View Full Version : Castle Story: 8/25 Update - A Fiery, Foxy Box | + redeem gift! *EXPIRED*

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08-26-16, 05:41 PM
Am on vacation and just saw this fiery fox event. Bought the fiery mystery box. Why not? Vacationing is expensive. First chop, I got the fiery fox! Tremendous luck for someone who, trust me, is not very lucky. He (she) is very cute. A splendid addition to any kingdom.

08-26-16, 05:57 PM
Got a mystery box as a thank you gift this morning and when I went to place it I noticed I had 3 of them - chopped them up and the third one had a Fire Fox in it. I had bought 1 box yesterday and all I got from it was an apple... So this was nice!

08-26-16, 05:59 PM
Hey everyone!

Heads up that we're pushing out a few updates for this content.

The duration of the Fiery Mystery Box and the associated craft to get the Fire Fox have been extended to 8/31 @ 11:30pm
Additionally, based on everyone's feedback regarding the pricing compared to the drops, we've decided to increase the chops to 2.
As a thank you for your continued support of Castle Story, we're giving everyone Level 10+ a few free Fiery Mystery Boxes! Log in to complete the quest any time between now and 8/31 @ 11:30pm to collect your free boxes!

Thank you everyone for playing Castle Story! Good luck with your boxes and the rest of the Desert Nights event! :)

I'm pleased you decided to offer gifts of Fiery Mystery Boxes and increase the number of chops from one to two, but I still feel disappointed and ripped off for purchasing two of these boxes for 50 diamonds each. As PPs have stated, they do not offer enough rare drops, and if anything, they should be five diamonds/box based on the majority of prizes. Some of us have reached higher levels in the game, and I feel like I've been taken advantage of - especially when lower price points created more rewards. I have been loyal to Castle Story, and for the most part, I've enjoyed playing it. I have to admit, this latest mission feels very much like a cash grab, and an insult to those who play the game. Three Fiery Mystery Boxes do not make up for this disappointment. How do you expect people continue to be loyal to the game when they're being taken advantage of?

08-26-16, 06:12 PM
I bought one box when it was just one chop... Got a simple feast. Bought a second box at two chops a darn wisp and lemon. My three free boxes... I'm not even sure.... But 5 boxes and no fire fox or fur for me. I've been a regular player for a few years now. I'm disappointed

08-26-16, 06:49 PM
I bought 2 boxes. One had a few coins. The other had an earth wisp. Neither contained a rare item or was worth the gems. Shame on you castle story! Will not be playing that quest.

08-26-16, 07:18 PM
After seeing all of the posts here about the lackluster drops from the boxes, I had resolved not to waste 50 gems on this event. But I was really pleased to see S8 responding to the feedback. I chopped my boxes and here is what I got from each:

1) first chop was 1 mermaid scale, second chop was 1 coal (Not what I would call "rare." I was not amused ... But at least it was free)

2) first chop was 1 purple petal (seriously??? Usually I'm maxed on those), second chop royal beam and the Fire Fox! Yay :) (at first I only thought it was the royal beam since the fox was hiding - but I was happy to see it in my inventory)

3) first chop was 1 energy, second chop was 1 rat tail and 1 fire tail

I'm thrilled that I got the fox, but I can't imagine how S8 can call the other drops rare items. It's false advertising, especially for players that may not know about the forum.

I agree with someone who suggested that the boxes should cost 5 gems. Or for something that costs 50 gems, each drop should be more than what you could get in a standard daily collection.

08-26-16, 07:21 PM
I chopped 10 boxes, i got wood, silver ore, red petal, white petal, ... i very disappointed

08-26-16, 07:30 PM
Noodles, lemon, grits, fancy block + spellbound dew, wood, and a earth wisp. Disappointed.

08-26-16, 07:33 PM
I am grateful for the three free boxes and that they doubled the number of chops but it still isn't enough chops for the price and items that can easily be collected daily that we long term players quickly max out on is still a ripoff

Congrats to everyone who got a fox 😄 I only opened one box so I don't know if I'm another Charley or not LOL love the analogy

08-26-16, 07:37 PM
Congrats to those who got the fox in their free boxes!

My three free ones produced: sugar, sap(which I'm maxed on), two spellbound dew, orange petals (which I'm also maxed on), a fire fur and a sweet feast. I can't complain cause they were free but glad I didn't spend gems. The only rare items were the spellbound dew and the fire fur.

