View Full Version : Bakery Update: May 11 2016

kooky panda
05-10-16, 01:33 PM
Now that things are growing, we can add one of the freshest herbs to our dishes! Delight your Customers with a bright bite of anything mint. While they dine on the cool flavors, make sure your Bakery reflects what they taste with the May Mint Flowers only Bakery Story (http://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fbakery story&t=YTgxNmI1NjA0ZDk1ZDkzNGViYzU4YjVkY2IzN2YxOWI5YTk2 Mjc3YSxKdXA0RWlabQ%3D%3D)!
Don’t forget to add these new minty items:

Minty Mutt decoration
Mint Couch decoration
Fresh Air Balloon decoration \

Musical Gift box is 50% off, 12 gems.

Musical Gift

Common (4th Prize, 54%)
Boom Bot
Piano Cake
Crystal Bass
Music Wedding Cake

Uncommon (3rd Prize, 35%)
Treble Sculpture
Piano Shelf

Rare (2nd Prize, 10%)
Piano Fountain
Piano Garden

Exceptional (1st Prize, 1%)
Jazz Band


05-10-16, 02:02 PM
I see no new Appliances again. :confused:

05-10-16, 02:12 PM
It looks very green though. I was hoping for goals but I guess next week.

05-10-16, 02:16 PM
No new recipes???? What the H? Come on S8! This is so BORING!!!! I HAVE BEEN CLOSED FOR 2 WEEKS! Looks like it will be for 3 weeks! I'm really starting to STRONGLY dislike this company and those who run it! :mad:

You said new pastries weekly in your description in the Playstore. Where are these weekly pastry releases? Get your act together. Glad I left an honest review of your management s****s in the Playstore! New players need to know the truth!

05-10-16, 02:22 PM
Another week with no goal & no new ovens. VERY disappointing!!

05-10-16, 02:24 PM
Another week of baking rvc. I'll be buying the dog on the cushions if it's for coins. Not too struck on anything else.

05-10-16, 02:38 PM
Losing interest here! Need new recipes.

05-10-16, 02:41 PM
What does a dog have to do with mint?????

05-10-16, 02:43 PM
Where are the goals for May?

Dadgumit I move to another state the 27th!

So more gem things. Oh yay!

05-10-16, 02:46 PM
What does a dog have to do with mint?????
Mint baked doggie treats? LOL!

05-10-16, 02:52 PM
well, i like the basics part of the update. floors, tables, chairs, walls--all pretty. couch is okay, i like hanging planters well enough, the table with the pots is cute. the balloons are neither here nor there for me.

the only piece i actively dislike is the dog. i'm glad someone is happy to have it (or at least okay with it), but i feel we have more than enough pet decor, and would rather they laid off dogs for a while. like, a year. maybe two.

05-10-16, 02:54 PM
I hate we are not getting a new oven.

05-10-16, 03:21 PM
I like the wallpaper which is extremely rare for me, haha. Not liking anything else yet. Can't wait for goals next week.

05-10-16, 03:41 PM
I'd be happy with mint dog treats if it meant a new oven😏

05-10-16, 03:46 PM
No new recipes???? What the H? Come on S8! This is so BORING!!!! I HAVE BEEN CLOSED FOR 2 WEEKS! Looks like it will be for 3 weeks! I'm really starting to STRONGLY dislike this company and those who run it! :mad:

You said new pastries weekly in your description in the Playstore. Where are these weekly pastry releases? Get your act together. Glad I left an honest review of your management s****s in the Playstore! New players need to know the truth!

Looks like they're adding recipes to our basic appliances, mint related, I think!!

05-10-16, 03:52 PM
Looks like they're adding recipes to our basic appliances, mint related, I think!!
I see green juice, chocolate tart and raspberry macaroons. Those are all old recipes. (Green juice is on a different, non standard machine... Name escapes me.)

05-10-16, 03:58 PM
Yes, it gets quite boring with only monthly goals :(
No new recipes???? What the H? Come on S8! This is so BORING!!!! I HAVE BEEN CLOSED FOR 2 WEEKS! Looks like it will be for 3 weeks! I'm really starting to STRONGLY dislike this company and those who run it! :mad:

You said new pastries weekly in your description in the Playstore. Where are these weekly pastry releases? Get your act together. Glad I left an honest review of your management s****s in the Playstore! New players need to know the truth!

05-10-16, 04:03 PM
I like the wallpaper and the wall deco, the floor is too dizzying, for some reason the couch looks like it's made for a giant, and the counters and hot air balloons and dog will most likely be for gems :( I wish we had a new recepie as well, it's getting boring cooking RVC.

05-10-16, 04:08 PM
Looks like they're adding recipes to our basic appliances, mint related, I think!!

