View Full Version : not enough resource buildings for wood

04-01-16, 08:36 AM
Right now, if I max out my resource buildings (no reason why I wouldn't), I can have 2 "sawmills", 2 "mines" and 2 "deep mines" (@ level 33).

So, for Wood, there is a maximum of 2 resource buildings, but for stone there are a maximum of 4. That's not right! I'm constantly running out of wood and end up having to purchase trees, waste energy growing them, then waste more energy cutting them down. How about adding something equivalent of a "deep mine" for wood to even things out?

If the developers choose to implement my suggestion, then please do not make it a gem only resource. The "deep mine" costs coins, so to be fair, any additional resource building for wood should only costs coins.

06-30-16, 10:34 PM
You can also get wood from the level 6 tree from the event we just completed - and the stag. Also, the cherry tree drops wood. None of these drop as much wood as a sawmill, but it is better than buying, growing, and chopping trees! :-)