08-26-16, 07:50 PM
They not delivering what is promised! The pop-up says...Get a RARE drop with EVERY chop. How is 1 stone block rare? You can make 1 in 15 minutes. Hmph!!

Now they've changed the wording on the pop-up. It no longer says RARE DROP WITH EVERY CHOP. Hmm!!

08-26-16, 08:12 PM
I appreciate the "thank you" gesture from S8, three boxes with two chops is a nice way to say thank you for playing. I was not one of the fortunate ones that got anything rare, no fox fur and no fox. I can't afford to risk 50 gems without knowing I'm getting a fox. My suggestion is you sell the fox for 50 gems and anyone who already spent 50 gems should get a fox. If players cant afford 50 gems then ( similar to spellbound dew) they collect fur from some building or have the ability to make But they need to make it every collection on at least one source . Not like spellbound dew where it's rare to get a dew from flowers and Ivy, I really think they should be able to count on dew from Ivy every time they collect and a little more often from flowers. It will still take a long time but not six months. This is the first time a game has been set up this way and so it's an experiment that I hope from the feedback will prompt further changes as otherwise many players will just not bother to try. I understand that you are a business and need to find ways to improve revenue, just need to find a balance here so you keep your loyal players and those that don't have a lot of money to spend. Thanks S8 for reading and being open to suggestions.

08-26-16, 08:14 PM
It is too bad that it take this many comments to drive home the point that the Castle Story players are not stupid. We all play to relax and have fun not be ripped off. This fire fox is a blatant money grab. Thank for the "free boxes" but I thought they were supposed to be rare drops. Coins, mermaid scales and banners do not make the rare drops list. Glad there are those who have received the foxes but I am opting out of this one.

08-26-16, 08:16 PM
thanks for the free boxes its a shame i didnt get anything useful tho T_T but thanks

08-26-16, 09:06 PM
Thanks for the 3 free boxes gesture. It strengthens my decision not to buy any more after getting 40 coins and 1 xp, 1 petal and 1 xp, 40 coins and 1 whisker

08-26-16, 09:24 PM
Well got 3 free boxes and while I appreciate the offer of free things I got absolutely NOTHING of use from them not even 1 fur so feels like an empty gesture :( :( would have been better to make the fur a rare or extremely rare drop from fire flower or something instead of the free boxes :(

08-26-16, 09:31 PM
I didn't get any free boxes

Sorry. I just checked again. I got them

08-26-16, 09:53 PM
Well got 3 free boxes and while I appreciate the offer of free things I got absolutely NOTHING of use from them not even 1 fur so feels like an empty gesture :( :( would have been better to make the fur a rare or extremely rare drop from fire flower or something instead of the free boxes :(

Three fiery fur, red flower box wisp lantern and a hearty stew, coal which I was maxed on, a few energy and don't know but I was maxed on it. All together not even worth 50 gems. Thankfully the free boxes that confirmed the fact that I'm not buying any.
No fox for my kingdom. What a blatant money grab. Was starting to think better of S8. My blossoming faith has been crushed again :mad::mad::mad:

08-26-16, 10:23 PM
Thank you for the free boxes. I would like to make a request, and perhaps provide a solution to a personal gripe that I would expect has impacted many players.

1) I went all "willy-nilly" after a bad day at the hospital to blow off steam, and bought $20.00 or 530 gems.

2) I spent all of those gems, and over 200 gems I already had on boxes of the single chop variety. I bought approximately 14 or 16 boxes.

3) You read the grievances of the players, and agreed that it was not truly a fair purchase, and agreed your wrongdoing. You then made the boxes double chops.

4) I now feel robbed of 14 attempts at rare items, and rightfully so. I feel punished for being an eager and supportive player that has spent about $1500.00 on this game between my accounts and my kids accounts. That is on this game alone. We don't want to go anywhere near how much my family has supported you financially for my dragon-crazy daughter.

5) I would like to request, and propose a solution for others as well, that spent money and supported your game, and ask for compensation for our losses, especially given the fact that the original pop-up falsely advertised a rare drop with each box. I have two suggestions:

A) Give back 25 gems per 1 chop box bought, or
B) Reimburse your most loyal players that are the kinds of players that I believe you should want to make happy (gem buyers) by taking the number of boxes we/they bought, divide by two, and giving back those opportunities that we lost. For example, I lost approximately 14 attempts at rare items, so 7 boxes would give those opportunities back to me.

