View Full Version : Arcane Age Dragon Tales May 20 2016

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05-20-16, 10:32 AM
As COMPLETED on IOS with iPad Mini 4

CH 1

The sun had just dipped behind the mountains when the Apprentice Dragon had an epiphany. Creating icicles and spawning sparks from the tips of its toes was hardly magic, more like parlor tricks. If the Apprentice was to gain any respect from the other dragons on the Isles, it would need a master magician to learn from!

CH 2

Early the next morning, the Apprentice Dragon set out to find a master! The Magic Dragon seemed an obvious choice but was consumed in the performance of a summoning spell. Suddenly, the Apprentice felt a tap on its shoulder, "Are you seeking knowledge and power?" said the Mage Dragon. The Apprentice nodded eagerly. "Well, if I'm to consider taking you on as my pupil, you must first run some errands... errr... Embark on a great adventure!"

CH 3

Being an apprentice is hard work! It wasn't very magnificent either... collecting energies, essences, and crystals was alright, but taking out the garbage and picking up groceries from the market?!?! The magical talent of the Mage Dragon was undeniable, but when would the FUN lessons begin?

CH 4

"You are a loyal dragon, though a bit impatient, my young apprentice. Today, we'll have some FUN! Let's spar!" Fireballs and icicles shot through the air, explosions boomed, and fireworks lit the sky for miles. "This is fantastic! I feel like I could take on the world!" exclaimed the Apprentice. "You should take that extra energy to the Battle Arena while I take a nap... I mean... meditate on magical... elements and runes and stuff," wheezed the Mage Dragon.

CH 5

The s****s of the Apprentice Dragon in the arena were improving at an incredible rate but there was still much to learn. The Mage Dragon appeared before its apprentice with a teetering tower of books, scrolls, and crystals. "In order to control magic, you must first understand the foundation of the Arcane Architecture. For if you don't, the magic will control YOU!" The Mage's words seemed overly dramatic but still resonated with the young Apprentice Dragon.

CH 6

The Mage Dragon quietly approached its student, "My teachings have reached their end for you, my Apprentice... I now consider you my equal." The two dragons respectfully bowed to each other. There was more to learn but the pair would need to start a new and arduous journey together in order to graduate to the next stage of Arcane knowledge.

CH 7

Studies and training continued but not only for the Apprentice Dragon but also its former master, the Mage Dragon. To progress to higher learnings, the two must locate long lost scrolls, runes, and ancient tomes. Even after these texts were found, they needed to be translated and deciphered. The process was grueling but the dragons fully supported one another throughout. There were still more clues to be found!

CH 8

At last, the dragons understood what must be done to finally take their magical s****s to the next level... they must summon the Prime Arcane Dragon! "I thought the stories about the Prime Arcane were only fairytales!" blurted the Apprentice Dragon. "If I'm understanding the ancient texts correctly, it's all true!" replied the Mage. The dragons must discover how to summon this archaic dragon!

CH 9

"It states here that we must begin construction of an Elemental Altar!" the Mage dragon translated. The construction was already a tall order but the ancient texts also specified the ritual must be performed when the planets and moons are aligned... that's tomorrow! With only hours before this astrological anomaly, the two dragons frantically worked. "If we miss this, it will be years before we can perform the ritual again!!!"

Crafting Items
Arcane Architecture- 2 x Crystal Shard/ 2 x Elemental Energy
Empty Essence - 1 x Crystal Shard
Burning Essence- 3 x Crystal Shard/1 small ruby
Freezing Essence- 3 x Crystal Shard/ 1 small sapphire
Elemental Altar- 2 x Arcane Architecture// 2x Elemental Energy/2 x small emerald

Quests (From the Outpost)

http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y416/kookypanda99/E71275A4-F667-4A72-BFE3-387C757C5548-406-0000003CB7B987F2_zpsaf1d8291.jpg (http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/kookypanda99/media/E71275A4-F667-4A72-BFE3-387C757C5548-406-0000003CB7B987F2_zpsaf1d8291.jpg.html)

Small Beginnings: Apprentice Dragon - Collect Crystal Shards ( 2 hours)
Elemental Clash: Apprentice Dragon- Collect Elemental Energy ( 3 Hours)

Dragon information from Arcane Age Dragon Tales Event

Apprentice Dragon---------

Rarity: Rare
Type: Purple Blue
Habitat: Purple Gardens, Blue Lagoon
Available at: Level 23
Buying Price: 1,000 Gold
Selling Price: 100 Coin
Incubation: 4 hours
Exp Gained: 1,740

Mage Dragon--------

Rarity: Super Rare
Type: White Yellow Red
Habitat: White Meadow, Yellow Plateau, Red Rocks
Available at: Level 23
Buying Price: 1,000 Gold
Selling Price: 100 Coin
Incubation: 6 hours
Exp Gained: 1,740

Prime Arcane Dragon ----------

Rarity: Ultra Rare
Type: Black Yellow Red
Habitat: Black Sands, Yellow Plateau, Red Rocks
Available at: Level 23
Buying Price: 1,400 Gold
Selling Price: 100 Coin
Incubation: 25 hours
Exp Gained: 1,740

Arcane Age Dragon Tales Event is available at level 15

Levels: 111-200

Chapter 1 (2 Acts)

1. Plant 3 Pumpwings. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Win 1 Battle Arena Match. (Skip: 24Gold)
Prize: 10,000 Firapples

Chapter 2 (2 Acts)

1. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
2. Collect 50 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 1 Apprentice Dragon

Chapter 3 (3 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Get 2 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 10Gold)
3. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
Prize:2,000Exp 10,000Coin

Chapter 4 (3 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
2. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
3. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 10 Mystic Map

Chapter 5 (4 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 10. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
4. Craft 1 Arcane Architecture. (Skip: 30Gold)
Prize: 12,000 Firapples

Chapter 6 (4 Acts)

1. Hatch a Fuzzy Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
2. Harvest Buffbeets. (6). (Skip: 15Gold)
3. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
4. Collect 75 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 30Gold)
Prize: 3,000Exp 15,000Coin

Chapter 7 (5 Acts)

1. Get 8 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 40Gold)
2. Craft 1 Burning Essence. (Skip: 45Gold)
3. Have one Noble Crystal. (Skip: 10Gold)
4. Breed Forest Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
5. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 12. (Skip: 72Gold)
Prize: 1 Mage Dragon

Chapter 8 (4 Acts)

1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Hatch a Love Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
3. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
4. Craft 1 Freezing Essence. (Skip: 45Gold)
Prize: 4 Burning Essence & 4 Freezing Essence

Chapter 9 (5 Acts)

1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 8. (Skip: 18Gold)
2. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
4. Have one Elemental Altar. (Skip: 145Gold)
5. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 14. (Skip: 72Gold)
Prize: 14,000 Firapples

Chapter 10 (5 Acts)

1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 12. (Skip: 195Gold)
2. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
3. Get 12 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 60Gold)
4. Collect 120 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 55Gold)
5. Win 4 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 99Gold)
Prize: 1 Prime Arcane Dragon


Levels 41-110

Chapter 1 (2 Acts)

1. Plant 3 Pumpwings. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Win 1 Battle Arena Match. (Skip: 24Gold)
Prize: 7,500 Firapples

Chapter 2 (2 Acts)

1. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
2. Collect 50 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 1 Apprentice Dragon

Chapter 3 (2 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 4. (Skip: 14Gold)
2. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
Prize: 2,000Exp 10,000Coin

Chapter 4 (3 Acts)

1. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
3. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 10 Mystic Map

Chapter 5 (4 Acts)

1. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
2. Plant 6 Firapples. (Skip: 18Gold)
3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
4. Collect 60 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 42Gold)
Prize: 10,000Firapples

Chapter 6 (4 Acts)

1. Harvest Pumpwings (5). (Skip: 18Gold)
2. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
3. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
4. Breed Forest Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 3,000Exp 15,000Coin

Chapter 7 (4 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 10. (Skip: 40Gold)
2. Hatch a Love Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
3. Get 4 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 20Gold)
4. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
Prize: 1 Mage Dragon

Chapter 8 (4 Acts)

1. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
2. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
3. Collect 80 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 55Gold)
4. Craft 1 Arcane Architecture. (Skip: 30Gold)
Prize: 4 Burning Essence & 4 Freezing Essence

Chapter 9 (3 Acts)

1. Win 4 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 99Gold)
2. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
3. Have one Elemental Altar. (Skip: 145Gold)
Prize: 12,000 Firapples

Chapter 10 (5 Acts)

1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 10. (Skip: 58Gold)
2. Plant 5 Firapples. (Skip: 18Gold)
3. Get 8 Mysterious Energy.(Skip: 40Gold)
4. Collect 80 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 55Gold)
5. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
Prize: 1 Prime Arcane Dragon

Levels 15-40

Chapter 1 (2 Acts)

1. Plant 5 Buffbeets. (Skip: 12Gold)
2. Harvest Buffbeets (5). (Skip: 18Gold)
Prize: 5,000 Firapples

Chapter 2 (2 Acts)

1. Harvest Impruberries (5). (Skip: 12Gold)
2. Collect 24 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 24Gold)
Prize: 2,000Exp 10,000Coin

Chapter 3 (2 Acts)

1. Win 2 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 49Gold)
2. Get 1 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 5Gold)
Prize: 1 Apprentice Dragon

Chapter 4 (2 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 3. (Skip: 13Gold)
2. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
Prize: 10 Mystic Map

Chapter 5 (3 Acts)

1. Have one Spell Shop. (Skip: 5Gold)
2. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
3. Win 2 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 49Gold)
Prize: 7,500Firapples

Chapter 6 (2 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Breed Air Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 3,000Exp 15,000Coin

Chapter 7 (3 Acts)

1. Plant 6 Firapples. (Skip: 18Gold)
2. Hatch a Life Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
3. Collect 48 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 48Gold)
Prize: 7,500Firapples

Chapter 8 (3 Acts)

1. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
2. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
3. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 4 Burning Essence & 4 Freezing Essence

Chapter 9 (4 Acts)

1. Win 2 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 49Gold)
2. Plant 6 Buffbeets. (Skip: 14Gold)
3. Breed Magic Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
4. Collect 24 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 24Gold)
Prize: 1 Elemental Altar

Chapter 10 (3 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 8. (Skip: 49Gold)
2. Get 5 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 25Gold)
3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
Prize: 1 Mage Dragon

************************************************** ************************************************

From what I have learned by participating in the Dragon Tales events. Information specific to this Dragon Tales event (food requirements, special crafted items, etc.) will be added to the top of this post as the information becomes available.

Dragon Food Requirements
Apprentice, rare, purple-blue, 4 hours:
. . . . . . 50 + 125 + 500 + 1500 + 3000 + 5000 + 12,500 + 22,500 + 30,000 + 75,175 for level 10
. . . . . . plus 30,000 + 30,000 + 35,000 + 40,000 for level 14 (total of 210,175 for levels 1-14)
Mage, super rare, red-white-yellow, 6 hours:
. . . . . . 50 + 125 + 500 + 1500 + 3000 + 5000 + 12,500 + 22,500 + 30,000 + 75,175 for level 10
. . . . . . plus 30,000 + 30,000 for level 12 (total of 135,175 for levels 1-12)

Special Quests
Small Beginnings: send Apprentice questing for Crystal Shards, 2 hours
Elemental Clash: send Apprentice questing for Elemental Energy, 3 hours

Special Crafted Items
Arcane Architecture: 2 Elemental Energy + 2 Crystal Shards, 1 hour
Empty Essence: 1 Crystal Shard, 1 hour
Burning Essence: 3 Crystal Shards + 1 small red gem, 2 hours
Freezing Essence: 3 Crystal Shards + 1 small blue gem, 2 hours
Elemental Altar: 2 Arcane Architecture + 2 Elemental Energy + 2 small green gems, 3 hours
NOTE: Small red, blue, and green gems are required for crafting special items in this Dragon Tales. See notes at the bottom of this post for more information on trading for gems.

Requesting Mysterious Energy
*Request from your neighbors when prompted. The Dragon Tales dialog box will give you a button that allows you to send the requests.
*You will need to collect the requested amount of Mysterious Energy after the prompt; any received before the current prompt will not count.
*Do not send map/lotus requests on days that you need Mysterious Energy. We are assuming that you will only be able to receive 20 requests total per day as usual. If you have already received 20 maps/lotuses you may not receive any Mysterious Energy until the next day.
*If you need neighbors, especially neighbors in a similar time zone, use the add me forum: http://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?93-Dragon-Story-Add-Me.

Breeding Suggestions
Breed Forest
Forest + Olympus: 3 results, 2 common at 7 & 12 hours, one rare at 8 hours
Forest + Forest (or Dawntree) = Forest (20 seconds)
Hatch Love Avoid Virtue fails with one of these combos:
Virtue (or Kitsune) + Fire: Kitsune (SR, 5hrs), Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Justice (R, 25hrs), Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Virtue (or Kitsune) + Light: Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Melody (R, 18hrs), Never Ending (R, 15hrs), Tiny (R, 16hrs) Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Virtue + Olympus: Olympus (C, 7hrs), Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Hatch Fuzzy
Stone + Light: Fuzzy (C, 8hrs), Lorekeeper (R, 13hrs), Pegasus (R, 26hrs)
If you use any green-white combo you will have the same as above plus Stone (R, 8hrs)
Stone + Forest: Fuzzy (C, 8hrs), Lorekeeper (R, 13hrs), Pegasus (R, 26hrs), Mossrock (SR, 8hrs)

How it works
*The first possible day of the event begins at reset (10:30 am Pacific time).
*Each day ends and the next day starts at midnight Pacific time.
*Each day ends at a fixed time relative to when you started the event. Say you start on a Tuesday, day 2 starts Wednesday at midnight Pacific time, day 3 starts Thursday at midnight Pacific time, etc. If you skip ahead on day 1 to play the tasks for day 2, you will still have to wait until Thursday at midnight Pacific time to start the tasks for day 3 unless you spend more gold to skip ahead again.
*Each day has a series of tasks. At the end of day two, you will receive a dragon. This dragon will need to be leveled up during the event and will need to go on special quests as prompted. You probably need to take this dragon to level 10 or above, so plan your food accordingly as it may take 100,000 food.
*The tasks get increasingly difficult and more time consuming each day. The first 3 days are pretty easy and could all be completed in one day if needed.
*You do not need to complete each day within that day. If you fall behind a day you will not have to wait until midnight for the next step, it will start right away.
*The prize for the first day is a dragon. Even if you don't want to try to complete the event, you can play day 1 to get this dragon. There may be a second dragon mid way through the event that can be acquired fairly easily as well.
*There are prizes for completing the tasks for each day of the event. Day 1 you get the dragon mentioned above. On days 2-7 the prizes may be coins & experience points, special event related decoration, food, or maps.
*If you complete the event, you will receive an Ultra Rare dragon.
*If the event ends before you have completed every task, you will not get the final prize.
*Each task may be skipped by using gold. Parts of tasks may not be skipped by using gold. Say you need to plant 7 crops and you plant 6, it will cost the full skip amount for planting the 1 remaining crop.
*Tasks may differ for players below level 31 as these players can't battle yet.