No, those recipes are already there.

05-10-16, 04:09 PM

05-10-16, 04:21 PM
Between bakery and restaurant story the updates have been horrible. And no new recipes for a month. We want new recipes! Not ugly updates

05-10-16, 06:05 PM
Them slowly starting to not have updates with new recipes is worrisome to me...I wonder if they are starting to faze out BS and RS.

RS2 & BS2 are so stupid though, I uninstalled both of them because they suck! I don't play any other S8 game except RS & BS, they all are so boring, so if they stop coming out with recipes then I guess I'm done completely with this company.

05-10-16, 07:29 PM
I don't redecorate often, but I think I like these colors! I want to see what it looks like on my phone though.

05-10-16, 07:41 PM
Them slowly starting to not have updates with new recipes is worrisome to me...I wonder if they are starting to faze out BS and RS.

RS2 & BS2 are so stupid though, I uninstalled both of them because they suck! I don't play any other S8 game except RS & BS, they all are so boring, so if they stop coming out with recipes then I guess I'm done completely with this company.

BS & RS are the only games I have left as well.
CS was my favorite really. I had FS2, DS, FFS, BS2 & RS2 as well.
But it got to where I couldn't load the games without crashing.
I did enjoy RS2 better than BS2.

05-10-16, 07:54 PM
I'd be happy with mint dog treats if it meant a new oven😏

Lol... For real.

05-10-16, 08:09 PM
Love the mint color and chevron pattern!!! Very trendy:) Has everyone complaining mastered every recipe on every appliance we already have?!?! That blows my mind.

05-10-16, 10:00 PM
http://67.media.tumblr.com/a85fde98e87f820cb9d3ea3929ee6e54/tumblr_inline_o6zbe78De31qm7yoc_540.pngNow that things are growing, we can add one of the freshest herbs to our dishes! Delight your Customers with a bright bite of anything mint. While they dine on the cool flavors, make sure your Bakery reflects what they taste with the May Mint Flowers only Bakery Story (http://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fbakery story&t=YTgxNmI1NjA0ZDk1ZDkzNGViYzU4YjVkY2IzN2YxOWI5YTk2 Mjc3YSxKdXA0RWlabQ%3D%3D)!
Don?t forget to add these new minty items:

Minty Mutt decoration
Mint Couch decoration
Fresh Air Balloon decoration

Looks like I'm one of the few who likes this update!
Will get most of the items if they aren't gem-heavy.

And it may be too early to complain - they may give us a new machine (or more recipes in the regular oven - even better!) and not include it in the preview.

And I look forward to any LTOs too... Surprise us, S8!! :)

05-10-16, 10:01 PM
Love the mint color and chevron pattern!!! Very trendy:) Has everyone complaining mastered every recipe on every appliance we already have?!?! That blows my mind.

Yes I still have dozens which I have not mastered... and I started playing earlier than many of the newer players here.

05-10-16, 10:56 PM
Love the mint color and chevron pattern!!! Very trendy:) Has everyone complaining mastered every recipe on every appliance we already have?!?! That blows my mind.

Yeah I've mastered every recipe on every oven I have access to. I have 40 ovens now so just bake RVC all the time.

05-10-16, 11:01 PM

Cute! Mint is a pretty popular spring color where I'm from, so I really like this update :) The wallpaper and flooring are lovely, and I really like the little table of flowers next to the cash register in the preview. The counters, tables, and chairs are really nice too.

I agree with other posters that the inclusion of the mint mutt is unnecessary, though. The increasing inclusion of pets in this game and RS makes me wonder if the artist(s) responsible miss working on Pet Shop Story or something. I'm sure players of that game would love to have more pets... here, maybe not so much.

I am a little disappointed that there are no new recipes though :( This could have been a great opportunity to introduce Mint Tea! The drink mixer hasn't seen new drinks in a while, and it could have been served in a nice little matching mint-chevron-patterned teapot and teacups, too :( Woe!

Looking forward to this though, and any potential LTOs/box sale :)

EDIT: Mint Limeade too! :( :( :(

05-11-16, 02:28 AM
Yeah I've mastered every recipe on every oven I have access to. I have 40 ovens now so just bake RVC all the time.

Impressive! If you don't mind me asking - do you want new ovens/ recipes because you enjoy baking, or is it the gems that you're after?

05-11-16, 03:21 AM
A bit of both really. I do enjoy baking in the game and at home. I've mastered most of the ovens with just the 18 ovens. It's only recently that I've bought more. I have 4 gem dispensers so the gems do mount up. I used some on oven slots just to use some up to start with. I've since bought more to try to not run out of RVC. 40 is still not enough as I still run out. I have 3 counters of other things to keep my customers happy:)

05-11-16, 03:25 AM
When does the update happen? I don't have any of the mint stuff. Also, stopped getting goals. Have there been any lately?

