View Full Version : Leveling up method #2

03-04-11, 07:53 AM
The SECOND of my leveling up strategies...

simply plant all red quinoa (each square is worth +6 XP) for example, if you have a 20x20 farm and you plant ALL red quinoa, thats 6x400=2,400 XP at a cost/RQ seed of $130x400=52,000. then if you sell all 400 squares (no cash for selling plots ): but you will get 1 XP per re-plow (cost $10) leaving you with a grand total of 2,800 XP at a cost total cost of 56,000

* Keep in mind that If you buy a farm house for $200,000 you only get 2,500 XP, so I think my second option is the most efficient way to get the most XP in the fastest time, for the least amount of money...

03-04-11, 10:33 AM
The SECOND of my leveling up strategies...

simply plant all red quinoa (each square is worth +6 XP) for example, if you have a 20x20 farm and you plant ALL red quinoa, thats 6x400=2,400 XP at a cost/RQ seed of $130x400=52,000. then if you sell all 400 squares (no cash for selling plots ): but you will get 1 XP per re-plow (cost $10) leaving you with a grand total of 2,800 XP at a cost total cost of 56,000

* Keep in mind that If you buy a farm house for $200,000 you only get 2,500 XP, so I think my second option is the most efficient way to get the most XP in the fastest time, for the least amount of money...

Checkout the spreadsheet on this post.

Raspberry and Strawberry are the two top earnings (XP and c) if you have the time.

03-05-11, 12:38 PM
First, raspberry gives no xp.

Second, most spreadsheets fail to take into account the compounding missed opportunity cost of the time it takes to collect, plow, and replant (not to mention the lost revenue if you're a mere minute late in collecting) which is amplified exponentially with the 1 & 5 min crops. This effect is minimal on longer crops. They 2 very short harvests still come out ahead, goldwise, but by so little that it may not be worth your uninterrupted attention and the timing precision required.

03-18-11, 07:45 AM
I am the original poster - so far and after talking to others, this strategy holds true IF you are only interested in leveling up as fast as you can AND you have extra money to do so...

HOWEVER, it seems that if you plant/sell/plow corn rather than red quinoa you will save ALOT of money in the long run and on each planting of corn you will get 4xp at a cost of 35c /sq rather than 6xp at a cost of 130c /sq. NOW, while this means that you will have to plant corn at twice the rate of red quinoa, you will end up saving 60c /sq AND get a net gain of 8xp /sq for your extra efforts... I tend to use the savings in Credits to buy Aleve for my fingers LMAO!!!

03-18-11, 01:08 PM
First, raspberry gives no xp.
You're right, they don't; however, the plowing of the land does and since you cannot plant any fruit/veg/flower without first plowing the land, it is only logical to add the 1 XP to the total that will be earned from that crop.

Second, most spreadsheets fail to take into account the compounding missed opportunity cost of the time it takes to collect, plow, and replant (not to mention the lost revenue if you're a mere minute late in collecting) which is amplified exponentially with the 1 & 5 min crops. This effect is minimal on longer crops. They 2 very short harvests still come out ahead, goldwise, but by so little that it may not be worth your uninterrupted attention and the timing precision required.
That's because people who came up with the spreadsheets were only trying to show the potential earnings, not the actual earnings. No one in their right mind would attempt to sustain a raspberry tap on a large farm for anything more than a few minutes. And if we're worried about lost revenue because of the tight timings for harvesting, we should know that raspberries do not whither in just one minute after they become ready for harvest; I don't know what the actual time is but gave up waiting after 25 minutes.

03-18-11, 10:24 PM
I can NOT get my mastery for raspberries ... it ****s me.

03-21-11, 11:43 AM
I leveled up fairly fast, and I wouldn't do it by planting and selling corn, as when you are still at a lower level coins are very important. When you get to about level 60 you start having more money than you know what to do with (I now have 14 million) but when I started out, I would actually calculate out how much crops cost, so I knew I would have enough to pay to plow and plant. If I hadn't done that I would have been caught a few times.
The first thing you should do is only plant short crops. Not just strawberries, but three rounds of strawberries gives you as many XP as corn, cost you no money (other than plowing) and make you money. Raspberries do not give you XP, so they do not help you level up, but do give you coins. But plant, 3 hour and other small hour crops and do them as often as you can plan your day around it.
Get enough neighbors so that you almost always have watered crops when they come time to harvest, BUT DO NOT HOLD ONTO YOUR CROPS UNTIL THEY ARE ALL WATERED. One round of strawberries gives you the same XP as being watered by a neighbor. If you want to level up faster, do a round of strawberries after every crop. Stick to your hour schedule of when to plant and do not make your decisions about how much water you have gotten. I've seen people hold onto a crop for forever waiting for their water, when all they had to do was plant strawberries, and then they have lost out on the XP for the crops they have not planted.
Do not plant 1,2 or 3 day crops. They make you very little coins per hour and they make you a lot less XP than if you plant a lot of shorter crops. I am level 92 and I just started planting my first 2 day crop, and only a small amount, at that. I am planting them to get the mastery because that is all I have left to master, but can only see planting red q. if I go on vacation, I won't even try to get a gnome for that crop.
The first thing I did was make my own chart of what each crop earned me per hour, in coins and in XP. It is very eye opening, so for each hour of crop (3h 4h, etc) I would plant the highest money earners per hour first and then only do lesser ones after I got my mastery. Now I do not care what they make per hour, but you have to pay to expand and have enough money to pay for your crops and it is important under level about 45, You don't want to get to the level you can expand at and not have the coins to do it.
I never paid diamonds to expand. and I keep most of my area for planting, but I never have made it so my entire field was all crops, although obviously you do that to go up the fastest.