View Full Version : My apple trees disappeared

12-20-16, 10:25 PM
Have had so many crashes with last 2 upgrades. Deleted and reinstalled to see if that would help. It didn't. To top it off, suddenly my row of apple trees which bordered my stone wall. just disappeared. I rebooted twice but they are still gone. If I look in the market it shows I bought 8/8. Help!35089

35090Using Farm Story 2 v 2.6.2. Have had crashes frequently with this and prior version. Now suddenly my 8 apple trees disappeared. They were next to the stone wall in a row next to the maple tree. I am using an iPod which I think is running iOS 8.3. Have deleted and reinstalled app after 2.6.2 did not resolve crashing issues but they continue. So 2 issues: missing trees and crashes. :(

12-21-16, 07:12 AM
Can you update your iOS to latest 10.2? Then go into your farm and click on the spots where your apple trees were, are you able to see them or they still there?

As for crashing, good connections and plenty of device resources and space play a part. Have you tried the suggestions in https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?88875-Please-read-this-before-posting-bug-reports&p=1301035&viewfull=1#post1301035? If not, can you try?

Please let me know how it goes for you. I'm hoping updating your iOS will resolve your apple trees issue.

12-21-16, 09:44 PM
I upgraded to iOS 9.3.5 which is the latest available for my iPad. I was able to get the trees back by tapping on each space 2x. Still crashing. As I mentioned, I have tried rebooting and deleting and reinstalling app. Also, I usually close all other apps before playing. It seems to me that there must be a clutch in the use of device memory Based upon observation. It seems that if I play more slowly, the game keeps up better. Of course, that's not much fun. I will re-read the suggestions to be sure I didn't make as any. Thank you for helping with the trees. I knew they had to be there.

12-23-16, 02:44 AM
Glad to hear that you got your apple trees back! :)

I'm not sure what specific device you're using but from what I know, only the later generations of iOS devices are able to update to the latest iOS 10.2. I encountered some of the issues you mentioned when I was previously playing on an older device. My device lacked resources so my game froze midway and very laggy. Here were what I did to make it run a little better but they didnt resolve it totally. The issues were solved when I got a new device.
- clear farm wall to reduce loading time
- store away all decorations
- reduce the number of neighbours
- always clearing hearts on farm buildings (ask neighbours not to heart)

I maintained my device by doing the following every few days or weekly.
Always keep the latest software version for your device (e.g. operating software and game)
Make sure your device has plenty of space (by clearing unwanted apps, photos, documents, etc.)
Clear cache
Disconnect and connect to your cellular or wifi
Restart device