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View Full Version : The Bohemian Collection- 1 November 2016

11-01-16, 08:04 PM
Cooper's furniture design has some limited-time decor which will be available for 29 days! This new decor includes 7 new Bohemian Items which can be made through Cooper's Furniture Exchange. There is also an option to use one fabric swatch to only make one bohemian furniture, although fabric swatches are only accessible with gems at this time.

Goal Line:
The Bohemian Collection:
Have an Elephant Chair x1
Have a Bohemian Table x1
Have Bohemian Counter x1
Have Bohemian Wallpaper x1
Have Bohemian Tile x1
Have a Bohemian Wall Light x1
Have a Bohemian Tea Set x1
Rewards: 1 Unknown Decoration

1 Thank You Note, 1 Fabric Swatch for a guaranteed Bohemian item,
1 Thank You Note for any furniture item.

11-01-16, 08:08 PM
I really do not like this "event". After they changed the drop rate of thank you notes I have been getting only one a day from Liam. At that rate, I'll only get about 29 chances to get all the items. Additionally, I don't know what the reward is as it doesnt show up for me to buy. I have no thank you notes saved up as I just expanded and I am annoyed that they released this without first giving us a way to get fabric swatches. Hopefully Storm8 will fix this to make it better. At the least, just fix the thank you note drop rate again please :(

11-01-16, 09:48 PM
Agree. Very disappointing update :( i have only 4 ty notes, and i didn't get any during last 2 days, despite i was collecting like crazy.
Nothing to talk that i still don't have charlotte's collection completed...

Pitty but this will be the first one i skip.
And if nothing s gonna change, i feel it wont be the last one...

11-02-16, 01:11 AM
Does anyone know how to get swatches? I thought that feature was broken

11-02-16, 02:40 AM
nope, not broken. just meant to spend gems.

So far, you can only get 2 Fabric Swatches as rewards for completing Jenny's Cupcake (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?87196-BAKERY-STORY-2-Goals-Guide&p=1218557&viewfull=1#post1218557) Goal and The Jack Collection 1/2 (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?87196-BAKERY-STORY-2-Goals-Guide&p=1218558&viewfull=1#post1218558) Goal.

11-04-16, 01:48 AM
Ugh, I also still haven't completed Charlotte's Collection. Back when I could still afford to use Thank You Notes on the furniture collection, it would just refuse to drop Charlotte's Table and Charlotte's Chair. Instead, I've got stuff like 5 fruit lights and 3 fruit displays and multiples of a few other things. Now I'm so busy trying to save up for the various expansions that I can't participate in this "event" either. The thing is, I could've sworn that the Thank You Note drop rate increased slightly (very slightly) a month or two ago but then it went back down to 1 a day/every couple days again.

Anyway, do we know if it's more likely for you to receive stuff from the bohemian furniture collection if you do use the furniture exchange? Or is the drop rate of everything equal (you're just as likely to get something from the 3 other collections)?

11-05-16, 02:30 AM
I have absolutely NO extra thank you notes to use for furniture.
Need more thank you notes.

Event? As far as I'm concerned, this event doesn't even exist.

11-05-16, 05:28 AM
I have absolutely NO extra thank you notes to use for furniture.
Need more thank you notes.

Event? As far as I'm concerned, this event doesn't even exist.

agree. weird arrangement with these notes... first, when he dropped them every 2hrs, it was too much coz it was 100% impossible to accumulate enough qtty of other spares to use them.
i think that was the last time they heard us and decreased drop rate.
we still had an excess that we deleted from time to time.
then with this cooper's appliance, it appeared that we are extremely short in these notes.
and now, instead of increase the drop rate to let us get enough for expansions / upgrades - they offer this "event" requiring MORE notes w/o changing the rate - i'm still gerring kinda 1 per 2 or 3 days...
this situation gives a feeling like nobody reads forum petitions... if not even worse - just doesn't care?..

11-07-16, 04:55 PM
Ugh, I also still haven't completed Charlotte's Collection. Back when I could still afford to use Thank You Notes on the furniture collection, it would just refuse to drop Charlotte's Table and Charlotte's Chair. Instead, I've got stuff like 5 fruit lights and 3 fruit displays and multiples of a few other things. Now I'm so busy trying to save up for the various expansions that I can't participate in this "event" either. The thing is, I could've sworn that the Thank You Note drop rate increased slightly (very slightly) a month or two ago but then it went back down to 1 a day/every couple days again.

Anyway, do we know if it's more likely for you to receive stuff from the bohemian furniture collection if you do use the furniture exchange? Or is the drop rate of everything equal (you're just as likely to get something from the 3 other collections)?

I wish they did something like that, but from the 7-8 notes I've used so far I have not gotten a single one so I think it is probably an equal chance. I wish I had a larger sample size to see if it were true, but I'm all out of thank you notes. :(

11-10-16, 05:49 PM
I'm out of fabric swatches & it says when tapped "from furniture supplies" for more. What is furniture supplies?

11-11-16, 01:10 AM
I'm out of fabric swatches & it says when tapped "from furniture supplies" for more. What is furniture supplies?

furniture supplies is the name of appliance in which you exchange thank you notes for decorative items (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?90362-BAKERY-STORY-2-Market-amp-Inventory&p=1323653&viewfull=1#post1323653).

"from furniture supplies" is the wrong indication for swatches. we've asked it to be changed (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?94181-Ingredients-and-recipes-suggestions&p=1343862&viewfull=1#post1343862), but so far it stays as it is.

in fact, you can only get total 2 swatches for completing goals, after which you can only buy it for gems inside of furniture supplies' "recipes".

11-16-16, 01:25 AM
I have completed goals and still don't get fabric swatches. I have messaged them about this and they still won't listen. I don't even have the option to buy with gems on mine, it just tells me I need it. It is so dumb. I have only ever received one and that was when they first made the furniture maker available. They told me to look here in this forum for possible tips, and everyone else is saying exactly what I messaged them about. It is pretty stupid they won't even try. They need to extend the days, and make swatches more accessible. I mean, I know I spend money on gems here and there to get new appliances when they are a goal. I cannot be the only one, so I know they make money off of people. This is ridiculous.

11-29-16, 04:24 PM
With 1 hour remaining and probably close to 50-60 thank you notes used, I have not yet gotten a single item. I have liked all other BS2 events, even these repetitive ones, but I hope to never see this type of event again unpess it goes through some serious changes.

This event will only be viable if Fabric swatches can be obtained without purchasing gems.

12-04-16, 04:43 AM
I need Fabric swatches