View Full Version : Deliveries

04-23-16, 11:46 AM
Since the new event deliveries only gave tree parts, after upgrading no parts and only coins

Got to level 27 this week

Got train 3 weeks ago

3 weeks over 100 deliveries nothing but coins

Is this normal

I used to get upgrade parts most deliveries or screws, paint, nails or planks

I have gotten nothing but coins since unlocking train

So frustrated trying to expand

04-23-16, 04:08 PM
Initially, when just starting the game, expansion and upgrade parts drop regularly, probably because in order for players to advance, they NEED more space and upgraded buildings to continue. After a certain point, the number of drops declines sharply.

Continue making deliveries, invest in a few pets, and do your best to tap butterflies, moles, and otters whenever possible (I can't remember for certain, but I think you can also get parts from them).

04-23-16, 05:24 PM
Never see butterflies, moles don't give parts

And 100 deliveries no parts seriously a waste of precious coins, I just now got 20k

It's usually only 5 k and parts dropped all the time til I got the stupid worthless train

It took a year to go from level 25 to 26

04-23-16, 05:45 PM
The butterflies are small so you need to keep a lookout for them. If you still aren't seeing them at all, you may want to reinstall your game just in case. Moles sometimes drop random parts. Try staying in the game longer to see these butterflies and moles.

If you want to have a better chance of getting only regular parts, it's best to do deliveries when there's no event.

04-23-16, 07:51 PM
See moles but no butterflies in months and they never give parts

04-24-16, 12:44 AM
Butterflies dont give parts, they give Butterfly Collection items and sometimes random gem. They appear on empty spaces on your farm. You can try to rearrange your farm and see if that helps. Place tiles or other items in more difficult to spot areas such as behind the bigger buildings where they could be blocked from view. Check out Collections Gallery (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?88922-Farm-Story-2-Farm-Activities-and-Features-Guide&p=1247848&viewfull=1#post1247848)to see what the other collection gives.

05-04-16, 11:15 PM
No I meant no parts deliveries

New event no parts still, not event parts, not upgrade parts

05-05-16, 12:22 AM
Did you try reinstalling your game? Please ensure that you are using the latest iOS and game version. If you are still not receiving any part at all after reinstallation, send an email to support@storm8.com so an agent can check your game.