When to Start
*You do not need to start right away. There is a window of time in which you may start the game. Your 10 days start when you start the event so your day 1 may be different from your neighbor's day 1. At the end of this time window, the event will automatically start. You can chose not to participate in the event if you wish. A delayed start will also give you time to save up food and trade duplicate dragons for gemstones required in the event.
*The last 3-4 days of the event will require a lot of attention. Schedule the event to work with your personal schedule. Maybe you have a family reunion and will be busy all weekend. It may make sense for you to start on Friday as the first 3 days are quick and easy (day 1 usually takes 5 minutes total, and day 2 usually takes 5-10 minutes if you plan ahead). Whereas, if you started on Tuesday you would need to spend a lot of time with the game. This either compromises your reunion or your ability to complete the event.
*Days 1-3 can be completed in one day if necessary. Say the event automatically starts and you aren't free to play yet. No problem, start when you can.
*Starting a day or two or three after the event begins means you will know what all the tasks are based on the information posted here on the forum. It is always easier if you know what to expect.
*There is a good chance we will have a tournament during the event. It may be a 3 day flash tournament starting on a Friday or a 6 day tournament starting on a Tuesday. Keep this in mind when deciding when to start the event. You do not want to battle the toughest dragons of a tournament during chapters 9 and 10. On the other hand, the beginning of a tournament with the early and easy opponents, can be a great help during the last chapters. We don't know when tournaments will happen, just keep it in mind when deciding when to start the event.

General Tips
*Check the forum for information on the tasks required for each day of the event. Use this information to plan your approach to the event. It will be much easier if you know what to expect and when you need to be ready to breed, battle, quest, craft, etc.
*Do not use gold to skip to the next day. It is not worth it unless you are doing so strategically.
*Some tasks can be done ahead of time: quests, crafting (such as spell scrolls, hedges, etc.), and leveling up the dragon received on day 1. Do not collect until prompted or it will not count!
Some tasks cannot be done ahead of time such as breeding and battling. If one of the tasks is to mate a certain dragon, you need to wait for the prompt or it will not count. Same goes for battling, you need to be prompted first.
*There is a big difference between raise your dragon to a certain level and feed your dragon. If you are asked to raise the dragon this can be done ahead of time without penalty. If you are asked to feed the dragon you must wait until prompted or it will not count.
*You may need to breed two days in a row. Make sure your breeding den is available when needed. Plan your breeding for outcomes less than 24 hours if you need to breed the next day.
*Each task may be skipped by using gold. The amount of gold varies depending on the task. Try to avoid using gold at the beginning of the event as the event will get more difficult each day and the temptation, or need, to skip tasks will increase.
*If you are stuck on a particularly difficult battle, consider speeding up the time between battles instead of using an Ultimate hit. It only cost 4 gold to battle again right away compared to the 12 gold for Ultimate (30 gold if there is a tournament). You may choose to use Ultimate if you don't have many good battling dragons. If you do use Ultimate, use it within the battle rather than skipping the entire task from the event interface.
*You may need to raise a dragon to a level above 10. You need to buy a Noble Crystal and place it on your isle to do this. Find it in the market under the buildings tab. The cost is 500,000 coins and there is no build time.

*If you have completed a task and you haven't received credit for it (such as leveling up a dragon), try force closing and reopening your game. To force close, double click on the home button and swipe up on any apps you wish to force close. If that fails, try deleting our game and reinstalling it. Your game progress is saved on storm8's servers so you shouldn't lose any progress. You may wish to make sure you have a login for your storm8 account just in case you need it after reinstalling your game.

Planning for the next Dragon Tales event
*Have a variety of small gemstones on hand. It is always easier to not need to speed breed, evolve, and trade just to craft an item. The best way to do this is to trade your duplicate rare dragons. Rare dragons will give at least 2 small gemstones. Common dragons can work as they will give one small gemstone though it may not be the color you want. For instance, Wild is a common red-green dragon. Trading it will give you either a small green or a small red gemstone.
*Consider keeping a stash of food on hand to level up the dragon received on day 1 and probably a second dragon. So far, the most food required for a single event has been about 380,000.

Glad you guys like the dragons. Best of luck getting the Prime Arcane Dragon!


05-20-16, 10:35 AM
have you seen those dragons??? wooow I'm speachless !

Arcane Age Dragon Tales Event is available at level 15

Levels: 111-200

Chapter 1 (2 Acts)

1. Plant 3 Pumpwings. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Win 1 Battle Arena Match. (Skip: 24Gold)
Prize: 10,000 Firapples

Chapter 2 (2 Acts)

1. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
2. Collect 50 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 1 Apprentice Dragon

Chapter 3 (3 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Get 2 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 10Gold)
3. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
Prize:2,000Exp 10,000Coin

Chapter 4 (3 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
2. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
3. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 10 Mystic Map

Chapter 5 (4 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 10. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
4. Craft 1 Arcane Architecture. (Skip: 30Gold)
Prize: 12,000 Firapples

Chapter 6 (4 Acts)

1. Hatch a Fuzzy Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
2. Harvest Buffbeets. (6). (Skip: 15Gold)
3. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
4. Collect 75 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 30Gold)
Prize: 3,000Exp 15,000Coin

Chapter 7 (5 Acts)

1. Get 8 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 40Gold)
2. Craft 1 Burning Essence. (Skip: 45Gold)
3. Have one Noble Crystal. (Skip: 10Gold)
4. Breed Forest Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
5. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 12. (Skip: 72Gold)
Prize: 1 Mage Dragon

Chapter 8 (4 Acts)

1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Hatch a Love Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
3. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
4. Craft 1 Freezing Essence. (Skip: 45Gold)
Prize: 4 Burning Essence & 4 Freezing Essence

Chapter 9 (5 Acts)

1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 8. (Skip: 18Gold)
2. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
4. Have one Elemental Altar. (Skip: 145Gold)
5. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 14. (Skip: 72Gold)
Prize: 14,000 Firapples

Chapter 10 (5 Acts)

1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 12. (Skip: 195Gold)
2. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
3. Get 12 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 60Gold)
4. Collect 120 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 55Gold)
5. Win 4 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 99Gold)
Prize: 1 Prime Arcane Dragon

Dragon information from Arcane Age Dragon Tales Event

Apprentice Dragon---------

Rarity: Rare
Type: Purple Blue
Habitat: Purple Gardens, Blue Lagoon
Available at: Level 23
Buying Price: 1,000 Gold
Selling Price: 100 Coin
Incubation: 4 hours
Exp Gained: 1,740

Mage Dragon--------

Rarity: Super Rare
Type: White Yellow Red
Habitat: White Meadow, Yellow Plateau, Red Rocks
Available at: Level 23
Buying Price: 1,000 Gold
Selling Price: 100 Coin
Incubation: 6 hours
Exp Gained: 1,740

Prime Arcane Dragon ----------

Rarity: Ultra Rare
Type: Black Yellow Red
Habitat: Black Sands, Yellow Plateau, Red Rocks
Available at: Level 23
Buying Price: 1,400 Gold
Selling Price: 100 Coin
Incubation: 25 hours
Exp Gained: 1,740


Levels 41-110

Chapter 1 (2 Acts)

1. Plant 3 Pumpwings. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Win 1 Battle Arena Match. (Skip: 24Gold)
Prize: 7,500 Firapples

Chapter 2 (2 Acts)

1. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
2. Collect 50 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 1 Apprentice Dragon

Chapter 3 (2 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 4. (Skip: 14Gold)
2. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
Prize: 2,000Exp 10,000Coin

Chapter 4 (3 Acts)

1. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
3. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 10 Mystic Map

Chapter 5 (4 Acts)

1. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
2. Plant 6 Firapples. (Skip: 18Gold)
3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
4. Collect 60 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 42Gold)
Prize: 10,000Firapples

Chapter 6 (4 Acts)

1. Harvest Pumpwings (5). (Skip: 18Gold)
2. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
3. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
4. Breed Forest Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 3,000Exp 15,000Coin

Chapter 7 (4 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 10. (Skip: 40Gold)
2. Hatch a Love Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
3. Get 4 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 20Gold)
4. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
Prize: 1 Mage Dragon

Chapter 8 (4 Acts)

1. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
2. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
3. Collect 80 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 55Gold)
4. Craft 1 Arcane Architecture. (Skip: 30Gold)
Prize: 4 Burning Essence & 4 Freezing Essence

Chapter 9 (3 Acts)

1. Win 4 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 99Gold)
2. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
3. Have one Elemental Altar. (Skip: 145Gold)
Prize: 12,000 Firapples

Chapter 10 (5 Acts)

1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 10. (Skip: 58Gold)
2. Plant 5 Firapples. (Skip: 18Gold)
3. Get 8 Mysterious Energy.(Skip: 40Gold)
4. Collect 80 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 55Gold)
5. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
Prize: 1 Prime Arcane Dragon

Levels 15-40

Chapter 1 (2 Acts)

1. Plant 5 Buffbeets. (Skip: 12Gold)
2. Harvest Buffbeets (5). (Skip: 18Gold)
Prize: 5,000 Firapples

Chapter 2 (2 Acts)

1. Harvest Impruberries (5). (Skip: 12Gold)
2. Collect 24 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 24Gold)
Prize: 2,000Exp 10,000Coin

Chapter 3 (2 Acts)

1. Win 2 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 49Gold)
2. Get 1 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 5Gold)
Prize: 1 Apprentice Dragon

Chapter 4 (2 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 3. (Skip: 13Gold)
2. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
Prize: 10 Mystic Map

Chapter 5 (3 Acts)

1. Have one Spell Shop. (Skip: 5Gold)
2. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
3. Win 2 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 49Gold)
Prize: 7,500Firapples

Chapter 6 (2 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
2. Breed Air Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 3,000Exp 15,000Coin

Chapter 7 (3 Acts)

1. Plant 6 Firapples. (Skip: 18Gold)
2. Hatch a Life Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
3. Collect 48 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 48Gold)
Prize: 7,500Firapples

Chapter 8 (3 Acts)

1. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
2. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
3. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
Prize: 4 Burning Essence & 4 Freezing Essence

Chapter 9 (4 Acts)

1. Win 2 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 49Gold)
2. Plant 6 Buffbeets. (Skip: 14Gold)
3. Breed Magic Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
4. Collect 24 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 24Gold)
Prize: 1 Elemental Altar

Chapter 10 (3 Acts)

1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 8. (Skip: 49Gold)
2. Get 5 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 25Gold)
3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
Prize: 1 Mage Dragon

05-20-16, 10:37 AM
i want a BREAK ! (sigh)

31050 -31051

for high level

chap 2 : 2 acts
- harvest fireapples x6
- collect 50 runestones from farms
reward : Apprentice dragon

ch3 : 3 acts
- raise apprentice to lvl 5
- ask Mysterious Energy x2 from neighbors
- complete quest Small Beginning
reward :

05-20-16, 10:37 AM
These dragons look great!! I'm about to start.

05-20-16, 10:39 AM
Love the dragons! My food storage is at 400k so I'm ready to start!

05-20-16, 10:39 AM
have you seen those dragons??? wooow I'm speachless !

Me too, but that's more because I just saw the first act... plant pumpwings! Crazy. We need a mount everest of food, but are supposed to plant low yielding, long hours food. Insane. Idiot.

05-20-16, 10:40 AM
I don't like the theme or the dragons at all so I'll pass on the tales and keep collecting food. Good luck to those participating!

05-20-16, 10:44 AM
Love the look of the dragons BUT I think I will start this one late as I really need to be able to take a breather before taking on another tales. Good luck everyone who is undertaking this Tales!:)

05-20-16, 10:44 AM
From what I have learned by participating in the Dragon Tales events. Information specific to this Dragon Tales event (food requirements, special crafted items, etc.) will be added to the top of this post as the information becomes available.

Dragon Food Requirements
Apprentice, rare, purple-blue, 4 hours:
. . . . . . 50 + 125 + 500 + 1500 + 3000 + 5000 + 12,500 + 22,500 + 30,000 + 75,175 for level 10
. . . . . . plus 30,000 + 30,000 + 35,000 + 40,000 for level 14 (total of 210,175 for levels 1-14)
Mage, super rare, red-white-yellow, 6 hours:
. . . . . . 50 + 125 + 500 + 1500 + 3000 + 5000 + 12,500 + 22,500 + 30,000 + 75,175 for level 10
. . . . . . plus 30,000 + 30,000 for level 12 (total of 135,175 for levels 1-12)

Special Quests
Small Beginnings: send Apprentice questing for Crystal Shards, 2 hours
Elemental Clash: send Apprentice questing for Elemental Energy, 3 hours

Special Crafted Items
Arcane Architecture: 2 Elemental Energy + 2 Crystal Shards, 1 hour
Empty Essence: 1 Crystal Shard, 1 hour
Burning Essence: 3 Crystal Shards + 1 small red gem, 2 hours
Freezing Essence: 3 Crystal Shards + 1 small blue gem, 2 hours
Elemental Altar: 2 Arcane Architecture + 2 Elemental Energy + 2 small green gems, 3 hours
NOTE: Small red, blue, and green gems are required for crafting special items in this Dragon Tales. See notes at the bottom of this post for more information on trading for gems.

Requesting Mysterious Energy
*Request from your neighbors when prompted. The Dragon Tales dialog box will give you a button that allows you to send the requests.
*You will need to collect the requested amount of Mysterious Energy after the prompt; any received before the current prompt will not count.
*Do not send map/lotus requests on days that you need Mysterious Energy. We are assuming that you will only be able to receive 20 requests total per day as usual. If you have already received 20 maps/lotuses you may not receive any Mysterious Energy until the next day.
*If you need neighbors, especially neighbors in a similar time zone, use the add me forum: http://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?93-Dragon-Story-Add-Me.

