View Full Version : Darts and Balloon tickets

05-13-16, 09:32 PM
I personally would like to see darts and tickets either in the deliveries or by tapping on butterflies, mole or otter. (along) with usual items for expansions and building parts. Or the free items when you watch a video.

Thanks in advance. 

05-13-16, 10:59 PM
Tickets are already available as a reward after watching some videos. It might be nice to receive those from deliveries or tapping butterflies, etc.

But for the most part, I'd have to disagree about the darts. We can already receive free darts after we use the three we receive every 24 hours by going into the tree house and viewing videos there (one dart per video). We also can't receive any darts daily that exceeds the 3 we're allowed to have, unless we win them as prizes during an event. So, if you received two darts by tapping or from deliveries, you'd only receive 1 more at the end of the 24-hour cycle, not 3 more. And if you have already accumulated more than 3 darts and not used them, you wouldn't receive any extra until the total dropped below 3.

05-14-16, 12:58 AM
Thanks, I'm not getting tickets in the videos. Gems and shovels. I'm level 78 would that be why?

I just thought more darts the better to win the prize.

05-14-16, 03:58 AM
Not sure why you wouldn't be receiving the tickets from the videos. For me, the free gifts seem to cycle...I don't remember exactly how it went, but gem and shovel were paired, then (I think) saw and shovel, then shovel and ticket.

More darts do give you a better chance, but what you're suggesting would only work if everyone is willing to give up the 3 free darts they get each day. On the one hand, I can see how receiving darts from deliveries/animal drops would be helpful...but on the other hand, knowing the drop rates for other things like expansion parts, gems, etc., a person might be stuck with 4 darts for several days, and it would take a while to have enough darts to guarantee winning a tree house prize.

I would suggest stockpiling darts during events instead, and hold onto them until a prize turns up that you want (e.g., a special pet) and you are willing to use up the darts for.

05-14-16, 12:41 PM
Yes I have been doing that. I think it was the Valentines Day Event. I used some for a few pets.

No I'm not receiving tickets :( not sure why?!?