View Full Version : Smokehouse

10-10-16, 06:20 PM
Before I got the smokehouse I always had orders for smokehouse items in the plane deliveries. I finally bought the smokehouse a month ago and I haven't received one order for a smokehouse item for plane, hot air balloon, or train. I just think it's odd. Anyone else experience this?

10-11-16, 06:45 AM
Yep. I haven't had a single request for a smokehouse item since I got the building. Had plenty of requests before. I would have unlocked the golden bait lure instead if I had known it was going to go like this.

10-11-16, 08:16 PM
Good tip then leave it and dont buy it thank you I was thinking about getting that next although i have my bait shop

11-16-16, 10:10 PM
Same here, I should have bought the golden lure. Has anyone purchases it????? Is it better?

11-19-16, 10:43 AM
The golden lure requires 1 sardine, 1 gold and 1 silver bell. It takes 7 hours to craft. I actually get more use from the smokehouse than I do the lur just because of the lure's required items to make it. So I personally feel the smokehouse is the better deal (especially with how much gold the quests/events have been using).

05-15-17, 01:35 PM
If I get the smokehouse, will plane delivers and train delivers often ask for smokehouse items? I don't want to get it if I then need to start stocking more of that product. Stocking more smokehouse items, means I have to keep fewer other items, and my barn storage is maxed out.

Right now, seems only occasionally (maybe 1 out of 20) truck deliveries ask for a smokehouse items. Maybe 1 out of 40 train deliveries, and plane deliveries maybe 0. Plane asked sometimes when smokehouse first available, but never now...unless it's such a habit to quickly through them away when they show up, I just don't remember them.

If I get the smokehouse, and the requests still stay at a trickle, I will get the smokehouse. If there is an increase of smokehouse requests, I don't want it.

TL;DR - Does having the smokehouse increase requests for smokehouse products?

06-13-17, 04:27 AM
I don't know for other people, but since I got my smokehouse (months ago) I have not been asked for a single smoked item on any kind of delivery!! Before I got the smokehouse they used to be required quite often 😂

07-12-17, 01:55 PM
I've had the smokehouse for weeks now, and haven't had one single order for any of recipes. NOTHING. What a useless waste of the cowbells I used buying it and unlocking the recipes. 😡