Breeding Suggestions
Breed Forest
Forest + Olympus: 3 results, 2 common at 7 & 12 hours, one rare at 8 hours
Forest + Forest (or Dawntree) = Forest (20 seconds)
Hatch Love Avoid Virtue fails with one of these combos:
Virtue (or Kitsune) + Fire: Kitsune (SR, 5hrs), Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Justice (R, 25hrs), Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Virtue (or Kitsune) + Light: Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Melody (R, 18hrs), Never Ending (R, 15hrs), Tiny (R, 16hrs) Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Virtue + Olympus: Olympus (C, 7hrs), Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Hatch Fuzzy
Stone + Light: Fuzzy (C, 8hrs), Lorekeeper (R, 13hrs), Pegasus (R, 26hrs)
If you use any green-white combo you will have the same as above plus Stone (R, 8hrs)
Stone + Forest: Fuzzy (C, 8hrs), Lorekeeper (R, 13hrs), Pegasus (R, 26hrs), Mossrock (SR, 8hrs)
Hatch Life:
Fire + Forest: Life (C, 3hrs), Explorer (R, 8hrs), Tree Frog (R, 8hrs), Wild (R, 6hrs), Dino (R, 12hrs)
Dino + Forest: Life (C, 3hrs), Explorer (R, 8hrs), Tree Frog (R, 8hrs), Wild (R, 6hrs), Triceratops (SR, 12hrs)
Dino + Fire: Life (C, 3hrs), Explorer (R, 8hrs), Tree Frog (R, 8hrs), Wild (R, 6hrs), Rex (SR, 12hrs)
If you have a Dino and breed with it, you can reduce the odds of getting a Dino type fail as Triceratops & Rex are super rare where Dino is rare. Or you may want to steer possible fails toward a dragon you don't yet have.

How it works
*The first possible day of the event begins at reset (10:30 am Pacific time).
*Each day ends and the next day starts at midnight Pacific time.
*Each day ends at a fixed time relative to when you started the event. Say you start on a Tuesday, day 2 starts Wednesday at midnight Pacific time, day 3 starts Thursday at midnight Pacific time, etc. If you skip ahead on day 1 to play the tasks for day 2, you will still have to wait until Thursday at midnight Pacific time to start the tasks for day 3 unless you spend more gold to skip ahead again.
*Each day has a series of tasks. At the end of day two, you will receive a dragon. This dragon will need to be leveled up during the event and will need to go on special quests as prompted. You probably need to take this dragon to level 10 or above, so plan your food accordingly as it may take 100,000 food.
*The tasks get increasingly difficult and more time consuming each day. The first 3 days are pretty easy and could all be completed in one day if needed.
*You do not need to complete each day within that day. If you fall behind a day you will not have to wait until midnight for the next step, it will start right away.
*The prize for the second day is a dragon. Even if you don't want to try to complete the event, you can play through day 2 to get this dragon. There will be a second dragon mid way through the event that can be acquired fairly easily as well.
*There are prizes for completing the tasks for each day of the event. Day 1 you get the dragon mentioned above. On days 2-7 the prizes may be coins & experience points, special event related decoration, food, or maps.
*If you complete the event, you will receive an Ultra Rare dragon.
*If the event ends before you have completed every task, you will not get the final prize.
*Each task may be skipped by using gold. Parts of tasks may not be skipped by using gold. Say you need to plant 7 crops and you plant 6, it will cost the full skip amount for planting the 1 remaining crop.
*Tasks may differ for players below level 31 as these players can't battle yet.

When to Start
*You do not need to start right away. There is a window of time in which you may start the game. Your 10 days start when you start the event so your day 1 may be different from your neighbor's day 1. At the end of this time window, the event will automatically start. You can chose not to participate in the event if you wish. A delayed start will also give you time to save up food and trade duplicate dragons for gemstones required in the event.
*The last 3-4 days of the event will require a lot of attention. Schedule the event to work with your personal schedule. Maybe you have a family reunion and will be busy all weekend. It may make sense for you to start on Friday as the first 3 days are quick and easy (day 1 usually takes 5 minutes total, and day 2 usually takes 5-10 minutes if you plan ahead). Whereas, if you started on Tuesday you would need to spend a lot of time with the game. This either compromises your reunion or your ability to complete the event.
*Days 1-3 can be completed in one day if necessary. Say the event automatically starts and you aren't free to play yet. No problem, start when you can.
*Starting a day or two or three after the event begins means you will know what all the tasks are based on the information posted here on the forum. It is always easier if you know what to expect.
*There is a good chance we will have a tournament during the event. It may be a 3 day flash tournament starting on a Friday or a 6 day tournament starting on a Tuesday. Keep this in mind when deciding when to start the event. You do not want to battle the toughest dragons of a tournament during chapters 9 and 10. On the other hand, the beginning of a tournament with the early and easy opponents, can be a great help during the last chapters. We don't know when tournaments will happen, just keep it in mind when deciding when to start the event.

General Tips
*Check the forum for information on the tasks required for each day of the event. Use this information to plan your approach to the event. It will be much easier if you know what to expect and when you need to be ready to breed, battle, quest, craft, etc.
*Do not use gold to skip to the next day. It is not worth it unless you are doing so strategically.
*Some tasks can be done ahead of time: quests, crafting special items, and leveling up the dragon received on day 2. Do not collect until prompted or it will not count!
Some tasks cannot be done ahead of time such as breeding and battling. If one of the tasks is to mate a certain dragon, you need to wait for the prompt or it will not count. Same goes for battling, you need to be prompted first.
*There is a big difference between raise your dragon to a certain level and feed your dragon. If you are asked to raise the dragon this can be done ahead of time without penalty. If you are asked to feed the dragon you must wait until prompted or it will not count.
*You may need to breed two days in a row. Make sure your breeding den is available when needed. Plan your breeding for outcomes less than 24 hours if you need to breed the next day. See breeding suggestions above.
*Each task may be skipped by using gold. The amount of gold varies depending on the task. Try to avoid using gold at the beginning of the event as the event will get more difficult each day and the temptation, or need, to skip tasks will increase.
*If you are stuck on a particularly difficult battle, consider speeding up the time between battles instead of using an Ultimate hit. It only cost 4 gold to battle again right away compared to the 12 gold for Ultimate (30 gold if there is a tournament). You may choose to use Ultimate if you don't have many good battling dragons. If you do use Ultimate, use it within the battle rather than skipping the entire task from the event interface.
*You may need to raise a dragon to a level above 10. You need to buy a Noble Crystal and place it on your isle to do this. Find it in the market under the buildings tab. The cost is 500,000 coins and there is no build time.
*Do not skip (with gold) having a Noble Crystal. If you need to level dragons above level 10, you must have a Noble Crystal and the gold used to skip buying it will be wasted. Or you'll need to use gold to skip all steps requiring dragons to be above level 10 and those steps are the most gold intensive steps in Dragon Tales. A Noble Crystal will be required for all future Dragon Tales so you'll be one step ahead next time.

*If you have completed a task and you haven't received credit for it (such as leveling up a dragon), try force closing and reopening your game. To force close, double click on the home button and swipe up on any apps you wish to force close. If that fails, try deleting our game and reinstalling it. Your game progress is saved on storm8's servers so you shouldn't lose any progress. You may wish to make sure you have a login for your storm8 account just in case you need it after reinstalling your game.

Planning for the next Dragon Tales event
*Have a variety of small gemstones on hand. It is always easier to not need to speed breed, evolve, and trade just to craft an item. The best way to do this is to trade your duplicate rare dragons. Rare dragons will give at least 2 small gemstones. Common dragons can work as they will give one small gemstone though it may not be the color you want. For instance, Wild is a common red-green dragon. Trading it will give you either a small green or a small red gemstone.
*Consider keeping a stash of food on hand to level up the dragon received on day 2 and a second dragon. So far, the most food required for a single event has been about 380,000.

05-20-16, 10:47 AM
I just started with 250000 food in store. Love the theme! And the dragons are stunning! This could easily be my favorite event so far! :)

05-20-16, 10:47 AM
I'm guessing this event will require another load of gold or food. I'll wait till someone posts what we're supposed to do since there are 27 dragons that I really like (Black Ice, Skeletal Knight, Ripscale, Winter Lily) which I want to level to epic

05-20-16, 10:50 AM
Me too, but that's more because I just saw the first act... plant pumpwings! Crazy. We need a mount everest of food, but are supposed to plant low yielding, long hours food. Insane. Idiot.

hahaha you made me start at once.really crazy,omg who knows what we can expect from this.have you seen Fuzzy and Love are at sale...really why?hope this wount be disappointment.
but there you go you have another battle:p
first ch = 10 000 food not bad

05-20-16, 10:51 AM
I don't like the theme or the dragons at all so I'll pass on the tales and keep collecting food. Good luck to those participating!

Same here.. didn't like the look of all the three even a bit.. hmm.. going to keep collecting food.. actually I was ready for the tales with 500000 + food.. now I have to decide which dragon to waste the food on.. I like the old trinket dragon so need to evolve a few dragons for bombs.. somewhat resting time for me now..

05-20-16, 10:57 AM
fuzzy and love are in sale so i suppose we will have to breed them

05-20-16, 10:57 AM
i want a BREAK ! (sigh)

I agree with you Clark, which is why I'm relieved to see a Tales event instead of a Tournament or Flash Tournament. At least this way we have 4 days to begin (pop up said to start by the 24th) :D So nothing to stress over this weekend (for a change!)

05-20-16, 10:57 AM
Same here.. didn't like the look of all the three even a bit.. hmm.. going to keep collecting food.. actually I was ready for the tales with 500000 + food.. now I have to decide which dragon to waste the food on.. I like the old trinket dragon so need to evolve a few dragons for bombs.. somewhat resting time for me now..

Enjoy your relaxed play time! I like Old Trinket too. I'm mainly evolving from level 3 to 4 for bombs to save food. I have close to 1.5 million food now and my next goal is 2 million. :D

05-20-16, 10:58 AM
fuzzy and love are in sale so i suppose we will have to breed them

Yeah, I noticed that too and thought how odd it is to put Common dragons on sale as if anyone would spend a single gold for one. Now I see a possible reason although I still think it would be nuts to spend gold for a dragon that is so typically a fail result.

05-20-16, 11:07 AM
Exhausting events after events on top of more events. I never though I could ever get burned out but I'm at the brink. It's not as enjoyable as it is tedious now and that's a problem for me.
I usually wait till the final day to start but I think I will go ahead and start soon as I have near 500 thousand in food. The kids have 200 saved up. Miracle for them. They also haven't been feeding any dragons so they have a bunch of babies floating around but I'm thinking they just might be able to finish without using any gold at all with the food they've saved. They have been finishing but sometimes have to spend to skip feeding the last dragon to the highest level needed. Not bad but even better if they can get through all on their own. Fingers crossed. Good luck all.

05-20-16, 11:22 AM
Glad you guys like the dragons. Best of luck getting the Prime Arcane Dragon!


05-20-16, 11:23 AM
Me too, but that's more because I just saw the first act... plant pumpwings! Crazy. We need a mount everest of food, but are supposed to plant low yielding, long hours food. Insane. Idiot.

You only need to plant 3, so you can plant the other 4 with something else that gives you a higher yield. I think they do pumpwings to make it more affordable for those on the lower end of the tier.

05-20-16, 11:24 AM
... I'm relieved to see a Tales event ... At least this way we have 4 days to begin... :D So nothing to stress over this weekend (for a change!)
& Actually, we can (and I am going to) relax for a week-ish. Start the tales on 24th, but wait another few days to actually start worrying about it. [The first few days are normally fairly basic and able to complete back to back to back in a day or so].
I'm gonna spend the next 6 to 7 days just stockpiling food at my normal schedule & not think about tales for a bit.

Enjoy your relaxed play time! I like Old Trinket too. I'm mainly evolving from level 3 to 4 for bombs to save food. I have close to 1.5 million food now and my next goal is 2 million. :D
At one time I had just over 2mil food. When Primes started, I used those apples to max out several dragons (3 Diamonds, Quetzal, POG, DOD, Aladdin, Gilded Knight, Warrior Princess & a couple others). Now I use those dragons for battle tourneys & to breed for Primes.

05-20-16, 11:24 AM
Are we supposed to have an apprentice dragon?

05-20-16, 11:31 AM
Completing Chapter 2 will award you with an Apprentice Dragon.

05-20-16, 11:34 AM
woow FlatFoot,this must be your work. thay all look woooow.I hope I will make it and have all 3 of them. thay remind me a bit on Forbidden Love dragon tale dragons.But hey.... I loooove this,speachles like I said.Thank you!!

wait a minute....is this suppose to be a Prime Arcone a Prime a reall Prime dragon??

05-20-16, 11:38 AM
Glad you guys like the dragons. Best of luck getting the Prime Arcane Dragon!

Loove this dragons. I'll start ASAP I want them all. Great job Flat foot.

05-20-16, 11:41 AM
What do you guys plant in the farm to get plenty of food?

05-20-16, 11:42 AM
They really are beautiful. Lovely art!

05-20-16, 11:45 AM
i want a BREAK ! (sigh)
Ditto. Can't we at least have a day between these events???

05-20-16, 11:48 AM
woow FlatFoot,this must be your work. thay all look woooow.I hope I will make it and have all 3 of them. thay remind me a bit on Forbidden Love dragon tale dragons.But hey.... I loooove this,speachles like I said.Thank you!!

wait a minute....is this suppose to be a Prime Arcone a Prime a reall Prime dragon??

It's a genuine Prime dragon!

05-20-16, 11:50 AM
What do you guys plant in the farm to get plenty of food?

I plant most of the day,when I'm at home rushrooms,at night wille I sleep and wille I'm at work Diamondates.sometimes when I have nothing to do I plant upgrapes,but thats only sometimes.
I try not to fall down with food.will see how much will need here.....

05-20-16, 11:54 AM
It's a genuine Prime dragon!

Maybe it's just me, but I was wondering... what's the point of a non-breedable prime? Seems a bit contradictory to me :confused:

05-20-16, 11:55 AM
I agree with you Clark, which is why I'm relieved to see a Tales event instead of a Tournament or Flash Tournament. At least this way we have 4 days to begin (pop up said to start by the 24th) :D So nothing to stress over this weekend (for a change!)

[QUOTE=BeSweet247;1298115]& Actually, we can (and I am going to) relax for a week-ish. Start the tales on 24th, but wait another few days to actually start worrying about it. [The first few days are normally fairly basic and able to complete back to back to back in a day or so].
I'm gonna spend the next 6 to 7 days just stockpiling food at my normal schedule & not think about tales for a bit.

My same thoughts actually this is how I do the story events. I wait till last minute to start that way I can spend 4+ days planting lots of diamondates and watch others that way I can set myself up for a pretty easy event.

I really wonder why so many jump right in as soon as it starts then complain about not having enough food! :rolleyes:

05-20-16, 11:56 AM
I wouldn't have minded a longer break but you can start the tales late, so that's always a bonus.

05-20-16, 12:03 PM
What do you guys plant in the farm to get plenty of food?

Depends on how often you can check on the game. I usually can check hourly so I plant Rushrooms. If you can check every 10 minutes then Upgrapes would yield more per hour. If you can do it less than hourly then do Diamondates.

That is only if you earn enough coins to do so, but this is the plan I use.

