View Full Version : Newspaper only has one page now!

05-08-16, 07:08 PM
Also I noticed that my newspaper only has1 page of 8 slots right now not the regular 2 page 16 slots. Will it go back to 16?

05-08-16, 07:45 PM
Also I noticed that my newspaper only has 1 page of 8 slots right now not the regular 2 page 16 slots. Will it go back to 16?

Can you check again? I'm seeing 2 pages.

05-08-16, 08:20 PM
I'm seeing 1 page still. It has done this before. Maybe I'm on it too much. I'm waiting around for wild flowers and orchids and I've only saw like 1 thing of 5 wildflowers for the last couple hours and I snatched it up real quick!

I just checked again still only 1 page. The little yellow arrow that lets you go to the other page is faded and I try to click on it and nothing happens so I think I'm just stuck with 1 page for a while. I was thinking that maybe s8 lowers it to 1 page when the newspaper isnt getting many supplies or something. I'm not sure.

05-08-16, 08:26 PM
I just checked again still only 1 page. The little yellow arrow that lets you go to the other page is faded and I try to click on it and nothing happens so I think I'm just stuck with 1 page for a while. I was thinking that maybe s8 lowers it to 1 page when the newspaper isnt getting many supplies or something. I'm not sure.

Did u try to slide the page over....like flipping the page on a book?

05-08-16, 08:33 PM
I'm seeing 1 page still. It has done this before. Maybe I'm on it too much. I'm waiting around for wild flowers and orchids and I've only saw like 1 thing of 5 wildflowers for the last couple hours and I snatched it up real quick!

I just checked again still only 1 page. The little yellow arrow that lets you go to the other page is faded and I try to click on it and nothing happens so I think I'm just stuck with 1 page for a while. I was thinking that maybe s8 lowers it to 1 page when the newspaper isnt getting many supplies or something. I'm not sure.

Are you on iOS or android? Can you reinstall your game and see if it persists?

Moving to bugs and Issues forum later. http://forums.storm8.com./showthread.php?54301-Farm-Story-2-Current-Bugs-and-Issues

05-08-16, 08:35 PM
I'm on iOS.. I can uninstall and reinstall if you think it will help!! It won't mess up my progress though will it?

05-08-16, 08:38 PM
I'm on iOS.. I can uninstall and reinstall if you think it will help!! It won't mess up my progress though will it?

Your game progress is saved on S8 servers so it definitely won't be affected. You can capture a picture of your farm if it makes you feel better. :o I have reinstalled many times so it's safe.

05-08-16, 08:39 PM
Ok I'm going to try that real quick!

05-08-16, 08:43 PM
Hey it worked!! Thank you for your help!! 😄😄😄

05-08-16, 08:46 PM
Great to hear that! Now you have 2 pages of shopping glee. ;-) Have fun.

05-09-16, 05:24 PM
Tonight I noticed the newspaper is only showing one page with 8 items for sale instead of being able to go to a 2nd page with 8 more items. Is this a new change in the game, a mistake, or what? Not very nice to have this happen during an event. Surely there are plenty of people playing to keep enough items for sale in the paper.

05-09-16, 05:29 PM
We have another member with such yesterday. I'm still seeing 2 pages. Can you force shut and restart your game? If it still persists, reinstall your game and you will get your newspapers in order.

05-09-16, 06:13 PM
Great, I have 2 pages working again! It returned without me doing anything, so probably a temporary glitch.

05-09-16, 07:13 PM
rynetory2, this his been an ongoing issue for me for a while. As you say, doing a forced shut-down and restart clears the issue.

For whatever reason--buying something too close to the newspaper refreshing, tapping to go to the next page when it's about to refresh (not at the 5-minute mark), etc.--the yellow arrow to go forward or back to the next or previous page sometimes goes "see-thru", making it impossible to change pages. Visiting other farms does not help, nor does changing into and out of other screens (e.g., the mine, the truffle forest, etc.). At this time, the only way to get around it is to do the forced shut-down/restart.

It's probably on a par with the odd refresh-refresh thing that some of us have mentioned, in that unless you experience it yourself, there's no real way to fix it or even come up with a solution for it.

05-09-16, 08:09 PM

Glad that your newspapers is functioning well again. Thanks for letting us know.


I'm not sure if it's a regular issue for others or its a one time thing. But for you, it seems to be regular so I suggest that you send an email to support@storm8.com so an agent can check your game and device. Thanks for your feedback.

05-09-16, 08:12 PM
For others who experience this issue, please force shut or reinstall your game when this issue happens. Please also let us know if you are experiencing it frequently. Thanks.