View Full Version : How many LeaderBoards have you won

10-13-16, 09:32 PM
Was suppose to look at FFS discussion & went to DS & found this on their thread...

be it bronze, silver or gold trophies or just completion of milestones :)

1)Summer Games Leaderboard Event~~~ ???
2)Magma Mania Leaderboard Event~~~~ ???
3)Scout Race Leaderboard Event ~~~~~ ???

Lvl 40+ here, only 1 time met with a lot of "pay to win" players & that was the most fun I ever had in that group, I forgot it is a 7 or 8 horse race... for lvl 30+ 40+ group getting 10k+ is pretty insane & I am still rank 4 or 5 during the last day lol