05-20-16, 12:04 PM
It's a genuine Prime dragon!
WOWZA Flatfoot I bow to you! Just when we think you have done the best you can you go and cross the line and out do yourself! Love the dragons! ;) After the last event I told myself I was going to skip this one, then you go and do this. I HAVE to get them! I won't be able to live with myself if I don't!

05-20-16, 12:08 PM
I like these dragons :-) they look like brothers :-) hope they have the same at least one element so I can put them together :-)

05-20-16, 12:09 PM
I really wonder why so many jump right in as soon as it starts then complain about not having enough food! :rolleyes:

I start it right away to have the final day on a sunday. Usually the last day requires a lot of time...

05-20-16, 12:23 PM
FYI- for crafting, we'll need blue, red, and green gems in addition to the quest items...

05-20-16, 12:27 PM
Love the dragons and the habitat, I just can't buy the habitat because of this ridiculous habitat cap. Could not buy the last 1 either.

05-20-16, 12:33 PM
Hope we ned not much from these gems...

05-20-16, 12:34 PM
I start it right away to have the final day on a sunday. Usually the last day requires a lot of time...

Makes sense if you need a weekend day for last day. For me Sunday is family day and I have less time on game I am better off with a weekday.

05-20-16, 12:42 PM
Perhaps I'm in the minority cause I don't like them at all.
Personally prefer the Belle and the Aladdin events as those dragons had a more distinctive designs based on their individual characters.
But I think I'll still participate since the final prize is a Prime dragon.

05-20-16, 12:52 PM
I failed to mention just how incredibly B.A. these dragons look :cool: Really knocked it out of the park AGAIN, FlatFoot!!

I bought the habitat straightaway as I tend to do when the special ones go on sale. I would suggest though for FF to design a Prime Habitat so that all of the Primes can live together (like the new Diamond habitat)! :D

05-20-16, 12:53 PM
Flatfoot.. I'm impressed. Your art has transported this game to new levels. I'm starting to care less on acquiring "older" dragons as they visual suffer next to your babies.

*High fives*

05-20-16, 01:31 PM
Hi I'm level 21. Have six farms. One is the medium. Do I if I try to upgrade by collecting from islands still plant since I will start on-the-go 24Th? Please do not suggest buying gold as is impossible at this time. All other strategies welcome.

05-20-16, 01:32 PM
I get the feeling we'll have to breed a Love and a Fuzzy. My first attempt is 33 hour Virtue. Yikes.

05-20-16, 01:54 PM
WHOA. My first thought was "That looks exactly like a Prime Dragon." And now it actually is one? AMAZING!

But I'm honestly worried we'll need way more food than we've ever needed. Or a hell of a lot gold or gems or something. I can't imagine it'll be easy... I'll probably try my best for this Prime Dragon, but I have my limits :D Otherwise it just gets stressful and annoying and that's not worth it anymore.
Oh, and I start with 400k food. Hopefully it'll be enough and hopefully there will be some left at the end.

05-20-16, 01:56 PM
So gorgeous, and I love the whole arcane theme! bravo!! <3 LOVE THIS!!! I am gonna build up as much food as i can before I start though, lol...had so many dragons I wanted to feed and grow, I was bad and did not save as much as I should have...:p

I also adore that habitat, omgod!!! :D

05-20-16, 01:59 PM
I get the feeling we'll have to breed a Love and a Fuzzy. My first attempt is 33 hour Virtue. Yikes.

Just saw them in the market, too.
Now I'm wondering - Did we ever had sales on the dragons we needed to breed, like Life? Can't remember it...

05-20-16, 02:19 PM
I'm level 147 so I assume mine are the tales for high level players.

Chapter 1
1. Plant 5 Pumpwings
2. Win 1 Battle Arena match

05-20-16, 02:28 PM
Is there going to be a list of the tasks for each chapter? Thanks!
CH 1

The sun had just dipped behind the mountains when the Apprentice Dragon had an epiphany. Creating icicles and spawning sparks from the tips of its toes was hardly magic, more like parlor tricks. If the Apprentice was to gain any respect from the other dragons on the Isles, it would need a master magician to learn from!

CH 2

Early the next morning, the Apprentice Dragon set out to find a master! The Magic Dragon seemed an obvious choice but was consumed in the performance of a summoning spell. Suddenly, the Apprentice felt a tap on its shoulder, "Are you seeking knowledge and power?" said the Mage Dragon. The Apprentice nodded eagerly. "Well, if I'm to consider taking you on as my pupil, you must first run some errands... errr... Embark on a great adventure!"

CH 3

Being an apprentice is hard work! It wasn't very magnificent either... collecting energies, essences, and crystals was alright, but taking out the garbage and picking up groceries from the market?!?! The magical talent of the Mage Dragon was undeniable, but when would the FUN lessons begin?[/QUOTE]

05-20-16, 02:34 PM
I get the feeling we'll have to breed a Love and a Fuzzy. My first attempt is 33 hour Virtue. Yikes.

Ouch! Try breeding virtue and light no virtue fail.

05-20-16, 02:43 PM
I'm level 147 so I assume mine are the tales for high level players.

Chapter 1
1. Plant 5 Pumpwings
2. Win 1 Battle Arena match

I'm level 170. Also waiting to someone post task for the next chapters.

05-20-16, 03:23 PM
Lvl 180
Chapter 2: Act 1- Harvest 6 Fire-apples; Act 2-Collect 50 Runestones from farming.

05-20-16, 03:48 PM
Hello! I'm on level 101. Can anyone list the chapters on Medium level? Thanks a lot!

05-20-16, 05:12 PM
Hello! I'm on level 101. Can anyone list the chapters on Medium level? Thanks a lot!

As completed on android

Medium level (I'm level 105)

Chapter 1:
Plant pumpwings x3
Win battle arena matches x1
Prize: 7500 apples

05-20-16, 05:47 PM
i added in post 3 the chapter 2 (high level)

05-20-16, 05:54 PM
When does the event automatically start?
Planning on harvesting more food before this

05-20-16, 05:56 PM
When does the event automatically start?
Planning on harvesting more food before this
The 24th I am doing the same.

kooky panda
05-20-16, 06:07 PM
Updated post 1 with the information provided on the thread to this point. :)

05-20-16, 06:10 PM
Woo hoo! I was so hoping for a Tales to start soon (as I'm close to the high level bracket) but really thought we'd get another flash tourney today. So happy we didn't!

I love the theme and the dragons are absolutely awesome - IMO the best you have done so far, FlatFoot! In fact, I think I'm gonna have to buy the habitat for them (which I don't normally do, being such a scrooge with my gold!). And so excited by being able to get a prime dragon!!!

I've been saving food like crazy - got over 600k - so I'm really looking forward to this event! :)

05-20-16, 06:17 PM
All the dragons look pretty good this time around, may try to finish this one, unlike previous ones that I didn't finish

05-20-16, 07:18 PM
gorgeous! starting as soon as i get home! hope i have enough food, i've been evolving a lot lately.

05-20-16, 07:25 PM
All chapters added at 2nd post.
Dident look much in to it,but we need a lot of crafting and don't forget it seems we need help from neighburs again.so don't go wilde ascing for maps from all neighburs at once,they will come for days and you need other items for acts to finish.you can dayli recive only 20.so neibs......answer to your requests........fast.

05-20-16, 08:23 PM
Just completed Chapter one. Received a message that my reward was 10,000 food, but no food was added to my account. I force closed the game, but when I went back in, the food still wasn't there. Had this happened to anyone else?

05-20-16, 08:52 PM
Woo hoo! I was so hoping for a Tales to start soon (as I'm close to the high level bracket) but really thought we'd get another flash tourney today. So happy we didn't!

I love the theme and the dragons are absolutely awesome - IMO the best you have done so far, FlatFoot! In fact, I think I'm gonna have to buy the habitat for them (which I don't normally do, being such a scrooge with my gold!). And so excited by being able to get a prime dragon!!!

I've been saving food like crazy - got over 600k - so I'm really looking forward to this event! :)
Same for me!! ... I love the theme and I absolutely HAD to buy a habitat on both my games

05-20-16, 09:30 PM
All chapters added at 2nd post.
Dident look much in to it,but we need a lot of crafting and don't forget it seems we need help from neighburs again.so don't go wilde ascing for maps from all neighburs at once,they will come for days and you need other items for acts to finish.you can dayli recive only 20.so neibs......answer to your requests........fast.

Thank you thank you!!!

05-20-16, 09:31 PM
While the dragons are cool, they look similar to the previous Tales blue, yellow, and red ones a few back. And I'm wondering if Fuzzy and Love may be retiring?

05-20-16, 09:36 PM
While the dragons are cool, they look similar to the previous Tales blue, yellow, and red ones a few back. And I'm wondering if Fuzzy and Love may be retiring?

I took a break from dragon story and missed a lot of dragons, so I'm very happy that these cool dragons have been released :)

05-20-16, 11:23 PM
While the dragons are cool, they look similar to the previous Tales blue, yellow, and red ones a few back. And I'm wondering if Fuzzy and Love may be retiring?

They don't take a break.just they are needed for this event to breed and if its hard to breed for someone you can buy them on sale,with lower price.

05-21-16, 12:59 AM
They don't take a break.just they are needed for this event to breed and if its hard to breed for someone you can buy them on sale,with lower price.

Skipping both tasks is still cheaper than buying the dragons...

05-21-16, 01:35 AM
Lol... Tried for Love, ofcourse I bred Virtue... 33 hours waiting till next try...

05-21-16, 02:55 AM
They don't take a break.just they are needed for this event to breed and if its hard to breed for someone you can buy them on sale,with lower price.
Do we know for sure that they are needed to breed for this event yet? I just hadn't seen confirmation, but perhaps you've skipped ahead?

05-21-16, 03:58 AM
Do we know for sure that they are needed to breed for this event yet? I just hadn't seen confirmation, but perhaps you've skipped ahead?

All the steps for higher players are in post #2 - need to hatch both

05-21-16, 04:50 AM
Lol... Tried for Love, ofcourse I bred Virtue... 33 hours waiting till next try...

I always use Virtue and Olympus. Avoids the Virtue fails.

05-21-16, 05:02 AM
All the steps for higher players are in post #2 - need to hatch both
Thanks Snowy - I was watching post 1, not post 2!

05-21-16, 05:41 AM
Just finished Chapter 2, going at a 1 chapter per day during the early chapters as always

05-21-16, 06:02 AM
It's weird that the Arcane dragon can't reside in the Arcane Circle.

05-21-16, 06:08 AM
It's weird that the Arcane dragon can't reside in the Arcane Circle.

yes,he can.he does have red collor type. All dragons from this event can be placed at Arcane Circle.

Edit: chapter for mid Levels 41-110 are added on #2.

05-21-16, 07:45 AM
thx lena for all the chapters :)
no golds for chapter 9 :( and chapter 10 will be tough for getting the Mysterious Energy :mad:

05-21-16, 07:59 AM
FUZZY ....After 26 hr pegasus fail, used pegasus and diamond and got fuzzy g/l all and thanks much to lenasdiner for all the steps in post #2!

05-21-16, 08:07 AM
I need a break to. I need to breed other dragons bc there getting ready to expire. Dark Angel, Black Swan, Hunter are going to be expireing this Stinks.

05-21-16, 08:09 AM
Is anybody else doing it on low level? Just recently restarted and only level 32, I've completed the first 2 days, and figured I'd get the apprentice dragon, but no luck. Had to plant 5 Buffbeets and harvest 5 Buffbeets for first act, got 5000 food. Second act had to plant Impruberries, and then collect Runestones from farming, I think it was 25 of them. Got 10000 or 15000 silver. Really hoping to get a dragon soon, also have no idea how day 3 is gonna work with me not having a dragon to raise.

05-21-16, 09:28 AM
thx lena for all the chapters :)
no golds for chapter 9 :( and chapter 10 will be tough for getting the Mysterious Energy :mad:

I noticed not getting gold as well, too bad :(
If you have enough neighbours, especially in your own timezone, it shouldn't be a problem. I am happy to see that the amount needed is lowered to 12, it was 15 at the prior tales. However, I got mine within the hour last time...

I'm in a bit of a special situation right now, only one expansion to go, got 58 maps at the moment. So will ask Stormy for a map tomorrow, and only a few reliable neighbour for the Mysterious Energy. Monday, before I finish chapter 4, I'll ask all neighbours for maps, thus maximizing my amount of maps for the moment it pleases S8 to release the next row of expansions. (hint, hint :p)

FUZZY ....After 26 hr pegasus fail, used pegasus and diamond and got fuzzy g/l all and thanks much to lenasdiner for all the steps in post #2!

I put my favourite combo, Diamond Prism and Neon, in the den this morning, 8 hours... Of all possible offspring, they bred a Fuzzy :)
So I put it on the nest, let's see if I can refrain from selling it for the next 4 days :p

Is anybody else doing it on low level? Just recently restarted and only level 32, I've completed the first 2 days, and figured I'd get the apprentice dragon, but no luck. Had to plant 5 Buffbeets and harvest 5 Buffbeets for first act, got 5000 food. Second act had to plant Impruberries, and then collect Runestones from farming, I think it was 25 of them. Got 10000 or 15000 silver. Really hoping to get a dragon soon, also have no idea how day 3 is gonna work with me not having a dragon to raise.

As learned from the prior event (details for low levels are not posted, yet) you'll probably get the first dragon after completing chapter 3 ;)

05-21-16, 09:46 AM
I need a break to. I need to breed other dragons bc there getting ready to expire. Dark Angel, Black Swan, Hunter are going to be expireing this Stinks.

How do you know this info...Is there a thread or somewhere that lists expiring dragons? Thank you!

05-21-16, 10:06 AM
I need a break to. I need to breed other dragons bc there getting ready to expire. Dark Angel, Black Swan, Hunter are going to be expireing this Stinks.

Where did you hear this?

05-21-16, 10:18 AM
yes,he can.he does have red collor type. All dragons from this event can be placed at Arcane Circle.

Edit: chapter for mid Levels 41-110 are added on #2.


I'm pretty sure the Arcane dragon cannot live in the Arcane Circle

05-21-16, 10:19 AM
How do you know this info...Is there a thread or somewhere that lists expiring dragons? Thank you!

Where did you hear this?

As far as I know, only the goals expire. The dragons will stay :)

05-21-16, 10:20 AM
Where did you hear this?

I don't think the dragons are expiring just the goals but there hasn't been any confirmation either way. They put they put 11 & 18 day timers on some goals (well, that was yesterday...I guess today they will show as 10 and 17 days.)