05-11-16, 03:43 AM
When does the update happen? I don't have any of the mint stuff. Also, stopped getting goals. Have there been any lately?

You'll have to wait 8 hours more to get the update, more or less.

05-11-16, 04:07 AM
No new oven once again! Decor is fine, but new ovens keep the game interesting. Getting bored with BS like many other players. S8 doesn't seem to listen to it's players. And that's sad.

05-11-16, 05:06 AM
Love the mint color and chevron pattern!!! Very trendy:) Has everyone complaining mastered every recipe on every appliance we already have?!?! That blows my mind.

I have mastered every recipe on every oven too. You will too, and then you will be bored out of your mind waiting 4 weeks for anything new to cook.

Blah, blah, blah, blah need a new game!

05-11-16, 06:45 AM
When does the update happen? I don't have any of the mint stuff. Also, stopped getting goals. Have there been any lately?

The update is usually released around 1 or 2 est (not sure which time zone you are in). Goals happen once a month, the most current one is the new York statue of liberty one. If you have completed that one then you are as up to date on the goals as everyone else.

05-11-16, 06:59 AM
I have mastered every recipe on every oven too. You will too, and then you will be bored out of your mind waiting 4 weeks for anything new to cook.

I'm still trying to master all the recipes, so the updates this week don't bother me that much. I have noticed however that more people are quitting these games all together. Last week I lost 4 neighbors :/

05-11-16, 07:07 AM
I've noticed a lot of my neighbors aren't playing as much either. :(

05-11-16, 07:38 AM
I m very happy no new ovens ! I m grateful for the extra time to sell out my old food that has been their for over a year ! Thank you Storm8 !

05-11-16, 07:40 AM
I m very happy no new ovens ! I m grateful for the extra time to sell out my old food that has been their for over a year ! Thank you Storm8 !

You do know just because a new oven comes out you don't have to build it and cook every recipe on it immediately, right?

05-11-16, 08:00 AM
I m very happy no new ovens ! I m grateful for the extra time to sell out my old food that has been their for over a year ! Thank you Storm8 !

Believe me, you will run out of food if they are only releasing new recipes once a month. I used to have tons of food, but now I have to keep my door closed till new recipes come out or I'll run out. And cooking the same already mastered recipes over and over again gets extremely boring. You obviously are not there yet, but you will be and you will wish they came out with more recipes than just once a month. You will be on here complaining about the lack of new recipes.

I have noticed a lot of veteran players, like me, quitting or not playing as much anymore, it's because they are bored, S8 isn't keeping their interest. And them now going down to once a month to release recipes is the last straw for many. You will be there one day...

05-11-16, 09:31 AM
I love thie update! I might actually decorate my place now. I expanded a week ago and haven't touched it since. I agree it's awful not getting new recipes week after week. After playing for so many years players need new recipes to keep them interested in the game. Please Storm8, go back to new ovens with updates. Even if it's every other week.

05-11-16, 10:12 AM
It's the second Wednesday of the month, so we are supposed to get monthly goals, no? Is this just a change in S8's update pattern, or does it mean we are not going to get monthly goals from now on?

05-11-16, 10:18 AM
I'm still on Orchard Fest. Is there a newer version of Bakery Story? We Android users are always left in the dark, it seems.

05-11-16, 10:36 AM
We've definitely had goals later in the month, no? I remember something like this has happened before where people thought we weren't getting a goal week but it happened a week later. Updates aren't ever that consistent with Storm8, so I'd wait until next week before adding fuel to the fire.

05-11-16, 10:42 AM
Congrats to those of you who have mastered every recipe on every appliance!!! That is a major accomplishment🎉🎉🎉I can understand how the game would be boring without any sort of goal to work towards. Hopefully, Team Lava will come up with a solution to make all players happy :-)

05-11-16, 11:21 AM
Musical Gift box is 50% off, 12 gems.

Musical Gift

Common (4th Prize, 54%)
Boom Bot
Piano Cake
Crystal Bass
Music Wedding Cake

Uncommon (3rd Prize, 35%)
Treble Sculpture
Piano Shelf

Rare (2nd Prize, 10%)
Piano Fountain
Piano Garden

Exceptional (1st Prize, 1%)
Jazz Band


05-11-16, 11:25 AM
I got the Boom Bot, 2 Treble Sculptures, Music Wedding Cake, and Piano Shelf. All 1x1 items, hahah. But I really wanted the Boom Bot, so I'm satisfied.

05-11-16, 11:31 AM
Loves this box!

1- Boombot
1- Piano Cake
1- Music Wedding Cake
2- Treble Sculptures
2- Piano Shelves
1- Piano Fountain
1- Piano Garden

Just missing the Crystal Bass and Jazz Band! (Of course!)

