View Full Version : No Taffy Tickets Possible on Level 1285

05-08-16, 09:55 PM
I have effectively been taken out of the taffy ticket competition as there are NO taffy tickets available on this level! The level consists only of timer bombs and ice cubes. I have been stuck on this level for a couple of days any my taffy tickets total is zero - so frustrating :(

05-09-16, 03:06 PM
Hi Tassafras! It is intended that level 1285 does not have Taffy Tickets available. Hitting a challenging level that is taking some time to puzzle out may indeed take time away from playing Taffy Ticket levels. Good luck on level 1285!

05-10-16, 06:55 PM
I am on Level 1332 and noticed that as I was playing from level 1330 there were so little taffy tickets even after completing the level I only got 2 or 3 tickets. I am wondering if I can still maintain in the Diamond tier. It's no fun anymore :)

05-11-16, 10:40 PM
I updated the game today and realize it gives out taffy tickets every OTHER time i play the SAME level, instead of giving out taffy tickets every time i play the same level or different level..... bug? glitch? or intentionally done to slow us down and make the game more challenging? quite frustrating

05-12-16, 08:09 AM
This is happening to me as well. Its confusing and pretty much a waste of a life every other time you play. Im hoping this is a glitch from the recent update.

05-12-16, 09:38 AM
When did level 1285 change? I know I collected tickets at that level. I'm at 1327 now.

If you stop allowing tickets to be collected at certain levels, what incentive will there be to keep progressing on the leaderboard, especially at the higher levels, which are more challenging? And why would you disincentivize players at the more challenging levels anyway? It seems to me you want us to keep playing, keep buying gems, etc. It just seems counterproductive, IMO.

05-18-16, 01:32 PM
That's interesting you did get tickets! It was especially grating when i did finally pass to get my 3x ticket bonus of zero lol. I've just got to level 1324 and its the same deal - all icecubes and timerbombs and not a single ticket to be had. Did you get tickets on this level too? I see you were on 1327.

05-20-16, 08:21 AM
Hi Tassafras,
Yes, I have been able to collect tickets on every level since completing 1327. I'm now on 1347, and every level has offered tickets, so I dont know why suddenly you would start a brand new level and no tickets offered. Revisiting a level after completing it successfully, and finding no tickets there, yes, but not a brand new level. Also, There are plenty tough levels after 1285, such as 1341, and yet I was able to collect tickets on every one. SMH.

05-20-16, 08:24 AM
Look at this, 1285 now offers ticket! Who knew! Lol31048

05-21-16, 04:49 AM
Yes they were both new levels and on my map showed i could collect tickets but not in the actual game :( got thru eventually but not much fun!