View Full Version : Some Players Received Halloween Goals for 10-05-16 Update

10-05-16, 04:23 PM
Please advise why only some players received goals for Halloween with the 10-05-16 update. Is this only for Android players?

kooky panda
10-05-16, 04:26 PM
I am trying to get more details.
I know that if you completed these goals last time, you will not get these goals again.

kooky panda
10-05-16, 04:44 PM
The only people who will see these old Goals are players who did not start the Goal "That's the Spirit". Players who already progressed through that goal but did not complete the entire Goal Chain will unfortunately be unable to finish the Goal.

Goal thread:

Restaurant Halloween 2013 Goals - Released 2016 (http://forums.storm8.com./showthread.php?59381-Restaurant-Halloween-2013-Goals-Released-2016)