View Full Version : Problem with account !!!

05-10-16, 11:50 PM
Hello there. I don't know what should I do more. I already wrote the email for S8 a week ago, but still have no answer. My account in restaurant story doesn't want to log in, it's just like beginning of the new game level 1 on android, but bakery story works good with the same old name account. Restaurant works only on my husband's iPhone. What should I do than?
Please for help!

05-11-16, 02:36 AM
I am sorry to hear that your game is reset but you will need Support to assist you further on recovery. Please continue to follow up with your email and ticket number with Support.

Moved to Bugs and Issues forum.

05-19-16, 06:26 AM
Dear anyone!

I already wrote the emails before about this issue, but didn't get an answer. My restaurant story can't log on android with my account and it looked like it has been reset, as it's just beginning of a game. I had level 99 with 4 years playing the game. But in the iPhone it's working properly good.
Please help me solve my problem as I'm using android phone and IPhone is my sister phone.
It's uncomfortable. I want to play my game.
For the last goal I had to pay gems to finish it as I couldn't play the game on my phone.

How long I have to wait more? It's already 2 months since I'm asking for help!!

05-19-16, 06:58 AM
Sorry but the forum is unable to assist you on this issue, otherwise we would had done so. You will need Support to assist you on recovering your game. They are working as fast as they can to get to everyone according to the order of email sent. Sending multiple emails will slow down the process. Kindly wait for an Agent to respond to you. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Merged duplicate threads.