View Full Version : Coin production........

03-24-16, 10:38 AM
At what point did coin production cease to be a problem with you? I've noticed some of you have said that you produce more coins than you will ever need. And I've noticed some state that they continuously grow charm cherries and nexus nuts. I try to do that as much as possible but it does put s strain on my coin supply. It's getting better for me but I'm not to the point that some of you are at. I do believe once I get a few more habitats up and going I won't have a big issue with it. Just wondering at what point some of you no longer had a problem with it.


03-24-16, 11:50 AM
Not sure when it stopped being an issue. I just suddenly realised that after I planted nuts in my farms and then collected coins I had more than what I had lost! Making sure all animals are in the best habitat for them really helps and levelling your animals as much as you can is also a good move.

03-24-16, 01:57 PM
I don't recall what level I was at when coins stopped being a problem for me; it was a long time ago now.

I agree with Silverrain1. Feed your animals so they earn more coins. Some earn more than others so look at their earning potential when deciding who to level up (balancing that with your needs for battling of course). Buy as many habitats as you can and try to balance earning potential. You don't want a bunch of high earning animals in one habitat and a bunch of low earners in another. Collect coins as often as possible. You can also collect coins manually (before the flag pops up) by clicking on each habitat and then clicking on the coins icon for that habitat to collect.

Good luck!

03-25-16, 11:53 AM
I find the fire animals to be quite low earners but depending on what the other element is they can earn quite well. the fire habitats do not hold much money so look at the other element and see if it's best put on a habitat that will hold more. If u buy and spend gems then the special habitats are pretty good. I have two accounts and my main account I buy and spend and have no issues at all(the special habitats will not be the only reason) but on my second account I have no special habitats and am level 75 and still face money issues. I'm watching my coins deplete as I'm planting food, in my main account I plant nexus nuts and cherries all the time and have no issues!

03-25-16, 01:23 PM
I hate to admit this but I did a study on this and keep a chart.

The earning rates from lowest to highest are: fire, nature, earth, water, dark, electric, and legendary with the holiday themed animals somewhere between water and dark.

Also (as can be expected) common earns the least with ultra rare (in the case of legendaries) the highest. The ultra rares we earn such as Easter Bunny and Maid Mareian... I don't have enough of to complete that chart and so can't help there.

When the animal is dual-element, the earn level is always based off of the highest element i.e. Fairy Ferret (Fire/Nature) earns very little but Fire Glider (Fire/Electric) earns decent.

My strategy has been to always feed the electric type animals first and work my way down through the ranks. So I would feed a Super Rare Electric before a Super Rare Fire and a Rare Dark before a Rare Nature.

03-26-16, 04:31 PM
What I do is make sure that my animals are placed in their highest element habitat. So if I have a dark/nature animal, I put it in a dark habitat so it can earn its highest potential. My only animals in fire habitats are fire only or fire with an element that I don't have a habitat for (like service or skull). I will occasionally stick a new hatch in a lower habitat if I don't have room in a higher one, but that just moves that element up the ranks for my next habitat purchase.

I only have a few 3-element habitats, and since those have really high coin capacities, I put my highest earners in those. Which makes me think, I have my Jade Kirin in a dark habitat. I need to look into moving him to one of my 3-element habitats. :)

03-26-16, 05:14 PM
I hate to admit this but I did a study on this and keep a chart.

The earning rates from lowest to highest are: fire, nature, earth, water, dark, electric, and legendary with the holiday themed animals somewhere between water and dark.

Also (as can be expected) common earns the least with ultra rare (in the case of legendaries) the highest. The ultra rares we earn such as Easter Bunny and Maid Mareian... I don't have enough of to complete that chart and so can't help there.

When the animal is dual-element, the earn level is always based off of the highest element i.e. Fairy Ferret (Fire/Nature) earns very little but Fire Glider (Fire/Electric) earns decent.

My strategy has been to always feed the electric type animals first and work my way down through the ranks. So I would feed a Super Rare Electric before a Super Rare Fire and a Rare Dark before a Rare Nature.

I love that you admit this! Would you be willing to share your chart/data? I am intrigued by what you have shared.

03-27-16, 10:35 AM
Here is my study broken down. All coin rates are based on level 15 and per hour. There will always be an outlier or two but this is what I have found to be pretty consistent.


Nature/Fire = 378

Earth/Fire = 391
Earth/Nature = 391

Water/Nature = 522
Water/Earth = 522

Dark/Fire = 675
Dark/Nature = 675
Dark/Earth = 675
Dark/Water = 675

Electric/Fire = 765
Electric/Nature = 765
Electric/Earth = 765
Electric/Water = 765
Electric/Dark = 765

03-27-16, 10:40 AM
Super Rare:

Nature/Fire = 896

Earth/Fire = 928
Earth/Nature = 928

Water/Nature = 1,232
Water/Earth = 1,232

Dark/Fire = 1,600
Dark/Nature = 1,600
Dark/Earth = 1,600
Dark/Water = 1,600

Electric/Fire = 1,808
Electric/Nature = 1,808
Electric/Earth = 1,808
Electric/Water = 1,808
Electric/Dark = 1,808