05-21-16, 10:24 AM

I'm pretty sure the Arcane dragon cannot live in the Arcane Circle

Final prize is PRIME Arcane, black/yellow/red ;)

05-21-16, 10:40 AM
As completed on android

Medium level (I'm level 105)

Chapter 1:
Plant pumpwings x3
Win battle arena matches x1
Prize: 7500 apples

Chapter 3
Harvest fire apples x6
Collect 50 runestones from farms

05-21-16, 10:43 AM

I'm pretty sure the Arcane dragon cannot live in the Arcane Circle

Ohhh sorry hon,I thot you are ascing about the dragon from this event,Prime Arcane. The Arcane Circle is made for dragons of this event so you can put them all together,however you can olso place other dragons if thay can fit there with their type.but Arcane dragon can't.Prime Arcane and Arcane are totally diffrrent dragons. Arcane dragon is not a part of this event.sorry.....

05-21-16, 10:55 AM
Ohhh sorry hon,I thot you are ascing about the dragon from this event,Prime Arcane. The Arcane Circle is made for dragons of this event so you can put them all together,however you can olso place other dragons if thay can fit there with their type.but Arcane dragon can't.Prime Arcane and Arcane are totally diffrrent dragons. Arcane dragon is not a part of this event.sorry.....

yes too bad arcane dragon can not go in arcane circle :( would fit with the theme ;) should be a 4 Colors habitat :)

05-21-16, 01:41 PM
Anyone have good advice for getting a Love dragon? I've been playing less than a year, but the last time we were asked to breed one I got a Moon fail somehow. It was very cool, but it made completing the Tales impossible! Thanks in advance!

05-21-16, 02:03 PM
Does anyone have the under 41 requirements yet please? Need them for my kids account.

05-21-16, 02:04 PM
Anyone have good advice for getting a Love dragon? I've been playing less than a year, but the last time we were asked to breed one I got a Moon fail somehow. It was very cool, but it made completing the Tales impossible! Thanks in advance!

Post #9 on page 1 has some breeding combos.

05-21-16, 02:07 PM
Anyone have good advice for getting a Love dragon? I've been playing less than a year, but the last time we were asked to breed one I got a Moon fail somehow. It was very cool, but it made completing the Tales impossible! Thanks in advance!

Getting a Moon dragon when trying for Love? Just wondering but HOW?
Anyway, Virtue + Olympus is a decent bet, besides Love the only other common fail is a 7-hour Olympus. Next best could be Virtue + Light, 6 total results but only love as common

05-21-16, 02:07 PM
Just updated the Storybook storyline paragraphs on page 1.

05-21-16, 03:41 PM
I added chapters for lower players on #2.

kooky panda
05-21-16, 03:56 PM
I added chapters for lower players on #2.
Thanks for all the Chapters (http://forums.storm8.com./showthread.php?91705-Arcane-Age-Dragon-Tales-May-20-2016&p=1298062&viewfull=1#post1298062)! I have add them to post 1.

kooky panda
05-21-16, 04:02 PM
Just updated the Storybook storyline paragraphs on page 1.
Thanks for the Information!

05-21-16, 05:06 PM
Laser light and Virtue! That is what I have gotten so far :( . Luckily I have yet to begin the event. I am surely waiting until the last minute to start for sure.

05-21-16, 05:20 PM
Laser light and Virtue! That is what I have gotten so far :( . Luckily I have yet to begin the event. I am surely waiting until the last minute to start for sure.

Stop using red and white and use pink and white. It eliminates the virtue as an outcome.

05-21-16, 05:42 PM
Where can you get elemental clash?

I need to know please on chapter 4


kooky panda
05-21-16, 06:58 PM
Where can you get elemental clash?

I need to know please on chapter 4


It is a quest in your Outpost.

Elemental Clash: Apprentice Dragon- Collect Elemental Energy ( 3 Hours)
http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y416/kookypanda99/E71275A4-F667-4A72-BFE3-387C757C5548-406-0000003CB7B987F2_zpsaf1d8291.jpg (http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/kookypanda99/media/E71275A4-F667-4A72-BFE3-387C757C5548-406-0000003CB7B987F2_zpsaf1d8291.jpg.html)

05-21-16, 07:00 PM
Will do! Thanks

05-21-16, 07:02 PM
Laser light and Virtue! That is what I have gotten so far :( . Luckily I have yet to begin the event. I am surely waiting until the last minute to start for sure.

Snipped from post 9 on page 1:

Breeding Suggestions
Breed Forest
Forest + Olympus: 3 results, 2 common at 7 & 12 hours, one rare at 8 hours
Forest + Forest (or Dawntree) = Forest (20 seconds)
Hatch Love Avoid Virtue fails with one of these combos:
Virtue (or Kitsune) + Fire: Kitsune (SR, 5hrs), Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Justice (R, 25hrs), Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Virtue (or Kitsune) + Light: Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Melody (R, 18hrs), Never Ending (R, 15hrs), Tiny (R, 16hrs) Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Virtue + Olympus: Olympus (C, 7hrs), Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Hatch Fuzzy
Stone + Light: Fuzzy (C, 8hrs), Lorekeeper (R, 13hrs), Pegasus (R, 26hrs)
If you use any green-white combo you will have the same as above plus Stone (R, 8hrs)
Stone + Forest: Fuzzy (C, 8hrs), Lorekeeper (R, 13hrs), Pegasus (R, 26hrs), Mossrock (SR, 8hrs)

kooky panda
05-21-16, 07:07 PM
Snipped from post 9 on page 1:

Thanks MaribouMay! I have added your information to post 1 for easy reference.:)

05-21-16, 07:20 PM
There should be more than 1 evolution temple. I have so many dragons that need to be evolved so I can trade them for gems. Let us have 2-3 evolution temples

05-21-16, 07:31 PM
Low level. Trying to make plan on this tales. Does anyone know how to breed a life dragon? Thanks.

kooky panda
05-21-16, 07:41 PM
Low level. Trying to make plan on this tales. Does anyone know how to breed a life dragon? Thanks.

Forest and Fire

or any red green combo

05-21-16, 07:42 PM
Low level. Trying to make plan on this tales. Does anyone know how to breed a life dragon? Thanks.

Life is red and green so forest and fire will work. I would also suggest questing as often as you can and keep growing food. Good luck. :)

05-21-16, 08:10 PM
Still have a few hours before I can start chapter 3, but not worried because I won't have any problems until Chapter 5 when I need to win 3 battles

05-21-16, 09:26 PM
What is the latest one can start Dragon Tales or does it automatically start after a while? Also I got a wishlist for new dragons. Desperately awaiting a Black Diamond, Dark Angel, Emberglow, Crusader, Darksteel, Summer Elf, Black Swan, Night Elf or Trojan. Had to put the last part out there because of the long lines of Coral, Luck, Mist and Charms I had to hatch and sell immediately, lol. Maybe the DS Gods will bless me with one of my wishlist dragons soon. Not complaining though, just getting a chuckle, lol.

05-21-16, 09:41 PM
There should be more than 1 evolution temple. I have so many dragons that need to be evolved so I can trade them for gems. Let us have 2-3 evolution temples

I totally agree with you! But I would hate it if it was an "activate for x amount of days" deal like the diamond temple or the roost. I would prefer to pay more for a second evolution temple and have it be active permanently.

05-21-16, 09:42 PM
Snipped from post 9 on page 1:

05-21-16, 09:50 PM
Hi all- does anyone have any idea what the Burning Essence & Freezing Essence are used for? We can craft them, we get them as a prize but I don't see anywhere to use them. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance for the help!

05-21-16, 10:21 PM
Glad you guys like the dragons. Best of luck getting the Prime Arcane Dragon!


It's wonderful to finally meet one of DS artists! I wish each drag came w/the name of the artist, b'cuz the graphics made me start playing this game. I appreciate the creativity, time & artistic ability that goes into each & every drag! No, I don't like them all, but I really like most & love many. I always read the stories behind each drag enjoy the little things about them, the things I hav to look for to notice. Like the way firestorm babies fall over, mindvolt looks like William H Macy in the 2 & 3 stage, & Underworld's magenta ponytail. My favs are Space (reminds me of Little Richard), Medusa & eclipse, and so many more I don't hav time to add. Thank you for the work you do!!! nadine

05-21-16, 10:49 PM
I might start at reset in 1 hour 15 minutes. I have enough food and starting now means I'll finish on a non-school day (I think). Provided I finish, of course. This looks manageable, I think. Getting a bit paranoid after recent events' requirements. At least I have the gems.

Stunning looking dragons, Flatfoot. Supreme is still my fav, though!

05-22-16, 12:21 AM
It is a quest in your Outpost.

Elemental Clash: Apprentice Dragon- Collect Elemental Energy ( 3 Hours)
http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y416/kookypanda99/E71275A4-F667-4A72-BFE3-387C757C5548-406-0000003CB7B987F2_zpsaf1d8291.jpg (http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/kookypanda99/media/E71275A4-F667-4A72-BFE3-387C757C5548-406-0000003CB7B987F2_zpsaf1d8291.jpg.html)

Thnks kooky!!

05-22-16, 12:48 AM
That was quick :) Chapter 3 done only 28 minutes after reset. Woke up really early this morning, just in time to send Apprentice on the quest. He came back with 3 crystal shards, so it looks like there will be less questing to do than I initially thought :)
Apprentice is in the evolution temple for the second time right now. I decided not to spend gold on skipping feeding tasks this time, not too much gold and little under 900k apples in stock :) So Apprentice will be level 14 later this day ;)

05-22-16, 02:08 AM
That was quick :) Chapter 3 done only 28 minutes after reset. Woke up really early this morning, just in time to send Apprentice on the quest. He came back with 3 crystal shards, so it looks like there will be less questing to do than I initially thought :)
Apprentice is in the evolution temple for the second time right now. I decided not to spend gold on skipping feeding tasks this time, not too much gold and little under 900k apples in stock :) So Apprentice will be level 14 later this day ;)

Mine ch still not over but there is a lot of time.will be in houer.anyway you made my day with crystals.thats great no need to go 9 times if I'm not wrong.
My Apptentice needs only to feed high level.he is allready 10.thats why Im late today.
Go slow....save your gold for next event....

05-22-16, 03:49 AM
Playing at low level, and I have to say I'm a bit disappointed with the tasks and rewards. They could have laid out the rewards for us the same as everyone else, giving us all three dragons, and made the tasks proportionally more challenging. I'm at level 37, so not too far from the max abilities at the lower tier, and I feel like I could be doing more to get the arcane dragon at the end. Bummer. I guess two dragons are better that none.

05-22-16, 05:27 AM
If you're trying to breed Love before you've started the event, does that mean if we already have Love and Fuzzy we don't have to breed duplicates?

05-22-16, 05:45 AM
If you're trying to breed Love before you've started the event, does that mean if we already have Love and Fuzzy we don't have to breed duplicates?

You need to hatch the specified dragon when the tales asks you to. So, you can breed it, and leave it on your nest to hatch when it's needed. But you still need to hatch one, even if you have one in a habitat. Hopefully that makes sense! <3

I am still making food so I haven't started yet, i am chomping at the bit but I don't want to jump the ***, lol. :)

05-22-16, 06:23 AM
I finished day 2 and wantet to breed for fuzzy. Guess wat I got;)
A 26 hour Pegasus. Good thing that I startet breeding for Fuzzy so early.

05-22-16, 06:32 AM
I finished day 2 and wantet to breed for fuzzy. Guess wat I got;)
A 26 hour Pegasus. Good thing that I startet breeding for Fuzzy so early.

my baby account got that too ;) that's why it is good to know what we have to hatch in advance :)

05-22-16, 06:33 AM
Do you by chance have the tasks for the lower level? I just finished my first battle in chapter 3 and would like to prepare for the next chapters.

05-22-16, 06:53 AM
Do you by chance have the tasks for the lower level? I just finished my first battle in chapter 3 and would like to prepare for the next chapters.

First post of this thread ;)

05-22-16, 07:31 AM
I'm at level 75. How much food do you think I should have saved before I start. I only have 140,000 now. I'm thinking I should wait a few days to start and keep growing. Thanks!

05-22-16, 07:48 AM
Finished Chapter 3

05-22-16, 08:19 AM
This will be my first time in the high level category. I don't want to have to raise dragons past level 10. It's too much food. i have 373,623 right now. Im gonna wait until the last day and harvest more food before that I start so I can have some left over afterward the event.

05-22-16, 09:15 AM
Taking forever for mysterious energy and only need 2, haven't requested maps in a couple days so that's not the problem. ...hope this gets better/faster...people are on from whom I requested, not even stormie replied ...feeling rejected lol

P.s. is there an add me thread for mysterious energy/may 2016 ...could not find, and search says words are too common.....thanks!

05-22-16, 10:29 AM
I wasn't going to start until the last day because I don't have enough food but I decided to try to get a head start on fuzzy and love. Of course I bred them both yesterday so now they are clogging up my nests.

05-22-16, 10:31 AM
Taking forever for mysterious energy and only need 2, haven't requested maps in a couple days so that's not the problem. ...hope this gets better/faster...people are on from whom I requested, not even stormie replied ...feeling rejected lol

P.s. is there an add me thread for mysterious energy/may 2016 ...could not find, and search says words are too common.....thanks!


05-22-16, 10:54 AM
These dragons are great looking, but even if I have enough food to finish, I doubt, I'll never be able to show them off because they'll only get as big as required to finish the story or level 7. I'll try. I'll wish.

I wish a lot of things: food was easier to make, my album worked on a Galaxy7, my other two small accounts via Amazon app store would magically work again, and my co-workers wouldn't bug me when I'm playing dragon story.

I'm looking for map neighbors: please add bravewarrior
I'm level 178 and I'm going for one billion coins.

05-22-16, 11:09 AM
You need to hatch the specified dragon when the tales asks you to. So, you can breed it, and leave it on your nest to hatch when it's needed. But you still need to hatch one, even if you have one in a habitat. Hopefully that makes sense! <3

I am still making food so I haven't started yet, i am chomping at the bit but I don't want to jump the ***, lol. :)

That makes perfect sense, thank you! I'm waiting until the last day to harvest as much as possible, but I want to breed in advance. I have a ton of Loves collecting coins until I replace all but one with new/better dragons. I've sold so many off the nest, but with my luck I won't be able to get one when I need it! :p

05-22-16, 11:24 AM
I wasn't going to start until the last day because I don't have enough food but I decided to try to get a head start on fuzzy and love. Of course I bred them both yesterday so now they are clogging up my nests.

Mine too lol I'm not starting yet either, I need more food

05-22-16, 11:29 AM
my baby account got that too ;) that's why it is good to know what we have to hatch in advance :)
Yes, you're right, so a big thanks to those listing the all the tasks. We could not do them in time without you:-)

05-22-16, 11:36 AM
Im currently on chapter 3 lvl 102 but Im not seeing the quest available. Its just the usual ones there.

