View Full Version : Anyone else having trouble filling train orders now w/ flower shop? Ruby shortage?

06-08-16, 12:40 AM
I cannot seem to get train orders that do not include either flowers in vases or just vases (no flowers in them) and I have exhausted my ruby supply. I have to keep discarding orders now and I rarely had to do that in the past. I have tried mining, but cannot find a ruby there. Of course they are no longer for sale in the paper either now that everyone needs them. My last train order asked for 10 vases. Yeah right, I have nothing left to make them. Why the ruby scarcity? And if so scarce, why make almost every order I get ask for a bunch? Sort of seems alittle unfair (and ridiculous). Anyone else having this problem?

06-08-16, 06:24 AM
I notice that whenever we have new items, the trains will ask for them quite a bit until it tires itself out haha. I remembered I had numerous pear trains (pear and pear crafts) when Pear trees just came on the Market, so much so that I was almost afraid to start my train. :eek: Now that the flower shop crafts are still new, your train may need a while to "recover". I usually discard or only do half trains for those that ask for rubies or ruby crafts.

06-09-16, 09:54 PM
I notice that whenever we have new items, the trains will ask for them quite a bit until it tires itself out haha. I remembered I had numerous pear trains (pear and pear crafts) when Pear trees just came on the Market, so much so that I was almost afraid to start my train. :eek: Now that the flower shop crafts are still new, your train may need a while to "recover". I usually discard or only do half trains for those that ask for rubies or ruby crafts.
Thanks. I think that must be true because I have had a couple of trains now w/out ruby products. Thank goodness. I am still hoping there will be an increase in the amount of rubies for us to mine, now that we have another craft that requires them. I will keep my fingers crossed. It sure would be great!

06-10-16, 07:15 AM
Great to hear that your train has "recovered" haha! They tend to get a bit naughty sometimes. ;-) As for the ruby situation, I should think it gets better after our trains have settled down. Do let me know if it gets out of control again lol. Cheers.

06-16-16, 03:00 PM
It is a shame that rubies are so rare. I wish they weren't.

06-23-16, 01:33 PM
I'm having the same issue. I never find rubies in the mine and now the truck delivery needs vases also. I haven't been able to complete 4 truck deliveries due to vases, and I only need 1 or 2.

10-18-16, 09:19 PM
The ruby shortage is in full swing. I have 5 plane deliveries asking for them and a train asking for 11 vases. And I have yet to get a single ruby from mining. I play Android if that makes a difference.

10-19-16, 07:56 AM
The ruby shortage is in full swing. I have 5 plane deliveries asking for them and a train asking for 11 vases. And I have yet to get a single ruby from mining. I play Android if that makes a difference.

If it's any consolation, I'm having trouble getting rubies from the mine on iOS farm. :( Feel free to drop a request post for higher rates for ruby in the Suggestion forum.