View Full Version : New Game logs into old game

09-24-16, 06:48 PM
I was wondering if anybody could help me.

I have the main Bakery Story on my Samsung Tablet and a couple of days ago I downloaded Bakery Story Donuts & Dragons. When I go to log into Donuts & Dragons I am taken straight to my main Bakery Story game. Could someone tell me or direct me whether it is a problem with my tablet or something else.

I would love to play the new game but cannot at present

Thank you

09-25-16, 06:01 AM
The new version will look exactly the same as the old one. If you click on design in the bottom right corner you will see that you now have lots of new things to buy. So don't worry. It is working the way it's supposed to.

09-25-16, 07:01 PM
Thank you for your reply. But I guess I did not make myself clear enough.

When I log into Donuts & Dragons, I do go to my other Bakery Story.. Even starting at the current level I am at in Bakery Story with the food that is cooking there too. Even gems I have and current money I have.

I was hoping to start at level 1 with Donuts & Dragons not Level 28 which I am at in Bakery Story. I have no idea why this is happening, maybe something to do with my Samsung tablet.

09-26-16, 01:06 AM
No I understood what you meant. Lots of people think the same as you but it's not the way it works. The game is all stored on the storm8 servers. It recognises your device so that whatever storm8 game you play on that device will use the same storm8 ID. So say you install Castle Story on that device, your ID would still be Katherine6642. It's exactly the same when you update games. The only way you would be able to start a new bakery would be to start it on a new device.

So it's nothing to do with your Samsung device. It's the same no matter what device you play on. It also doesn't matter if it's android or iOS.

09-26-16, 01:18 AM
Ok Thank you very much. All understood now

10-04-16, 08:42 AM
Its just an update for the original bakery story not a different game. So even if you went on a new device and downloaded the dragons and donuts version and started at level one, it will be the exact same game as the one you have now.