05-22-16, 02:09 PM
Im currently on chapter 3 lvl 102 but Im not seeing the quest available. Its just the usual ones there.

Try force closing and reopening the game, if that doesn't work try deleting and reinstalling

05-22-16, 02:16 PM
How much food would everyone feel is a comfortable amount to start this tales with? I'm at about 148,000.....i feel like if I begin now I'll just end up freaking out about food.
Thanks and add me if your looking for active neighbors..... MegaCharChar

05-22-16, 02:52 PM
How much food would everyone feel is a comfortable amount to start this tales with? I'm at about 148,000.....i feel like if I begin now I'll just end up freaking out about food.
Thanks and add me if your looking for active neighbors..... MegaCharChar

Approximately 310,000 if your a high level player. If you had that and combined it with what you get for prizes you should have enough to level up the dragons needed to complete the tales.

kooky panda
05-22-16, 03:19 PM
If you're trying to breed Love before you've started the event, does that mean if we already have Love and Fuzzy we don't have to breed duplicates?

You will need to hatch the Love and Fuzzy egg to complete the requirement. If you have more than one nest, most players go ahead and start breeding for these eggs.
When you get one keep on your nest until that requirement shows up.

05-22-16, 03:35 PM
Holy ****!!! I'll wait till the last day to start. I'm level 75. I can probably get 2 of the dragons but I can't see finishing. Thanks for the reply!

05-22-16, 03:39 PM
How much food would everyone feel is a comfortable amount to start this tales with? I'm at about 148,000.....i feel like if I begin now I'll just end up freaking out about food.
Thanks and add me if your looking for active neighbors..... MegaCharChar

Approximately 310,000 if your a high level player. If you had that and combined it with what you get for prizes you should have enough to level up the dragons needed to complete the tales.

I find 180,000 is more than sufficient to start. Means I need to produce 13,000 a day during the 10 days after taking the prizes into account, which is easy enough. As I produce over 20,000 a day I always have food left. According to my calculations we need a total of 345,350 by the end at the high level, so 345,350 minus 180,000 equals 165,350, minus 36,000 prizes equals 129,350 divided by 10 days equals 12,935 per day required production. 4 rounds of Diamondates a day equals 22,400 per day production.

05-22-16, 03:46 PM
Holy ****!!! I'll wait till the last day to start. I'm level 75. I can probably get 2 of the dragons but I can't see finishing. Thanks for the reply!

Mid level is significantly easier than high level. Since you are level 75, you fall in the middle. Usually, that involves raising the 2 dragons you get along the way to level 10. The reason 111 up is so much more expensive is we need to raise them to level 14 for the first, then level 12 for the second usually. Hopefully that'll help you out! I would recommend trying to get to the end regardless, because with planning it's definitely doable. <3

PS...all three levels and everything you need to do for them should be listed on the first page, and you more than likely have different dragons to breed etc. :)

05-22-16, 04:11 PM
Thanks. I think I can handle that.... I'm a bit DS obsessed so I check my game often enough to pretty much harvest all day. I have 4 enchanted and 3 small farms. I now wish I had upgraded my small farms prior to this. Hindsight is 20/20....lol

05-22-16, 04:34 PM
Definitely! I'd make it priority when you can to upgrade your farms, in the end you definitely need them. :) Took me awhile to get it too. :p

I am on a ton also, my mobility is extremely limited (need a walker to get around), so I have a bunch of free time, sad but true lol! <3 I'll send you a neighbor invite when I get back on, I think you were asking about an add me thread earlier...gah my brain has been off kilter lately. :p

PS again hehe...don't be afraid to ask questions if something confuses you, we are here to support and lub one another! :D

05-22-16, 05:00 PM
I didn't go grocery shopping so I could make 1 hour apples today. #BadMom

05-22-16, 05:48 PM
Mid level is significantly easier than high level. Since you are level 75, you fall in the middle. Usually, that involves raising the 2 dragons you get along the way to level 10. The reason 111 up is so much more expensive is we need to raise them to level 14 for the first, then level 12 for the second usually. Hopefully that'll help you out! I would recommend trying to get to the end regardless, because with planning it's definitely doable. <3

PS...all three levels and everything you need to do for them should be listed on the first page, and you more than likely have different dragons to breed etc. :)

Thanks for the pep talk.... I think I can do this if I manage my time right with harvesting. I do the 1 hour rushroom during the day so I get 300 per crop. I actually zet my alarm so I can harvest on the hour. Then I do the diamond dates before I go to bed. I've been pretty lucky with mining too.... I usually have 4-6 bombs per day and have been averaging 1000 food from that..... Lately anyway. It's not something I'm counting on though.

05-22-16, 06:03 PM
Mining is extra credit. :) When you hit level 80, you can get double the amount of food for mining with dynamite for island parts. I wish I could do that...1000 food per random find was SO nice.

05-22-16, 06:11 PM
Oh... Just wanted to mention that Metal and Goodwitch gives me a 5 hour Love fail 90% of the time.

05-22-16, 07:28 PM
Getting a Moon dragon when trying for Love? Just wondering but HOW?
Anyway, Virtue + Olympus is a decent bet, besides Love the only other common fail is a 7-hour Olympus. Next best could be Virtue + Light, 6 total results but only love as common
LOL I wish I could remember as DH started playing and wants a Moon Dragon so badly! Part of the "problem" is I don't have a pure white dragon, so somehow I mixed just the right colors. This time I'll try to use a combo with pink as per the suggestion! Unfortunately I don't have any of the dragons you named, so I'd better get breeding my magnificent fails! Ha!

05-22-16, 07:35 PM
Trying to get a fuzzy on the nest, so far we have Lorekeeper (13h) and Pegasus (26h)!! I already have them, or I would be more excited. Guess I will just try again tomorrow!

05-22-16, 07:52 PM
LOL I wish I could remember as DH started playing and wants a Moon Dragon so badly! Part of the "problem" is I don't have a pure white dragon, so somehow I mixed just the right colors. This time I'll try to use a combo with pink as per the suggestion! Unfortunately I don't have any of the dragons you named, so I'd better get breeding my magnificent fails! Ha!

You can buy a light dragon for 150,000 coins from the market. His incubation time is 9hrs.

05-22-16, 08:16 PM
Haha! I am really glad my rambling is good humor! Nothing but love for you all! <3

Up to 120,000 food now, hopefully I'll be good by Tuesday. :p

05-22-16, 08:33 PM
Woke up in the middle of the night the other night, figured I'd be a good camper and check into my game. Since I was half asleep, I must have somehow allowed an update I otherwise wouldn't have. Next morning, my iPad was dead and wouldn't open, delete or install anything.

Not a good feeling. I tried all the different fixes, restores, etc. to no avail. Then I realized it was bye bye DS and all other games as no way can I afford a new iPad when barely making rent.

I kept trying for a day and a half, till finally I was able to wipe out everything, after many tries, and got DS back, starting at level 1 and then able to do it at level 2. Really uncomfortable knowing that if this happens you're out of luck, especially since I'd suffered through events I don't like just to get to tales which I love. Now I'm behind but don't mind speeding up to catch up. Just grateful to have my island back.

See, this is why some of us can't be babysitting our game 24 hours a day, let alone 100 other reasons mentioned by others.

So, give us a break TL. Anyone whose device or internet stopped working knows what I mean.

Good luck everyone with the tales. I love the dragons and hope I can still catch up. Also, way behind on food.

05-22-16, 08:37 PM
Thanks. I think I can handle that.... I'm a bit DS obsessed so I check my game often enough to pretty much harvest all day. I have 4 enchanted and 3 small farms. I now wish I had upgraded my small farms prior to this. Hindsight is 20/20....lol

Might be worth it to upgrade now...

05-22-16, 09:02 PM
Just reached 340,000!!!! Will start Tuesday as well
Haha! I am really glad my rambling is good humor! Nothing but love for you all! <3

Up to 120,000 food now, hopefully I'll be good by Tuesday. :p

05-22-16, 11:16 PM
just started Arcane age.. wow a prime dragon...have to complete this tales badly.....good luck everybody

05-23-16, 01:46 AM
Oh... Just wanted to mention that Metal and Goodwitch gives me a 5 hour Love fail 90% of the time.

THAT combination gave my daughter her first Diamond ;)

05-23-16, 04:37 AM
Fuzzy on nest, Love in breeding den. So glad I invested in 3rd nest during last Leaderboardevent.
Edit: Fire and Light, first try.

05-23-16, 05:32 AM
in the upper right corner you would find a small s8 icon , click on that then choose the log into anothrt account type your old id and password and press ok . now you would be able to access your old game and use the new id to send an extra gold to your main account everyday.

05-23-16, 07:43 AM
Just finished Chapter 4, not looking forward to tomorrow for Chapter 5 where I have to win 3 battles

05-23-16, 07:43 AM
I'm a long time high level player

After the first tales I decided to always have a stock of food. Now I never go below 500k between tales. Took some time to gather, but now its just my new 'zero'

Regd. chapter 10 I think my tactic will be:
The morning before (CET) plant 2 x 20 hours, continue normally during the day w the 5 others
The evening before plant 5 x 5 hours
The morning, before chapter is opened, harvest 3 of the 5 hours. If/when only 1 hour left of chapter 9 plant 3 fireapples
When chapter 10 starts, harvest and plant 3 fireapples
After 1 hour harvest second set
When time for runes harvest remaining 2 x 20 + 2 x 5 which with 2-3 runes/hour should get me over the 120 limit, otherwise I'll do 10 minutes (which drop ~ 1/6) until I have enough.

Assuming I do this slowly and avoid butterfingers(!) that should be time-efficient why not wasting too much on low-yielding crops.

Anyone with a better idea?

05-23-16, 08:59 AM
Just finished Chapter 4, not looking forward to tomorrow for Chapter 5 where I have to win 3 battles

With 17 level 15 diamonds you should be able to finish these battles without any problems :) Good luck anyway ;)
My guess is that we will have a tournament tomorrow, which should make it easy to finish these battles... We'll see ;)

05-23-16, 09:10 AM
Step by step guide for high level players (111+), presuming you have 3 nests and 7 fully upgraded farms.

If you follow this guide, you'll probably have a very, very smooth sailing, unless you're very unlucky with the arena or neighbors. Following this guide makes the time I need to invest reduced to an absolute minimum - and at minimal till no gold-costs at all.

Elemental Energy Quest 3 hrs, Elemental Clash
Crystal Shards Quest 2 hrs, Small Beginnings
Archane Architecture Crafting 1 hour
Empty Essence Crafting 1 hour
Burning Essence Crafting 2 hours
Freezing Essence Crafting 2 hours
Elemental Altar Crafting 3 hours

Needed: crafting questing, totall
1 Empty Essence 1 Chrystal Shards
2 Arcane Architecture 4 Elemental Energy
4 Crystal Shards
1 Burning Essence 3 Crystal Shards
1 small red gem
1 Freezing Essence 3 Crystal Shards
1 small blue gem
1 Elemental Altar 2 Arcane Architecture
2 Elemental Energy
2 small green gems
11 Chrystal Shards
6 Elemental Energy
1 small red gem
1 small blue gem
2 small green gems

Food required:
Apprentice lvl 14 210.175
Mage lvl 12 135.175
chapter 5 -12.000
chapter 9 -14.000
Total: 319.350

Food required to get the 2nd dragon (chapter 7):
Apprentice lvl 12 135.175
chapter 5 -12.000
Total: 123.175

have 1 Love egg on the nest
have 1 Fuzzy egg on the nest
have 1 nest free
plant 1 20-hour crop and have it ready for collection - put it out of the way to prevent premature collection
have 1 small red gem
have 1 small blue gem
have 2 small green gems
have 319.350 food

Chapter 1
plant 3 pumpwings (5 hour)
plant 3 firapples (1 hour)
win 1 arena match

Pay to start the next day immediately (usually 6 gold, but it gives you a head start on hatching and evolving Apprentice)

Chapter 2
harvest 3 firapples
plant 3 firapples
harvest 3 firapples
harvest 1 20-hour crop

hatch and evolve Apprentice dragon to lvl 14
do quests, have atleast 1 Empty Essence
last quest of the day: Small Beginnings

Chapter 3
raise Apprentice to lvl 5
recieve 2 Mysterious Energy from your neighbors
complete 1 Small Beginnings

do quests
last quest of the day: Elemental Clash
craft 1 Empty Essence
have atleast 2 Chrystal Shards and 2 Elemental Energy

Chapter 4
raise Apprentice to lvl 7
complete 1 Elemental Clash
collect 1 Empty Essence

do quests
craft 1 Arcane Architecture
last quest of the day: Small Beginnings
last planting of the day: 2 20-hour crop - put it out of the way to prevent premature collection

Chapter 5
raise Apprentice to lvl 12
complete 1 Small Beginnings
win 3 arena matches
collect 1 Arcane Architecture

stop breeding
do quests
have atleast 3 Chrystal Shards and 1 small red gem
last quest of the day: Elemental Clash
plant 1 buffbeets

Chapter 6
hatch Fuzzy
harvest 1 buffbeets (3 min)
plant and harvest 5 buffbeets (3 min)
complete 1 Elemental Clash
harvest 2 20-hour crops

do quests
craft 1 Burning Essence
have atleast 2 Elemental Energy, 5 Chrystal Shards and 1 small blue gem

Chapter 7
recieve 8 Mysterious Energy from your neighbors - ask max 50
collect 1 Burning Essence
have the Nobel Crystal
breed Forest with another Dragon (shortest breeding times is with Olympus)
raise Apprentice to lvl 12

craft and collect 1 Arcane Architecture
hatch and raise Mage to lvl 12
last quest of the day: Elemental Clash
craft 1 Freezing Essence
have atleast 2 Arcane Architectures, 2 Elemental Energy and 2 small green gems

Chapter 8
raise Mage to lvl 5
hatch Love
complete 1 Elemental Clash
collect 1 Freezing Essence

craft 1 Elemental Altar
last quest of the day: Elemental Clash
last planting of the day: 3 20-hour crop - put it out of the way to prevent premature collection

Chapter 9
raise Mage to lvl 8
complete Elemental Clash
win 3 arena matches
collect 1 Elemental Altar
raise Apprentice to lvl 14

plant 4 firapples (1 hour)

Chapter 10
raise Mage to lvl 12
harvest 4 firapples (1 hour)
plant and harvest 2 firapples (1 hour) (option: speed them for 2 gold)
recieve 12 Mysterious Energy from your neighbors
harvest 3 20-hour crops
win 4 arena matches

Good luck every one!

