View Full Version : Your perfect world of rules

05-30-16, 01:32 AM
I think this game is very strict with the moderation, taking away from a lot of the fun banter that can occur (not that we don't find places) it just often is ****ed or often not allowed to be started. Many of us come from countries of free speech which is stifled.

What to you are the real important rules for a chat site?

For me:
1. No 4 letter curse works
2. No personal attacks directed solely against one member
3. No bring up posts over a year up back up unless it is relevant
4. Optional but highly recommend- include your game's name in your signature so we know who we are talking to and feel free to write if accepting neighbors or not and requirements (this helps in adjacent to add me threads)

Please note this thread is not meant to complain about any current rules, just provide feedback in case the game ever looks to restructure their old and I am looking to keep it open so keep it friendly :)

[S8] Elsa
05-31-16, 10:08 AM
You can read the full forum rules and policies (http://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?6-Forum-Rules-amp-Policies) here, but yes, the general idea behind them is that everyone should communicate respectfully. In any public forum, to use the forum services, all members are required to abide by the policies of the forum.

Constructive feedback is welcomed and appreciated, but content that's disruptive, disrespectful, or defamatory may be removed. That's been our policy since the forums were created. As anyone can see, the majority of our policies were set in place years ago and this isn't new information.

Anyone who would like to dispute a forum action is also invited to create a thread in forum disputes where they'll receive individual and private attention for their concerns -- an option that I've noticed most public forums don't offer.