View Full Version : I have an issue with gems...

09-18-16, 02:50 AM
I know this has been said before, but since it just happened to me, AGAIN, I feel compelled to come over here and say something:

This game really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really needs an "Are you sure you want to spend ___ gems?" confirmation step. I just lost another 8 gems, because I unintentionally sped up my stable. This comes on the heels of accidentally losing 20 gems because I was chopping a tree on the bottom of my screen, ran or of energy while doing so, and accidentally chopped my way into purchasing unwanted energy. I play a few other Storm 8 games, but they don't seem to have the unintentional gem spending proclivity of Castle Story. I have occasionally thought, "Should I buy some gems for this quest, or that goal?" But then I remind myself of how I would, in all likelyhood, spend those purchased gems unintentionally, and it stops me from spending my hard earned money on them. It's frustrating to lose gems that I've earned from playing the game, but it would be much more than frustrating if it happened with gems on which I had spent real money.

kooky panda
09-18-16, 07:38 AM
I am sorry this happened to you... Yes, it would be a good feature and feedback has already been passed on.
For additional assistance or to leave more feedback please send an email to support@storm8.com.


Closing thread.