05-23-16, 10:04 AM
I'm a long time high level player

After the first tales I decided to always have a stock of food. Now I never go below 500k between tales. Took some time to gather, but now its just my new 'zero'

Regd. chapter 10 I think my tactic will be:
The morning before (CET) plant 2 x 20 hours, continue normally during the day w the 5 others
The evening before plant 5 x 5 hours
The morning, before chapter is opened, harvest 3 of the 5 hours. If/when only 1 hour left of chapter 9 plant 3 fireapples
When chapter 10 starts, harvest and plant 3 fireapples
After 1 hour harvest second set
When time for runes harvest remaining 2 x 20 + 2 x 5 which with 2-3 runes/hour should get me over the 120 limit, otherwise I'll do 10 minutes (which drop ~ 1/6) until I have enough.

Assuming I do this slowly and avoid butterfingers(!) that should be time-efficient why not wasting too much on low-yielding crops.

Anyone with a better idea?

Looks like a good strategy to me.

05-23-16, 11:18 AM
Haha... My first Love fail is a Bubble Dargon. I'm always looking for love in all the wrong places! Love Dargon during a quest is going to shut me out again if I keep this up. (Thanks for the advice to buy a light... Might do that tomorrow!)

05-23-16, 11:32 AM
Anaboe, I love you for the lists you do. Thank you SO much! <3

05-23-16, 12:28 PM
Anaboe, I love you for the lists you do. Thank you SO much! <3

Ditto ;)

05-23-16, 01:41 PM
Anaboe, I love you for the lists you do. Thank you SO much! <3
Me too it's makes everything easier :). .... Managed to get love and fuzzy in plenty of time even if they block two nests

05-23-16, 02:04 PM
Anaboe, I love you for the lists you do. Thank you SO much! <3

Ditto ;)

Me too it's makes everything easier :). .... Managed to get love and fuzzy in plenty of time even if they block two nests

You're welcome :)

I usually can't make them within the first few days of the event, because I'm usually very busy during weekends, but as long as I'm playing this game, I will be making these guides :)

05-23-16, 02:34 PM
You're welcome :)

I usually can't make them within the first few days of the event, because I'm usually very busy during weekends, but as long as I'm playing this game, I will be making these guides :)

Awesome! many hugs in advance! <3

Before I got my third nest, I cringed at the price. Now, I consider it money very well spent, probably the best in the game spent buying nests. :)

05-23-16, 03:05 PM
Awesome! many hugs in advance! <3

Before I got my third nest, I cringed at the price. Now, I consider it money very well spent, probably the best in the game spent buying nests. :)

True, and also because of World Events and Leaderboard Events: you can keep your 3 nests filled all times, at the cost of just a few coins. It gives you a lot of points and is a huge adventage!

05-23-16, 03:33 PM
I was worried about hatching a Fuzzy, bred one, have it on a nest and rechecked the tasks and discovered I don't even need it! Level 106, mid level. I only saw hatch Love. Since I feel like I've bred a thousand of those, surely that won't be a problem. I'll actually start tomorrow after I get more food. I'm so grateful for all the helpful information! You guys are amazing!! :)

05-23-16, 04:32 PM
Why are we crafting the Empty, Burning and Freezing Essence, I can not manage to get my head around this, must be having a blonde seniors moment! Nowhere can I find that we use them to craft something else and we get 4 Burning and Freezing Essences as a reward, this to me is only going to clutter our storage yet again. I know it is a task but why can someone please explain this!

05-23-16, 04:58 PM
Oh... Just wanted to mention that Metal and Goodwitch gives me a 5 hour Love fail 90% of the time.

THAT combination gave my daughter her first Diamond ;)

That was my intention for pairing Metal and Goodwitch....I was aiming for Diamond. There are only 14 outcomes when breeding these two. I had them in the breeding Den 38 times!!!!! I got 2 Lunar Ram, 1 Laserlight, 2 Cloud, 2 Disco and 1 hot chocolate. The rest were Love and winter fails..... About 24 of them being love..... Which I just traded for gems. I'm giving up on the elusive Diamond!! I figure once I stop trying it will just happen!!!!😁

05-23-16, 05:34 PM
I'm only doing the first act but I couldn't even get pass the level 14 treefrog dragon in my arena..
I feel like the difficulty for normal battles have increased so much it's ridiculous

05-23-16, 06:14 PM
Does anyone have an estimate as to how much food someone just above level 45 will need?

05-23-16, 06:37 PM
Why are we crafting the Empty, Burning and Freezing Essence, I can not manage to get my head around this, must be having a blonde seniors moment! Nowhere can I find that we use them to craft something else and we get 4 Burning and Freezing Essences as a reward, this to me is only going to clutter our storage yet again. I know it is a task but why can someone please explain this!

I wondered the same thing. Shrugged my shoulders in confusion.

05-23-16, 07:37 PM
Awesome! many hugs in advance! <3

Before I got my third nest, I cringed at the price. Now, I consider it money very well spent, probably the best in the game spent buying nests. :)

I only have 2 nests. Just wanted to let folks know that you only need 2 if you want to prepare ahead because Fuzzy comes off the nest before you need to hatch Mage and before you have to breed Forest with anything.

So go ahead and get Fuzzy and Love on the nests if you want. Two is plenty.

Three is fine if you have the bucks or want to encourage Team Lava to continue down the 'more is better' 'spend more money' road.

05-23-16, 08:11 PM
Haha... My first Love fail is a Bubble Dargon. I'm always looking for love in all the wrong places! Love Dargon during a quest is going to shut me out again if I keep this up. (Thanks for the advice to buy a light... Might do that tomorrow!)

I got love on the first try with virtue and Olympus. Fuzzy was a bit more difficult... A few stone fails.

05-23-16, 08:41 PM
I gotta say...looking at the last day it seems very very difficult.

12 of those energy things from neighbors, 120 runestones and 4 battle arenas in consecutive order??????

How can a normal average player get 12 gifts in one day and wait around all day for that, then win 4 battles????

05-23-16, 09:41 PM
Why are we crafting the Empty, Burning and Freezing Essence, I can not manage to get my head around this, must be having a blonde seniors moment! Nowhere can I find that we use them to craft something else and we get 4 Burning and Freezing Essences as a reward, this to me is only going to clutter our storage yet again. I know it is a task but why can someone please explain this!

It is decor, just like crafting the birthday gifts, treasure chest and other decor in previous Tales.

05-23-16, 09:51 PM
Decor many people can't use. It's all clutter to me. I can't decorate my island. A side effect of playing for forever.

05-23-16, 09:54 PM
Does anyone have an estimate as to how much food someone just above level 45 will need?

Snipped from post 9 on page 1:

Dragon Food Requirements
Apprentice, rare, purple-blue, 4 hours:
. . . . . . 50 + 125 + 500 + 1500 + 3000 + 5000 + 12,500 + 22,500 + 30,000 + 75,175 for level 10
. . . . . . plus 30,000 + 30,000 + 35,000 + 40,000 for level 14 (total of 210,175 for levels 1-14)
Mage, super rare, red-white-yellow, 6 hours:
. . . . . . 50 + 125 + 500 + 1500 + 3000 + 5000 + 12,500 + 22,500 + 30,000 + 75,175 for level 10
. . . . . . plus 30,000 + 30,000 for level 12 (total of 135,175 for levels 1-12)

At level 45, you are in the middle group. You need to raise Apprentice & Mage to level 10 (per post 1 on page 1). So you'll need 75,175 + 75,175 = 150,350 food.

05-23-16, 10:01 PM
I gotta say...looking at the last day it seems very very difficult.

12 of those energy things from neighbors, 120 runestones and 4 battle arenas in consecutive order??????

How can a normal average player get 12 gifts in one day and wait around all day for that, then win 4 battles????

Set out alarm for just after roll over then send out requests for help from neighbors. Also plant scaleypears day before so they are ready to harvest when you get first part done. They take 20 hours, so plant early the previous day. Seven crops of scaly pears will get 120 runestones in one harvest.. Battles you can do every hour after that. Just takes planning ahead.

05-23-16, 10:02 PM
Hi hon. I've got 2 nests as well. I've done ok with the 2.
I'm avoiding spending gold. I'm really getting burned out. Sad but true... Good luck :)

I only have 2 nests. Just wanted to let folks know that you only need 2 if you want to prepare ahead because Fuzzy comes off the nest before you need to hatch Mage and before you have to breed Forest with anything.

So go ahead and get Fuzzy and Love on the nests if you want. Two is plenty.

Three is fine if you have the bucks or want to encourage Team Lava to continue down the 'more is better' 'spend more money' road.

05-23-16, 10:09 PM
Hi hon. I've got 2 nests as well. I've done ok with the 2.
I'm avoiding spending gold. I'm really getting burned out. Sad but true... Good luck :)

Good luck to you also! I just see no need for 3 nests with one breeding den. And, I hear you about the gold. Still no resolve on my gold trap/ glitch.

05-24-16, 03:20 AM
I only have 2 nests. Just wanted to let folks know that you only need 2 if you want to prepare ahead because Fuzzy comes off the nest before you need to hatch Mage and before you have to breed Forest with anything.

So go ahead and get Fuzzy and Love on the nests if you want. Two is plenty.

Three is fine if you have the bucks or want to encourage Team Lava to continue down the 'more is better' 'spend more money' road.

I am a complete IDIOT. It did not occur to me that I need a nest free to hatch the egg. DUH! Seriously. I scare myself sometimes with my tunnel vision. I suppose I could cut myself a bit of a break since it's the 1st one I'm doing over 110, but really...that'd be a cop out. Thanks for pointing out the obvious, clearly, some of us actually need it!

05-24-16, 04:39 AM
I don't like the breed things quest, I don't know what will happen if I need to breed 2 dragons at the higher quest level! (I'm level 99) This is just too much with my "luck."

Looking for Love: 1st attempt Bubble, 2nd attempt Laserlight (only had four possible outcomes)... Still looking.

05-24-16, 06:16 AM
My first try for Fuzzy is a Pegasus. Just as well I started trying a few days before I need it!

05-24-16, 06:26 AM
Finished 1 out of 3 battles for Chapter 5

05-24-16, 06:36 AM
Lorekeeper, Pegasus, Lorekeeper, lorekeeper! At this rate I will not get fuzzy for days!!

05-24-16, 06:57 AM
I only have 2 nests. Just wanted to let folks know that you only need 2 if you want to prepare ahead because Fuzzy comes off the nest before you need to hatch Mage and before you have to breed Forest with anything.

So go ahead and get Fuzzy and Love on the nests if you want. Two is plenty.

Three is fine if you have the bucks or want to encourage Team Lava to continue down the 'more is better' 'spend more money' road.
I have had 3 nests for over 2 years now, and it's perhaps the best "investment" I have ever done in DS. And no, I didn't spent any money on either one of my nests. I only bought gold to buy my first Diamond (in a value-pack). Now I have 3 nests, 5 gold giving dragons, bought tons of dragons with gold (on sale), bought the second breeding den and Diamond Temple a couple of times, bought lots of Ultimates in the arena, sped something here and there. All without paying real life money.

It's not about feeding TL/S8. Everybody gets gold eventually. From neighbours to start with, but saving and buying gold-giving dragons when on sale is also an investment with a short period of return. It's all about what's the best investment.

And to me, a 3rd nest, is a VERY good investment, because it gives you the ability to always breed, even when you've just crafted a dragon. It also gives you lots of items during World events and Leaderboard events, AND it gives you the ability to have BOTH the dragons required by tales before you start the tales. Because if you're very unlucky, you won't breed one of the needed dragons once you've started the tales.

05-24-16, 07:12 AM
I don't think this is off topic, but I am ready to start the event (always wait for the last day :) ), but I have a Prism (12) in the arena that I just cannot shake! Can anyone share their success in defeating this guy?? I have tried Diamond (14) multiple times, Fire (14), Surprise, Time Travel (11) and a couple of others I can remember. Help, please!!

05-24-16, 08:03 AM
I don't think this is off topic, but I am ready to start the event (always wait for the last day :) ), but I have a Prism (12) in the arena that I just cannot shake! Can anyone share their success in defeating this guy?? I have tried Diamond (14) multiple times, Fire (14), Surprise, Time Travel (11) and a couple of others I can remember. Help, please!!

Try any Blue-Green dragons you have, such as Island, Serpent, Atlantis, Winter Rose, Mermaid, Holographic, Waverider, etc... You can also try Quetzal or Mercury if you have one... Champion would be your last choice, but I always beat this guy successfully using Blue-Green dragon... Good luck! :)

05-24-16, 10:04 AM
Try any Blue-Green dragons you have, such as Island, Serpent, Atlantis, Winter Rose, Mermaid, Holographic, Waverider, etc... You can also try Quetzal or Mercury if you have one... Champion would be your last choice, but I always beat this guy successfully using Blue-Green dragon... Good luck! :)

Wow - thanks, I'll try it. I guess that's the only thing I didn't try! :)

05-24-16, 01:52 PM
I don't think this is off topic, but I am ready to start the event (always wait for the last day :) ), but I have a Prism (12) in the arena that I just cannot shake! Can anyone share their success in defeating this guy?? I have tried Diamond (14) multiple times, Fire (14), Surprise, Time Travel (11) and a couple of others I can remember. Help, please!!

I've beat a level 12 Prism with: Black Knight (lv 10) with bb or mm; Templar (lv 1) with bm; Air (lv 1) with mmb.

I've beat other levels of Prism using Diamond (lv 10) & Warden (lv 1).

Good Luck!

05-24-16, 02:35 PM
What's the best way to defeat a Disco dragon?

05-24-16, 03:05 PM
What's the best way to defeat a Disco dragon?

Since no one else has answered yet...

I've only ever had to use my level 10 Templar with mm. It's beat Disco every time. Sorry it's not much help.

05-24-16, 04:33 PM
And again, DS has let me down.

Tonight, my Tales started out of the blue, so I have only 7 hours to finish the first day, because my S8 day starts at 9 in the morning over here. That means they ripped me of 17 hours in which I could have hatched and evolved Apprentice (since I always pay to start the second day right away, so I have plenty time to raise the dragon to lvl 14 on day one - leaving me with plenty time to sent him on adventures the rest of the event).

This time, they're not gonna get 1 gold from me...

05-24-16, 07:04 PM
Is it pointless to use gold to unlock chapters early?
I used 30 gold to unlock the first 3 acts to give myself more time to complete, I'm now at act 4 but the next act starts at 2d 4h?? I see some players are already on act 5
From what I remember last time it doesn't take so long for the next chapter to unlock
Did I just waste my 30 gold? What a bummer!

05-24-16, 07:20 PM
Is it pointless to use gold to unlock chapters early?
I used 30 gold to unlock the first 3 acts to give myself more time to complete, I'm now at act 4 but the next act starts at 2d 4h?? I see some players are already on act 5
From what I remember last time it doesn't take so long for the next chapter to unlock
Did I just waste my 30 gold? What a bummer!