05-11-16, 11:32 AM
Musical Gift box is 50% off, 12 gems.

Musical Gift

Common (4th Prize, 54%)
Boom Bot
Piano Cake
Crystal Bass
Music Wedding Cake

Uncommon (3rd Prize, 35%)
Treble Sculpture
Piano Shelf

Rare (2nd Prize, 10%)
Piano Fountain
Piano Garden

Exceptional (1st Prize, 1%)
Jazz Band


30853 30854

05-11-16, 11:39 AM
It's the second Wednesday of the month, so we are supposed to get monthly goals, no? Is this just a change in S8's update pattern, or does it mean we are not going to get monthly goals from now on?
I was wondering the same. It's getting more and more down with this game.

05-11-16, 11:52 AM
It's the second Wednesday of the month, so we are supposed to get monthly goals, no? Is this just a change in S8's update pattern, or does it mean we are not going to get monthly goals from now on?

I think we are all worried...it's sure not looking good for these games.

05-11-16, 12:10 PM
I have stopped playing in over a month.. I might just quit

05-11-16, 12:52 PM
Why are the 2 cakes in the music box so tiny? They both have elegant design and lots of beautiful details. It's a shame we cannot enjoy those details because of the size. What a waste :/

05-11-16, 01:10 PM
I like the balloon decoration or whatever it's called, overall it could be better but that's okay... Next week! :o

05-11-16, 01:21 PM
I got the guitar and piano fountain so happy but the guitar was tiny.

05-11-16, 01:58 PM
I got the guitar and piano fountain so happy but the guitar was tiny.

Hahah that's a bass. And yes, most things in this box are 1x1...

05-11-16, 03:28 PM
Like the mint color and love the sofa! Skipped the gemmy items since they look small for the price.

Trying to figure out how to use the balloon item on my current game board. It's pretty.

I would love that Jazz Band from the box, just don't want the other stuff.

05-11-16, 04:00 PM
Desperate for new ovens or recipes. Getting seriously boring. Are we not meant to finish level 99?

05-11-16, 05:18 PM
I can't believe I tried the crate once and I got PIANO FOUNTAIN!! I never have luck with crates but this time I'm happy.

05-11-16, 05:54 PM
Does anyone know why we are not getting more stoves, goals or new recipes in BS or RS. I have nbrs threatening to quit & some already have. Is there any future plans on improving the games & letting us build again. Also if the goal ovens that are locked & they aren't being used anymore why can't those be unlocked. Games are getting really boring.

05-11-16, 05:57 PM
Desperate for new ovens or recipes. Getting seriously boring. Are we not meant to finish level 99?

There is no level past 99.

05-11-16, 11:29 PM
I really think we should wait another week or even until June before saying and spreading rumors about how we're not getting goals this month. Yes, maybe it's later than usual, but Storm8 didn't say that we weren't getting goals this month yet.

Complaining about not getting new appliances in non-goal updates, on the other hand, is more understandable since I guess there are players who are used to getting new appliances every week.

05-12-16, 12:23 AM
The update is very cute :)

05-12-16, 11:14 AM
Believe me, you will run out of food if they are only releasing new recipes once a month. I used to have tons of food, but now I have to keep my door closed till new recipes come out or I'll run out. And cooking the same already mastered recipes over and over again gets extremely boring. You obviously are not there yet, but you will be and you will wish they came out with more recipes than just once a month. You will be on here complaining about the lack of new recipes.

I have noticed a lot of veteran players, like me, quitting or not playing as much anymore, it's because they are bored, S8 isn't keeping their interest. And them now going down to once a month to release recipes is the last straw for many. You will be there one day...
I'm sure I will sell out one day but as I have been playing since 2011 it hasn't happened yet !

05-13-16, 12:49 PM
I can't believe I tried the crate once and I got PIANO FOUNTAIN!! I never have luck with crates but this time I'm happy.

Me, too. Usually have terrible luck. But I tried anyway, got 2 piano gardens back to back, then the jazz band. :)

05-13-16, 03:53 PM
I don't like anything in this update. There's nothing in the Musical Gift box that appeals to me. Will probably get some of the stuff from the previous two updates, though.

05-14-16, 11:09 AM
No New oven????

We haven't Got a new oven In a Good Minute.... When are we Going to Get a new Stove?!?! I like the New Mint Decoration though. I Just want a new Stove!!!!

05-14-16, 11:53 AM
I love this theme so much I redecorated my bakery. Minty colours are adorable. But I don't get why we don't get a new oven. Obviously a lot of people want new ovens, and it shouldn't be hard to come up with minty recipes. Is it hard to program new recipes in the game, or what's the problem?