View Full Version : Neighbors quitting Bakery Story

03-05-11, 04:47 PM
Are any of you losing neighbors? Today I finally deleted 5 neighbors who haven't been around for 2 weeks. They either have had spoiled food and haven't picked up their tips in a few weeks, some have announced they are bored and deleting the game, some just have nothing baking, nothing on the counters for awhile now.

Seems like more and more are leaving.

03-05-11, 08:39 PM
I've noticed this in all the story games I play. Really too bad...I'm losing some great neighbors. It's also making it hard to get new nbrs. Most are either upper level and leaving the game due to boredom or newbies that leave after a few days.

03-12-11, 08:43 AM
I've noticed quite a bit of that too. I know for myself, spring is coming and yard work will be demanding more time....so I will be winding it down as well.

Also, when I reach a point where I can no longer expand I seem to lose interest.

03-12-11, 04:13 PM
Sigh at least put up a good looking porn... Say Gabriella Fox? Search her shes hot.

03-12-11, 07:52 PM
What the h is this kids do this game too how sick you are not funny not smart what a idiot