm happy to see that they are giving others a chance to get the appliance again :) I would rather have a "second chance" cruise that has all the customers from other events come in so we can master older recipes. I'm still miffed about the root beer.

12-23-16, 04:49 AM
I am seeing the recipe in the Jubilee Oven .... is Snowy Oven the Oven from last Christmas cruise? That's the cruise I couldn't finish because on Day 10, Storm8 locked my account on all games. I was hoping for a chance to try again, since they just repeated the Timmy cruise. Disappointed...

12-23-16, 09:02 AM
Yes the new recipe will be on the jubilee oven and the Snowy oven is the same stove from last year that you will get if you complete the side goal that runs concurrently with the cruise. So if you want the oven you will have to complete both the cruise and side goal. Good Luck!

Goal 2 Rewards are 1,000 coins and 1 mastery spice

Eggnog tart mastery levels:
Level 1: 3 cooks
Level 2:
Level 3:
Takes 4 eggs, 2 sugar, 2 cream
Cooks 1 1/2 hours, 200 coins to learn
Serves 300 and gives 1,200 coins

12-23-16, 11:10 AM
Guys please, when does it auto start? I'm on road trip literally to the middle of the desert starting in two days, and have no idea on how will be the internet, probably only in the hotels at night..... I want this guy soooo bad!!!

12-23-16, 11:36 AM
Also, how much would it cost to me to get it all done in the last day, after it departs or whatever?

12-23-16, 04:52 PM
Another recipe on the jubilee oven when there's already no way to keep up with cooking the current gem recipes and oh nooo no second jubilee oven in sight yet :mad:

12-24-16, 01:31 AM
Yes the new recipe will be on the jubilee oven and the Snowy oven is the same stove from last year that you will get if you complete the side goal that runs concurrently with the cruise. So if you want the oven you will have to complete both the cruise and side goal. Good Luck!

Goal 2 Rewards are 1,000 coins and 1 mastery spice

Eggnog tart mastery levels:
Level 1: 3 cooks
Level 2: 6 cooks
Level 3: 10 cooks
Takes 4 eggs, 2 sugar, 2 cream
Cooks 1 1/2 hours, 200 coins to learn
Serves 300 and gives 1,200 coins
Updated cooks for recipe.. hope that was okay!!

12-24-16, 05:21 PM
No one??

12-24-16, 09:23 PM
Also, how much would it cost to me to get it all done in the last day, after it departs or whatever?

Do you think they add up all the gems needed for each day and then that would be the cost?

Updated cooks for recipe.. hope that was okay!!

Of course it is! Thanks for updating!

12-25-16, 04:34 PM
Yes, that's what I need to know how much would it cost by the end of the cruise... I'm getting like 20 min internet a day, no way to finish it, but considering paying gems...

12-26-16, 04:25 AM
It's around $50 worth of gems.

12-26-16, 04:26 AM
Could anyone find out meanwhile the auto start day?
Thx a lot in advance, happy holidays,

12-26-16, 01:33 PM
i don't know if this helps but the last cruise I didn't complete I had an offer to purchase the character for 1300 gems. Idk if they still cost this much though.

12-31-16, 08:31 AM

As of now, I have no idea how many hours pass between Elfonzo's visits :b

01-01-17, 01:20 AM
Surprise, Surprise....yet another cruise event that cannot be completed without using actual cash to purchase "gems" to complete the game. That sucks!! Just once I would like to complete a cruise without purchasing gems and since I will not use my creditcard to make a gem purchase, I guess I will have to continue to not complete the cruise events. Guess it is time to stop playing the cruises. Maybe I will take 2017 off from this game. I will save my gems and catch up with it next holiday cruise. I will just go back to playing Farm Story 2...at least that game you can see results with the games and challenges they offer :)

01-01-17, 04:10 AM
4 hour timer.

01-01-17, 10:46 PM
For being this long the Elf should drop more. It is always just 1 jar of what ever it is that gets dropped. Luckily I have a bunch of gems and didn't have to rely on that.

It goes from 20, 30, 40. At least sugar isn't involved. That would of been horrible.

01-02-17, 02:35 PM
He drops molasses. I've only ever had 1 as well.

01-02-17, 02:36 PM
Is anyone seeing a new chef with the snowy oven? Or is it just the oven? I'm not seeing a new chef...

01-02-17, 06:18 PM
Another recipe on the jubilee oven when there's already no way to keep up with cooking the current gem recipes and oh nooo no second jubilee oven in sight yet :mad:

I couldn't agree more! I have now 13 recipes on my very crowded oven! Some have over 600 icons waiting to be cooked. Every new event the first place I look is under appliances for the option to buy another jubilee oven. SIGH

01-02-17, 06:19 PM
Is anyone seeing a new chef with the snowy oven? Or is it just the oven? I'm not seeing a new chef...

I believe the new chef that you are referring to comes with the ghostly stove. I believe that there are 2 chefs that come with it. Hopefully we will have a second chance soon, as I take the snowy oven as a good sign.

01-02-17, 07:00 PM
Is anyone seeing a new chef with the snowy oven? Or is it just the oven? I'm not seeing a new chef...

It's just the oven for me; I didn't get another Willow. Maybe we got Willow previously because it was the Day 10 cruise prize? Or maybe we are limited to only one Willow?

Has anyone who received this Snowy Oven for the first time also gotten Willow the chef as well?

01-02-17, 11:32 PM
That's what I should've said lol. I am not seeing a pint size chef with this particular snowy oven. The ghost pirate was a completely different stove/chef than this one.

01-05-17, 06:46 AM
Oven is from last year.

Guys please, when does it auto start? I'm on road trip literally to the middle of the desert starting in two days, and have no idea on how will be the internet, probably only in the hotels at night..... I want this guy soooo bad!!!

Could anyone find out meanwhile the auto start day?
Thx a lot in advance, happy holidays,

Sorry I couldnt get an answer earlier. The cruise auto started on 1st Jan (you should be mid way through your cruise). Good luck!

01-07-17, 01:26 AM
It's just the oven for me; I didn't get another Willow. Maybe we got Willow previously because it was the Day 10 cruise prize? Or maybe we are limited to only one Willow?

Has anyone who received this Snowy Oven for the first time also gotten Willow the chef as well?

I have just received the Snowy Oven for the first time and have gotten a new yellowy coloured chef..

01-07-17, 07:32 AM
I have just received the Snowy Oven for the first time and have gotten a new yellowy coloured chef..

Ah ha, you have solved the mystery for us all! Congratulations and Thanks! :) I'll add this to event post.

01-08-17, 05:43 PM
Sorry I couldnt get an answer earlier. The cruise auto started on 1st Jan (you should be mid way through your cruise). Good luck!

Sooo, I finally got some internet on my way back to civilization (lol) rushed through the first couple days and got on track by day 6-7, looking good to finish in 2 days :) thanks anyway!