6) I have no suggestion, beyond a far more public and sincere apology, for the falsely advertised promise of a rare item in each box, especially since I only got two truly "rare" items. (A fox, and a dew)

7) As a manager at a large accounting firm, I would also like to suggest that your team managers look long and hard at the futures of the employees responsible for both the false advertising and the last issue with the dragons and gold tokens. You are losing some very valuable money-spending players because of these employees, and should perhaps take some kind of action. My first thoughts, without knowing all of the details of both incidents internally within your company, that your review process be changed and updated quickly, before more mistakes like these make it all the way to the consumers.

Thank you and take care,

08-26-16, 11:19 PM
This forum is the best thing about CS. I loved the creativity of contributors :) You guys have made my day!!!

BTW got one noodle pasta from the chopping of the free box and it did try to give me one Royal block but I was maxed out...

08-26-16, 11:29 PM
Thank you S8 for gift! I was lucky to get fox from 3rd box and 2 spellbound dew :)

08-26-16, 11:31 PM
I got the thank you boxes and now I'm debating whether I should chop them for nothing or just leave in my inventory deluding myself that one of them surely hides something nice.

Edit: enchanter essence, earth wisp, spicy feast and glue. The last box I shall leave in peace. Better deco than disappointment. ;)

08-26-16, 11:48 PM
Yay!!! Thanks for the three gift boxes S8 :) It must be my lucky day! Got the Fox in the third box !!! SSSsssweeeeeet!

08-27-16, 12:29 AM
Thank you for the free boxes. I would like to make a request, and perhaps provide a solution to a personal gripe that I would expect has impacted many players.

1) I went all "willy-nilly" after a bad day at the hospital to blow off steam, and bought $20.00 or 530 gems.

2) I spent all of those gems, and over 200 gems I already had on boxes of the single chop variety. I bought approximately 14 or 16 boxes.

3) You read the grievances of the players, and agreed that it was not truly a fair purchase, and agreed your wrongdoing. You then made the boxes double chops.

4) I now feel robbed of 14 attempts at rare items, and rightfully so. I feel punished for being an eager and supportive player that has spent about $1500.00 on this game between my accounts and my kids accounts. That is on this game alone. We don't want to go anywhere near how much my family has supported you financially for my dragon-crazy daughter.

5) I would like to request, and propose a solution for others as well, that spent money and supported your game, and ask for compensation for our losses, especially given the fact that the original pop-up falsely advertised a rare drop with each box. I have two suggestions:

A) Give back 25 gems per 1 chop box bought, or
B) Reimburse your most loyal players that are the kinds of players that I believe you should want to make happy (gem buyers) by taking the number of boxes we/they bought, divide by two, and giving back those opportunities that we lost. For example, I lost approximately 14 attempts at rare items, so 7 boxes would give those opportunities back to me.

6) I have no suggestion, beyond a far more public and sincere apology, for the falsely advertised promise of a rare item in each box, especially since I only got two truly "rare" items. (A fox, and a dew)

7) As a manager at a large accounting firm, I would also like to suggest that your team managers look long and hard at the futures of the employees responsible for both the false advertising and the last issue with the dragons and gold tokens. You are losing some very valuable money-spending players because of these employees, and should perhaps take some kind of action. My first thoughts, without knowing all of the details of both incidents internally within your company, that your review process be changed and updated quickly, before more mistakes like these make it all the way to the consumers.

Thank you and take care,

I have a further suggestion to add. Since this venture was an obvious flop why not cut your losses and just award each player the fox as a gift for the goofs that have been happening with this game as of late? I have played this game for a long time but lately have lost hope and interest. I was getting it back and trying to bring back other friends who also used to play but this "quest" has upset me :( let's get back to the storyline which was just getting interesting again and forget about gem only purchases or timed quests!! Make this game fun again!!

08-27-16, 01:01 AM
thank you for the boxes!

No fox, did get a fur and a spellbound dew (plus living wood, red banner, earth wisp, living wood, stone block and simple feast lol) so they do look pretty but I think I'm gonna pass on buying more lol

08-27-16, 01:13 AM
I have not spent any gems on boxes, nor am I going to. The chance-factor really turns me off and the 1125 gems needed to guarantee the fox is way too high.
But I thank you for the three free boxes even though the only items they yielded that I was not maxed out on is two red banners. This only reinforces my decision not to gamble any gems on them.

