View Full Version : *****ing on results on scouts leaderboard

09-30-16, 11:55 AM
Has anyone else noticed that on the leader boards the results are changed after the timer reaches zero? I was the leader on my
groups leaderboard when the timer reached zero. But when the results were posted I came in third. As I watched the
counter go to zero the one who was listed as first wasn't anywhere near the lead and wasn't! Even moving up in the last 30
seconds but when the leadership board results were posted they suddenly had almost 3000 points higher than mine after
the timer was zero. I smell a rat and don't like being *****ed. Anyone else seeing something similar?

[S8] Elsa
09-30-16, 12:07 PM
If you'd like to report a player, please email support@storm8.com. Please note that the forums is not the appropriate place to report another player. Thank you. :)