Unfortunately, yes. This is a clip from MaribouMay's post#9 on this thread... "Each day ends at a fixed time relative to when you started the event. Say you start on a Tuesday, day 2 starts Wednesday at midnight Pacific time, day 3 starts Thursday at midnight Pacific time, etc. If you skip ahead on day 1 to play the tasks for day 2, you will still have to wait until Thursday at midnight Pacific time to start the tasks for day 3 unless you spend more gold to skip ahead again." Her entire post has quite a bit of collected wisdom on participating in the Dragon Tales event. For those of us that started on the Friday the event started, we are finishing Day 5

05-24-16, 07:26 PM
Unfortunately, yes. This is a clip from MaribouMay's post#9 on this thread... "Each day ends at a fixed time relative to when you started the event. Say you start on a Tuesday, day 2 starts Wednesday at midnight Pacific time, day 3 starts Thursday at midnight Pacific time, etc. If you skip ahead on day 1 to play the tasks for day 2, you will still have to wait until Thursday at midnight Pacific time to start the tasks for day 3 unless you spend more gold to skip ahead again." Her entire post has quite a bit of collected wisdom on participating in the Dragon Tales event. For those of us that started on the Friday the event started, we are finishing Day 5

Oh no... I should've read the previous posts! Thanks for clearing up things though :(

05-24-16, 09:23 PM
Oh no... I should've read the previous posts! Thanks for clearing up things though :(

You're welcome. It's what the forums are for...

05-24-16, 11:30 PM
It's not totally pointless, but you need to use it the right way.

Usually, I pay 5 or 6 gold to unlock the second chapter right away. This means I have the first dragon when the first day is only a few hours old, instead of at the end of day 2. This gives me 24 hours extra to raise the first dragon to lvl 14 immediately, so I don't have to fit the evolvings between two questings.

The same goes for chapter 9 on day 9: if you finished chapter 9 only a few hours into day 9, and don't have a lot of time to play on day 10, you can pay gold to unloch chapter 10 right away, so you have up to 48 hours instead of 24 to finish chapter 10.

05-25-16, 12:12 AM
I just hatched a Fuzzy Dragon and the Tales didn't count it!!

05-25-16, 04:49 AM
I'm still looking for love... There are only four potential outcomes!!! I'm getting another laser light. This makes it bubble, laser light, laser light! I think I need Love tomorrow too! I've already rushed one egg... Grrrr. Stupid love dragon locked me out of the first tales we had to breed it in and I'm well on my way! Wish I could have more gold partners as I've only got one nest. Bummer.

05-25-16, 06:24 AM
DAZLegendz, I have 7 epic farms. When I have time, I plant up grapes every 10 mins for $8k each on all 7 farms. By doing this you get 4200 apples/hr. I set a timer on my phone to go harvest them and replant. I'd I have less time, I plant the 1hr crop for $26k each... that gives you 2100 apple/hr. I use a timer for that too. Then when I have limited timed (like while sleeping) I plant Diamond Dates $75k each for 5 hrs 800 apples each. This gives you 5600 apples when finished. I choose based on my available time and it builds up quickly this way. Hope that helps :)

05-25-16, 06:38 AM
trying to hatch a fuzzy and I got back to back lorekeepers. 13hrs each! This will set me so far behind, I won't be able catch up! what a joke

05-25-16, 06:44 AM
Trying to get a Love Dragon on a nest, got a 15-hour, then a 33-hour timer. Debating using gold to maybe speed up the 33-hour breeding towards the end.

05-25-16, 07:14 AM
It's not totally pointless, but you need to use it the right way.

Usually, I pay 5 or 6 gold to unlock the second chapter right away. This means I have the first dragon when the first day is only a few hours old, instead of at the end of day 2. This gives me 24 hours extra to raise the first dragon to lvl 14 immediately, so I don't have to fit the evolvings between two questings.

The same goes for chapter 9 on day 9: if you finished chapter 9 only a few hours into day 9, and don't have a lot of time to play on day 10, you can pay gold to unloch chapter 10 right away, so you have up to 48 hours instead of 24 to finish chapter 10.
I agree. I also pay to unlock chapter 2 so I have extra time to evolve. I'm level 78 so I only have to raise my Dragon 🐉 to level 10 but it's nice to have the extra time and the gold amount required to unlock chapter 2 is fairly low.
Thank you for sharing your strategy of unlocking chapter 9 early!!! I never would have thought of that and usually the last day I'm pulling my hair out 😵 trying to complete the Acts. That advice will save me a lot of aggravation and helps tremendously!!!!!

05-25-16, 07:44 AM
Trying to get a Love Dragon on a nest, got a 15-hour, then a 33-hour timer. Debating using gold to maybe speed up the 33-hour breeding towards the end.
oh wow! thats worse than mine. I hate spending gold when I feel like i've been backed into a corner. i'd much rather save it for things i actually want to buy.

05-25-16, 08:52 AM
Trying to get a Love Dragon on a nest, got a 15-hour, then a 33-hour timer. Debating using gold to maybe speed up the 33-hour breeding towards the end.

Do you already have a virtue? if you do, you should use it to try to get the Love dragon, as virtue can't lead to virtue fails. Not sure if you saw this, but here are some combos from page 1:

Hatch Love Avoid Virtue fails with one of these combos:
Virtue (or Kitsune) + Fire: Kitsune (SR, 5hrs), Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Justice (R, 25hrs), Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Virtue (or Kitsune) + Light: Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Melody (R, 18hrs), Never Ending (R, 15hrs), Tiny (R, 16hrs) Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Virtue + Olympus: Olympus (C, 7hrs), Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)

05-25-16, 12:11 PM
Do you already have a virtue? if you do, you should use it to try to get the Love dragon, as virtue can't lead to virtue fails. Not sure if you saw this, but here are some combos from page 1:

Hatch Love Avoid Virtue fails with one of these combos:
Virtue (or Kitsune) + Fire: Kitsune (SR, 5hrs), Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Justice (R, 25hrs), Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Virtue (or Kitsune) + Light: Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Melody (R, 18hrs), Never Ending (R, 15hrs), Tiny (R, 16hrs) Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)
Virtue + Olympus: Olympus (C, 7hrs), Love (C, 5hrs), Laserlight (R, 15hrs), Prime Power (SR, 28hrs)

Thanks for the tip!

05-25-16, 02:15 PM
Got Fuzzy second try with Forest and Stone, got Love first try with Virtue and Olympus. Happy to have than taken care of. Apprentice at level 10, chapter 5 will be my chapter this evening (10 hours away).

05-25-16, 03:07 PM
Since I started Tales i've been questing for food while 8 wait for the next chapter to start, and i've been getting crazy good amounts! Like 3000 per quest!

05-25-16, 04:21 PM
NOTE TO SELF: "Remember to go back to page 17 on last 2 days..."""😆😆😆😮😮😆

05-25-16, 05:48 PM
Since I started Tales i've been questing for food while 8 wait for the next chapter to start, and i've been getting crazy good amounts! Like 3000 per quest!
YOUR Magic is being a good dragon.... bringing lots of food home for his buddies!!! MY Magic bad an attitude problem lately.... coming back home with 125 food 🍎 and once with 3000 coins.
I hate when you only get a small amount of food or a few coins, especially when it costs 5000 to even send your dragon out to quest. BUT...considering the times you get 3000 - 5000 I suppose it all evens out in the end.

05-25-16, 08:22 PM
Glad to see I'm not the only one who can't "find love" I've only got four possible outcomes and love is the only common!!!

1st (trying a pink) Bubble
2nd laserlight (trying straight red/white)
3rd laserlight
4th laserlight Ack!!!

05-25-16, 10:57 PM
have to say that the prize for day 6 is really lame... 3,000Exp 15,000Coins. I mean really who needs that.thay are cutting us off from gold where ever thay can.thay need to return gold prize in this event for one day!

edit: just to say that I've got back my Sunshower dragon back (he was lost in E temple).He is in storage now.
Thank you for that Storm8!that was pretty fast.

05-26-16, 04:34 AM
I really don't get it: this morning I've sent out many many requests for this mysterious energy, and it still says I only got 4 from 8 - but when I look at my recent activities, it says about 8 neighbours have sent out this energy to me 4 hours ago. I haven't sent out any other requests like maps since the whole event started. Any idea what is wrong?

05-26-16, 05:13 AM
I really don't get it: this morning I've sent out many many requests for this mysterious energy, and it still says I only got 4 from 8 - but when I look at my recent activities, it says about 8 neighbours have sent out this energy to me 4 hours ago. I haven't sent out any other requests like maps since the whole event started. Any idea what is wrong?

maybe you will need to restart the game.force close and reopen.I think it works like that,needed to do that for myself too.

05-26-16, 05:18 AM
I already tried to close and restart the game. Maybe I should discard the game and re-install?
Edit: I re-installed the game, but still the same. Just 4 of 8 energy, while news timeline says I already got more than 10 from neighbours.

05-26-16, 05:42 AM
What's so special with prime dragons???

05-26-16, 05:56 AM
5 hour timer with Virtue + Olympus on my first try.

05-26-16, 06:48 AM
I am having the same troubles as Sadomina. I see at least 12 neighbors that have responded to my request for energy, and only have two showing as completed. I have uninstalled the game twice and still nothing. This same thing happened in the last tournament. It is getting very old. I try to stay on top of my event and then this happens.

Team Lava, please help.

05-26-16, 07:43 AM
Same issue here. I had this issue the last time we had to ask neighbors for things as well. I have at least 8 neighbors who responded but only 2 are showing. This is a glitch they should have fixed from the last time! It's so aggravating. I'm not falling into the same trap as last time. I spent gold to get past the step, hoping to be refunded and they said no. So I'm not making that mistake again. If they're going to have this step they need to make sure it works.

05-26-16, 08:32 AM
No issues with mysterious energy, got all 8 within 15 minutes...

05-26-16, 08:58 AM
How many rune stones do you get per hr of crop? Anyone? If already asked please redirect.... thanks😊😊😊😊😊

05-26-16, 10:38 AM
How many rune stones do you get per hr of crop? Anyone? If already asked please redirect.... thanks����������

It's around 2-3 per hour but varies; sometimes you get 2 sometimes you get 3 :D

05-26-16, 11:10 AM
How many rune stones do you get per hr of crop? Anyone? If already asked please redirect.... thanks😊😊😊😊😊

I got 13 runestones from each diamond date and 20 runestones from my elite leeks. Hope this helps! I wrote this down because I always forget!

05-26-16, 11:28 AM
And now I'm stopped cold by a Virtue. Also, I misspoke, I have only 3 possible outcomes for my current combo- love(common) laserlight(rare) and virtue(rare)

So, I think I've gone: bubble(tried with pink) laserlight laserlight laserlight virtue. This is RIDICULOUS!!! I want to play! I spend goal here and there if it's worth it, but this could be the second tales I'm "locked out" of due to breeding a specific dragon! This is NOT FUN.

05-26-16, 12:43 PM
My ME are still not showing up. Neighbors have responded and I still only have two. I haven't requested any maps or anything else since this even started. I haven't even accepted my gold sends from neighbors today. I hate this glitch.

I've done the device restarts and force closes and nothing works. Emailing support won't get me anywhere because it didn't the last time either.

If I try to delete the app, it tell me that all data will be lost. Is deleting it the same as uninstalling because I know an uninstall still keeps the data.

kooky panda
05-26-16, 02:55 PM
My ME are still not showing up. Neighbors have responded and I still only have two. I haven't requested any maps or anything else since this even started. I haven't even accepted my gold sends from neighbors today. I hate this glitch.

I've done the device restarts and force closes and nothing works. Emailing support won't get me anywhere because it didn't the last time either.

If I try to delete the app, it tell me that all data will be lost. Is deleting it the same as uninstalling because I know an uninstall still keeps the data.
Your game progress is saved on storm 8 servers. You are safe to delete and reinstall. Make sure you have a storm ID and password set up for your game.

05-26-16, 04:09 PM
I got 13 runestones from each diamond date and 20 runestones from my elite leeks. Hope this helps! I wrote this down because I always forget! Thank you! That helps ������

05-26-16, 04:12 PM
It's around 2-3 per hour but varies; sometimes you get 2 sometimes you get 3 :D

Thanks, I am trying to plan for 75 runes, I am just not sure what to plant. I have 7 hrs till my next chapter.

05-26-16, 05:09 PM
Your game progress is saved on storm 8 servers. You are safe to delete and reinstall. Make sure you have a storm ID and password set up for your game.
Thanks! Maybe that will work.

05-26-16, 06:07 PM
Why do I have only six mysterious energy? I sent out my requests 15 hours ago. I refuse to believe that 74 out of my 80 neighbors are duds! This happened last time we had to request something on one of these adventures. I spent gold last time--not doing that this time. Do I just need better neighbors?

05-26-16, 06:30 PM
It's not your neighbors. It's a glitch in the game that apparently TL didn't fix from the last time this happened. I'm having the same issue and did last time too. I spent gold like you and I'm not doing it again either.

I've uninstalled, hard close, visited neighbors and nothing. 10 neighbors have responded yet I've been stuck on two all day.

05-26-16, 06:38 PM
It's not your neighbors. It's a glitch in the game that apparently TL didn't fix from the last time this happened. I'm having the same issue and did last time too. I spent gold like you and I'm not doing it again either.

I've uninstalled, hard close, visited neighbors and nothing. 10 neighbors have responded yet I've been stuck on two all day.

What else can be done? I asked over 12 hours ago and only got 1 of 4 needed, yet I received gold a few minutes ago.

05-26-16, 06:39 PM
I'm also having the runestone issue. here I am at the end of the day on chapter 7 and I only have 4/8, which is where it has sat for 13hrs now. So now, going into chapter 8 tomorrow morning I am a full day behind. I don't know if i'll be able catch up

05-26-16, 08:45 PM
It's around 2-3 per hour but varies; sometimes you get 2 sometimes you get 3 :D

2.5/hr works good for me. The 2 or 3 is because the first 2.5 counts as 2 with the 0.5 carried over to the next hour, so we get 3 for 2nd hour. 20hr crop gives 50 runestones.

05-26-16, 10:57 PM
hi guys. I just experienced a brain fart....here it is...can u collect runestones from farmimg ahead of time or do you have to wait until prompted to do so?

05-26-16, 11:01 PM
FML. Getting Love Dragon ready I get a Laserlight 15 hours... And then a Virtue for 33 hrs. I hate these chance objectives! It's frustrating and sets you back sooooo much! (Either in gold or time!)

05-26-16, 11:02 PM
You have to wait until you are on that step!

05-26-16, 11:15 PM
You can plant the food ahead of time but you can only collect when it tells you to do so.