08-27-16, 01:26 AM
its such a shame for me cuz i thought s8 really loved me T_T but theyre just like everyone else in my life a disapointment :((((((((((

08-27-16, 01:38 AM
Disappointed in the obvious grab for money, laughed at the 3 boxes that arrived this morning. I'm going to recheck the start of the forum as it seems you can win a fox just from the boxes last looked Thursday night so it seems more info is on the boards off to check now.

Addition: Well what do you know, first chop in second box got the fox.

08-27-16, 02:55 AM
I gave into the temptation and chopped up the boxes and got nothing but one noodle, one statuette and one dew :( This is way I never buy lottery tickets ;) No luck whatsoever

08-27-16, 02:56 AM
Disappointed in the obvious grab for money, laughed at the 3 boxes that arrived this morning. I'm going to recheck the start of the forum as it seems you can win a fox just from the boxes last looked Thursday night so it seems more info is on the boards off to check now.

Addition: Well what do you know, first chop in second box got the fox.

Congrats!!! Do remember to buy lottery tickets

08-27-16, 02:56 AM
I do feel bad for those who did not get the fox in the three boxes. It's once again rewarding only some players. While I was on the lucky side, my sister did not get it leaving her feeling quite jealous. I feel if S8 is saying thank you and so many players are getting the fox it should be all or none but that is just my opinion as there is now a large divide between those with free foxes, those who had to pay and those left empty handed and cannot afford to pay $50 to get enough gems to afford one animal. So while I am happy with my fox I am still, while thinking on it, quite disappointed with this event, even if I am personally happy, I am not happy on a whole and I am sorry for the majority of players and only hope at some point they make the fox more reasonable for you to obtain. Best of luck to those without.

08-27-16, 03:36 AM
12 chops....
wisp lantern
FIRE FAIRY STATUE!! [thou I won my first fair and square in the first community event!]
stone block
mysterious venom + fire fur
wood beam
10 energy

08-27-16, 03:43 AM
the only things worth getting from the box are the fire faery statue [which I got!], golden nugget, expansions permit, or the fox.
pretty small list compared to what you could get!!

08-27-16, 04:14 AM
My three boxes had a rats tail, simple feast, 10 energy, wool, red dye, fire fur and adamant. The energy was apparently extra and didn't come from an individual chop.

08-27-16, 04:20 AM
I am most disappointed and really annoyed to the point of quitting!!!
SHOULD I really appreciate S8 trying to make up AGAIN for their mistakes ?!
NOT appreciating that they CHANGED the offer (i.e "chance of RARE drop on EVERY "hit)
Never know if offers are real nowadays & will REALLY GET WHAT IS ON OFFER!

I have spent my gems/real money on getting boxes (12 +- yes i like to gamble) and this "Gift" is really making me mad:mad: because
a) I havent got a firefox though very happy for those who did
b) didnt get "rare drops" everytime as firstly advertised & then changed so taking my gems/money under false statements
c) drops I got I was maxed out on ... so nothing!

But mostly:
d) AT MYSELF for getting sucked in once again as have loved/played this game from the start and have keeping on hoping S8 would appreciate loyal long term gem players... but obviously not!
I have loved and played this game since the beginning and have been an admitted/commited gem player but NOW...
it seems S8 is sticking their tongues out for spending & with non players getting the rewards (esp this fiasco) ... WHY didnt /dont you let players who have spent enough gems on boxes ESP /OR AT LEAST the ones who spent gems on boxes BEFORE S8 changed the offer ...get the fox free too....have definitely annoyed a major part of your community!!!

I have spent ridiculous amounts here but as MY CHOICE

GOOD LUCK TO THIS FANTASTIC COMMUNITY...have really enjoy this forum and basically is the only most thing I will regret
...reading all the funny witty comments as wont be necessary!

TAKE CARE YA'LL.... hope one day S8 (or whoever!) will finally appreciate your efforts PROPERLY but for me... I admit defeat and step away from all this *sob* !

08-27-16, 04:21 AM
Me too! I got one and I got 2 leaves that didn't even show up in my workshop and a block. I am getting tired of buying stuff that's not worth anything. Like that bakery I bought.

08-27-16, 05:03 AM
Thank you S8 for the three free fire boxes as a thank you.
as i opened each one, all had the "you can't hold more..." black box for items I was full up on.
I would have been very disappointed to have spent gems for that return.
as meager as the items were, (fur, silver ore,etc.) you should at least let us have them for 50 gems per box!
just saying...

edit: I need to add, that the were not a single "rare drop" per hit. they were all common items.

