View Full Version : Thanksgiving County Fair - no grand prize turkey

11-27-16, 02:36 AM
So I've completed the event and supposedly won the turkey but he is nowhere to be found. I depleted my gems and money to finish the event. I thought perhaps I had to place the cornucopia habitat to find my turkey so I spent $3000 to get it (nearly all the money I had left) but still no turkey. ☹️😠😓🤒 I found him with no problem on my iPhone farm but on my iPad farm, nothing.

11-27-16, 03:08 AM
I just completed the last day of the event & apparently earnt the turkey. But it's nowhere to be found. Not in my storage or even with my other turkey in the cornucopia habitat. Highly disappointing. What an utter waste of time & effort. Please give me my turkey!

11-27-16, 05:03 AM
So I've completed the event and supposedly won the turkey but he is nowhere to be found. I depleted my gems and money to finish the event. I thought perhaps I had to place the cornucopia habitat to find my turkey so I spent $3000 to get it (nearly all the money I had left) but still no turkey. ☹️😠😓🤒 I found him with no problem on my iPhone farm but on my iPad farm, nothing.

I just completed the last day of the event & apparently earnt the turkey. But it's nowhere to be found. Not in my storage or even with my other turkey in the cornucopia habitat. Highly disappointing. What an utter waste of time & effort. Please give me my turkey!

Can you restart your device and check your farm cellar again? Please let me know if your turkey is still missing.

11-27-16, 08:26 AM
Device restarted and still no turkey

11-27-16, 08:31 AM
Let me report this over and ask the team to check. Will post when I've more news. Thanks.

11-27-16, 09:46 AM
I can't play the game on the iPad, keeps logging me out. Everything is fine on the iPhone though, found my turkey there

11-27-16, 11:20 AM
Bug posts from members not getting their turkey are moved to bug thread. Thanksgiving County Fair - no grand prize turkey (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?95810-Thanksgiving-County-Fair-no-grand-prize-turkey). Please see my reply there.

As for others who are having this issue, please make a report there. Thanks.

I haven't gotten my turkey either :(

11-27-16, 11:42 AM
I completed the fair and did not receive my turkey either. I've restarted, rebooted etc, please let me know where/when I can get my prize. Thanks.

11-27-16, 11:49 AM
Hi I haven't received my turkey either he's nowhere to be found! I worked so hard to get him. I've restarted my device and everything. It's an iPhone. Don't use any other devices. Please help! :)

11-27-16, 04:39 PM
Update: Solved

Hey guys, great news! The team sent out a search party for your missing turkey. They were found and returned to your farms. :D Please restart game and check cellar.

11-27-16, 05:18 PM
Yay, I got it... Thank you for your help!