View Full Version : maximizing customer seating?

04-26-16, 12:37 PM
I'm on level 47 and recently bought my last extra tables/chairs. I held off for a long time because it seemed customers don't fill up no matter what.

Does anyone have a strategy for getting butts in the chairs?

I currently have 20 tables but am only filling about 11 tables. I think in the past I have gotten up to about 15, though I can't remember now what might have been different.


kooky panda
04-26-16, 12:49 PM
Keep your table/chairs, cash register close to your door so customers can get seater faster.
Also whenever I see I am only getting 1/2 of the customers coming in, I force close and reopen the game.
After I do this, I noticed that more customers are coming in.

04-26-16, 01:28 PM
cool thanks for the tip! I'll try moving my door closer to my tables