08-27-16, 07:28 AM
So, after my first post, I bought four more boxes because I really want that Fire Faerie Statue. It's the only item that I don't have since the game began, because I was (once again) in the hospital and could not finish the quest. I was SO close, too! I'm such a sucker sometimes!! It's more OCD than sucker, but hey... Lol.. I don't even remember what was in the boxes. I just know that it neither rare, nor my statue. My preciousssssssss Statue...
- Ellie

08-27-16, 07:57 AM
Thank you S8 for the boxes. However, the only thing remotely usable in my boxes was a golden apple. So I stand by my frugality. And I don't want that nice lot in the Everglades either ;)

08-27-16, 10:53 AM
I bought 10, yes, 10 fire mystery boxes and received 2, yes 2 fox furs and lots of stars and fruits! 😤

08-27-16, 11:11 AM
Although I've been playing Castle Story for some time now, this is the first time I've been on this forum. Does anyone know if the Storm8 folks care that we're unhappy with this latest development? Does the game developer use our feedback to alter the game? Basically, I'm wondering if our combined comments will bring change about, or if we're wasting our time bringing up unjust game additions. Anyone know?

08-27-16, 11:19 AM
Happy for those who did receive the Firefox. For myself only had one fire fur & items already maxed on.

I hope that this type of event is not the future of CS. I have already lost too many lovely neighbours.:(

08-27-16, 11:26 AM
You'd think as a Thankyou EVERYONE would get the fox. I'm one of the lucky ones that did...BUT it's really not fair for those that didn't get it. Doesn't really make sense.

08-27-16, 11:58 AM
I got the fox on my sec. Account

08-27-16, 01:21 PM
Although I've been playing Castle Story for some time now, this is the first time I've been on this forum. Does anyone know if the Storm8 folks care that we're unhappy with this latest development? Does the game developer use our feedback to alter the game? Basically, I'm wondering if our combined comments will bring change about, or if we're wasting our time bringing up unjust game additions. Anyone know?
I don't think it makes much of a difference. There are small changes, but the big issues are not addressed ( see leaderboard). I think, this just gives us an opportunity to vent, commiserate and, most importantly help each other out.
So, again "Thank You" to all the helpful members out there.

08-27-16, 02:24 PM
Those 3 boxes were so not worth it - thank goodness they were free! 1 flour, 1 earth wisp, 1 stone block (which I am maxed t on) 1 living wood and 11 energy.

Mind you, I think it accurately portrays how much I think S8 care for the players.

08-27-16, 03:00 PM
First of all I would like to thank S8 for sending the 3 boxes, unfortunately I was not one of the lucky ones to get the fox! My 1st box gave me a Earth wisp and Fire Faerie Statue. Second chop nothing as I was maxed out! 2nd box, spellbound dew, 1 golden egg. Second chop bacon! 3rd box, 1 iron ore and a apple pie, nothing with second chop! I would love to know what percentage of boxes actually had a fox in it? I also am grateful that I didn't buy any boxes because it is obvious after reading the forum that it was not worth it!!! Thank you form community for all the great advice and help. It would be nice if S8 took some of their advice and made this game fair and enjoyable again!

08-27-16, 04:42 PM
I have recently come up with a new suggestion for those players that got a fur or two and no fox:

1) Hold your fox fur in your hand high and proudly!
2) With a maniacal cackle, proclaim, "Dat vermint dun tastes just like chicken!"
3) Make a fox fur hat for them chilly days out huntin' more squirrelly foxes.
4) Occasionally say, "Be vewy vewy quiet.. I'm huntin' foxes." And twitch a little and blink too much as you say this.

My alternative suggestion to those of you that got the Fire Faerie Statue that I so desperately wanted.. My preciousssssss Fire Faerie Statue. So proud. So beautiful. So regal. So not in one of my 18 boxes:
1) Place your hoard of Santa's elves around it for protection, because I'm "in the market" for one of those statues and I "know a guy." *wink*

I would like to thank S8 for providing me a login and forum for my very first (3) posts in a game forum ever, and I would like to thank my pharmacist for the inspiration for the content in these posts.
This post was brought to you by the letter "Y," and the numbers, "Blue," and "Pickles."

Take care! (Of your preciousssssss Fire Faerie Statue)

08-27-16, 06:09 PM
I've been chopping everywhere trying to find fox fur to make my fox. I should have came to the forum sooner, I now see I was wasting my chops.
I wasn't one of the lucky ones, I got one fur from my 3 boxes. Congratulations to those of you that got one.

