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View Full Version : Forum disputes is not applicaple

05-26-16, 10:40 PM
I do not like this handling of problem. You tell us to go to forum disputes and when i go there i can not see anyone else disputes at all. It is set up so people can not discuss the problem we think exist in castle story. It is set up to be one on one. That is not how a FORUM is ment to work!
As it stands you have closed the thread on the glimmer alicon changes, and when some one tried to repost it to continue further discussion it was closed that as well. Does this mean Storm8 stopping any future post on the glimmer Alicorn changes.
Despite the fact there was no breach of forum rules?
If so does this really mean that any post that negatively comment on Storm8 or castle story will always be shut down.
Cause right not it is not really a Discussion, more of a "If we don't like your post, we close it"
What if the community stilll want to talk about the Glimemr Alicorn, are we forced to go to another forum to discuss this?

05-27-16, 12:02 AM
I am British, not American, but don't you guys have something called the First Amendment?

[S8] Elsa
05-27-16, 09:45 AM
We made efforts to clean up the thread so that it could remain open and players could continue sharing their feedback regarding the changes. Unfortunately, after a warning was posted on the thread, the thread continued to derail from the original discussion and forum violations were repeated. Due to this, we made the difficult decision to close the thread and the discussion and invited forum members to continue their feedback in Forum Disputes for personal and individual attention.

Forum Disputes are private communications between individual forum members and the forum staff. Forum members will not be able to view or comment on threads in that area other than your own.