View Full Version : Incubation Time clarification request

04-22-16, 02:32 AM
I feel kind of stupid for asking this but I would REALLY appreciate a bit of clarification.

I often see information referring to "Incubation Time". Is this referring to the time spent while the dragons are in the breeding den, the time spent while the egg is in the nest, or a total combined time of breeding den AND nest time?

I appreciate, in advance, any feedback I can get about this!

04-22-16, 02:45 AM
Incubation time is the time it takes on the breeding den, OR the time it takes on the nest. Both times are the same, but not combined...like a 12 hr incubation will be 12 hrs in the den, then 12 hrs on the nest, for a total of 24 hrs. But the incubation is 12 hrs. Gah, okay, I really need caffeine, lmao! Hopefully I made sense for you. <3

04-22-16, 03:22 AM
Incubation time is the time it takes an egg to hatch.

04-22-16, 04:18 AM
Ok, so the way I'm interpreting that is that the den time will always be the same as the nest time and applies to each of them individually.

If Incubation Time = 6 hrs
Den time = 6 hrs
Nest time = 6 hrs
Total start to finish time = 12 hrs

Please correct me if I'm wrong....

04-22-16, 04:59 AM
You are correct.