08-27-16, 06:52 PM
Lately, I've been reading earlier post from years past from neighbors to the forum. It's perfectly clear that nothing has really changed with S8. They've had creation issues, math problems and, unrealistic quest for years. I don't understand why they can't get it right. I'll be glad to see the Desert Nights come to an end, I'm tired of getting useless items from the ponds, libraries. I'm sinking in all this sand! Oh, yes, I'm happy for those who were fortunate to get the Fox. My 3 boxes had grits, cake, sugar. I'm not going crazy for a fox.

08-28-16, 02:03 AM
Um... What?!? So the cheapest way to get the fox really is 1125 gems? For one tiny speck of a pixel fox! No thanks!

On the plus side, now I feel like spending 520 gems for the gold mine was a bargain! ;)

Wait - there was a gold mine? I didn't get a notification. Was it iOS only?

And now to stay on topic: the fox is expensive! How about offering a pet raccoon instead!

08-28-16, 02:32 AM
Wait - there was a gold mine? I didn't get a notification. Was it iOS only?

And now to stay on topic: the fox is expensive! How about offering a pet raccoon instead!
Gold mine was released for a few days - new items and sales are in the main thread... The limited Gold mine purchase has expired.

08-28-16, 06:01 AM
Wait - there was a gold mine? I didn't get a notification. Was it iOS only?

And now to stay on topic: the fox is expensive! How about offering a pet raccoon instead!
I think the gold mine was available for both. Not sure because I have iOS. It's a good idea to read the new sales thread like SW suggested, because for some reason they don't do pop ups for most limited time sales and you only find out about them by browsing through the market categories frequently and checking the sales thread.

08-28-16, 01:42 PM
Gold mine was released for a few days - new items and sales are in the main thread... The limited Gold mine purchase has expired.

I never saw the notification for a gold mine.

08-28-16, 01:46 PM
Although I've been playing Castle Story for some time now, this is the first time I've been on this forum. Does anyone know if the Storm8 folks care that we're unhappy with this latest development? Does the game developer use our feedback to alter the game? Basically, I'm wondering if our combined comments will bring change about, or if we're wasting our time bringing up unjust game additions. Anyone know?

I have been playing this game since 2013. I do believe they listen to our feedback and the more vocal people are the better the chance of them taking action.

08-28-16, 02:17 PM
I have been playing this game since 2013. I do believe they listen to our feedback and the more vocal people are the better the chance of them taking action.

Thanks for your feedback. I hope they listen this time, too.

08-28-16, 02:20 PM
I don't think it makes much of a difference. There are small changes, but the big issues are not addressed ( see leaderboard). I think, this just gives us an opportunity to vent, commiserate and, most importantly help each other out.
So, again "Thank You" to all the helpful members out there.

Thanks for responding. I appreciate the perspective. :-)

I honestly don't know how they think they will be able to retain new players, and some of the longer-term players, with this challenge. It's disappointing. I think I'll stick around to hit the 50 mark (which will be soon), then delete the game from my device. I can't see myself supporting a game any more.

08-29-16, 07:02 AM
I captured a fox in a box


This is how I did my boxes , when I got them brought one out ,, one chop next day another chop and so last box the last chop I got my fox

08-29-16, 11:49 AM
I captured a fox in a box

So happy for you!! :o

I wasn't lucky enough :(


I don't quite understand the logic of how this "event" went down.

Not sure how any item could be worth 1125gems?? :confused:

Why weren't the Fire Furs weren't a guaranteed drop from the Fiery Mystery Box?? :confused:

Would've made more sense if Fire Furs were a rare drop from somewhere so that people could still earn the firefox.
(and not rare like Spellbound Dew from flowers, cause that's redonkulous)

Haven't you learnt from previous mistakes (Christmas Decoration Crafts comes to mind) with lucky drops?!

A rare/lucky drop excludes players! :mad:

08-29-16, 12:12 PM
So happy for you!! :o

I wasn't lucky enough :(


I don't quite understand the logic of how this "event" went down.

Not sure how any item could be worth 1125gems?? :confused:

Why weren't the Fire Furs weren't a guaranteed drop from the Fiery Mystery Box?? :confused:

Would've made more sense if Fire Furs were a rare drop from somewhere so that people could still earn the firefox.
(and not rare like Spellbound Dew from flowers, cause that's redonkulous)

Haven't you learnt from previous mistakes (Christmas Decoration Crafts comes to mind) with lucky drops?!

A rare/lucky drop excludes players! :mad:
He's not even cute ! My first drop was milk and a black flag think it was fur

08-29-16, 12:30 PM
Warning!! Actual constructive advice to follow:

I am wondering if, perhaps, the powers that be, that are constructing these concepts/quests/"gift" boxes, etc. still play their own game.

It is not uncommon for developers to suffer from burn out and stop playing, thus becoming detached and unaware of what today's players are finding challenging and would appreciate help with by the use of quests and items.

Playing the game, or consulting with some that do, would also help with defining what a "rare" item is these days, as promised in my original 14-16 boxes that I purchased. If I had not been trusting S8 to know the difference between a "rare" item vs. something so common that I "rarely" have less than 99 of, I would not have bought all the boxes that I could, until I could buy no more, before chopping any and experiencing the dissatisfaction, disappointment, and frustration that has literally touched every player that plays today. Even those that did not buy boxes felt it through the loss of formerly very reliable neighbors.

So, I propose that future events, quests, etc. are run by a current player or two within your staff in that review process that I recommended in an earlier post, for feedback and possible reality check and adjustment.

Happy players spend more. Trusting players spend more, and actual players still playing and not fleeing the sinking ship, may not spend "more," but are, at least, available to consider the option.

Take care!

08-29-16, 01:22 PM
This is my Very First Post!!🎉
Sneak preview of my message to nbrs tomorrow to try & lift their spirits!!
❗️ყąཞŋıąʂ ᖴO᙭ᏞᎬᎦᎦ cluв!n̫e̫w̫ m̫e̫m̫b̫e̫r̫s̫ w̫e̫l̫c̫o̫m̫e̫!❗️
Of course,I will be accepting Fox owning nbrs.Cannot have anyone feeling excluded...(Hear this S8?!)
Tea and Biscuits at every meeting.Plus cake on members birthdays.🎂🎂🎂

08-29-16, 07:45 PM
This is my Very First Post!!🎉
Sneak preview of my message to nbrs tomorrow to try & lift their spirits!!
❗️ყąཞŋıąʂ ᖴO᙭ᏞᎬᎦᎦ cluв!n̫e̫w̫ m̫e̫m̫b̫e̫r̫s̫ w̫e̫l̫c̫o̫m̫e̫!❗️
Of course,I will be accepting Fox owning nbrs.Cannot have anyone feeling excluded...(Hear this S8?!)
Tea and Biscuits at every meeting.Plus cake on members birthdays.🎂🎂🎂

Welcome fair planetyarnia! You join during bleak times. Never in my three years have I witnessed such dark and punishing experiences. Yes we new comers have been jealous of our elders for the love shack and some fabulously awesome Valentine event which we only fantasize about. S8 has truly exceeded their aspirations. They have figured out how to annoy both the haves and the have nots of our fair kingdoms not once but twice. We should all just step back a moment and just drop our jaws in awe collectively. It takes talent to blunder so monumentally. Your truly Dewless and Foxless Jessiefromshimerville

08-29-16, 11:24 PM
Does anyone know what it drops yet? If its fox fur or creep tooth S8 will have an awful lot of extremely disgruntled players. I've been playing this game for a long time now and I've gotta say if it costs more than ?1.50 every couple of months - I won't be buying it. I can definitely live without a Firefox and that bloom thing.

08-29-16, 11:50 PM
Does anyone know what it drops yet? If its fox fur or creep tooth S8 will have an awful lot of extremely disgruntled players. I've been playing this game for a long time now and I've gotta say if it costs more than ?1.50 every couple of months - I won't be buying it. I can definitely live without a Firefox and that bloom thing.
Drops are in post 1.

08-30-16, 01:01 AM
Oh yes so it is. Pretty worthless to long-time players then.

08-30-16, 12:24 PM
Thanks for the 3 Fire Foxes Storm8. The drops are pretty common, but they're some cute little guys! ��

Now I just need those character Gnomes and the dragon bones and my Huskie and wolf pup and of course THE LOVE SHACK & 20 more expansions and NEW LEVELS SO I CAN HAVE A 3rd Wizard school and unlimited royal decorations! ������

08-30-16, 07:08 PM
Thanks for your feedback. I hope they listen this time, too.

I am also rediculously optimistic and with every new event I believe they will get it right this time!!!!

08-30-16, 09:31 PM
Must be my lucky day. Chopped the gift box from Storm 8 and got the fox. Dropping earth wisps, energy and other stuff. Yippee!!

08-31-16, 06:07 AM
Drops are in post 1.

I get milk every time and a black flag for the other. Coal,fur,

08-31-16, 06:50 AM
I got 5 energy and a long sword from my foxes this morning. Didn't know that was possible. So the drops aren't all that bad. Guess I should pay better attention to the first post in a thread sometimes. :-P

08-31-16, 09:07 AM
We should be able to store the boxes, even for souvenir...

Also, if I don't chop them until the end of this day (supposedly the last one for crafting the fox) will the drops be the same the next time I try to chop them?

08-31-16, 09:12 AM
Warning!! Actual constructive advice to follow:

I am wondering if, perhaps, the powers that be, that are constructing these concepts/quests/"gift" boxes, etc. still play their own game.

It is not uncommon for developers to suffer from burn out and stop playing, thus becoming detached and unaware of what today's players are finding challenging and would appreciate help with by the use of quests and items.

Playing the game, or consulting with some that do, would also help with defining what a "rare" item is these days, as promised in my original 14-16 boxes that I purchased. If I had not been trusting S8 to know the difference between a "rare" item vs. something so common that I "rarely" have less than 99 of, I would not have bought all the boxes that I could, until I could buy no more, before chopping any and experiencing the dissatisfaction, disappointment, and frustration that has literally touched every player that plays today. Even those that did not buy boxes felt it through the loss of formerly very reliable neighbors.

So, I propose that future events, quests, etc. are run by a current player or two within your staff in that review process that I recommended in an earlier post, for feedback and possible reality check and adjustment.

Happy players spend more. Trusting players spend more, and actual players still playing and not fleeing the sinking ship, may not spend "more," but are, at least, available to consider the option.

Take care!

I read somewhere that someone thought that developers rotate in s8. Which means that the development style of another game maybe bleeding into this game. Personally I liked the format of 2014. I always felt challenged but yet with a little extra effort I would reach the goal. I get the feeling that the people who like and use to stick with this game were adults with lives and careers and basically use this as entertainment. It's suppose to be enjoyable not stressful, not frustrating. I have a job which provides enough stress to wrap around a parking lot. I have been more frustrated than not for awhile now. Getting this fox box gift was a reminder on why I don't spend money on this game. I would love to buy gems if they were treated as a precious commodity. But I always eventually lose my gems accidently when I run out of energy. So I will never spend mien on this game.

08-31-16, 10:55 AM
I would REALLY love this fox. You thick they will have a bunch of overstock boxes they could give away right before the event is over?

08-31-16, 12:27 PM
I would REALLY love this fox. You thick they will have a bunch of overstock boxes they could give away right before the event is over?

Umm...they don't actually have warehouses that are full of these things....

08-31-16, 12:50 PM
I still need 75 fur to craft my fox. Don't think I'm going to make it before time runs out. Rats!!!!

08-31-16, 11:22 PM
Thanks for the 3 Fire Foxes Storm8.

What?!? You got 3 Firefoxes!?!? :eek:

Storm8 - there is clearly an issue when some players are getting multiple Firefoxes and many don't get one! :mad:

09-01-16, 02:27 AM
I logged in this morning and had a "finished" goal in my list. It has timed out apparently? Even though I played last night so max time between was 12 hours. Anyone know what it was? It said Thank You from Storm8.

09-01-16, 02:42 AM
What?!? You got 3 Firefoxes!?!? :eek:

Storm8 - there is clearly an issue when some players are getting multiple Firefoxes and many don't get one! :mad:

And this idea strikes me again the ability to exchange or even sell items to each other into a "community market" where, for example I could exchange "fox fur" for " desert sand".

09-01-16, 03:09 AM
I logged in this morning and had a "finished" goal in my list. It has timed out apparently? Even though I played last night so max time between was 12 hours. Anyone know what it was? It said Thank You from Storm8.
post moved here as this is what the Thank you limited redemption was about which was a couple of freebie mystery boxes. info in post 1.

09-01-16, 03:43 AM
post moved here as this is what the Thank you limited redemption was about which was a couple of freebie mystery boxes. info in post 1.

But how long was it available? I saw the fox thing but never any way to claim anything until it said it was finished. Whatever, it's clearly over anyway.

09-01-16, 06:03 PM
As this limited offer has now expired, closing thread and moving to game guides. If you need any further help about this offer, please post in the Help Me thread.