View Full Version : What are the red star ratings for?

02-24-11, 12:47 PM
On my profile it says I have 2 out of 4 red stars. What does this mean?

02-24-11, 07:10 PM
it means how active you in tipping

02-26-11, 05:31 AM
The red star ratings show how "social" you are. If you go around tipping a bunch of people, it's going to go up. If you get reported or suspended for something, it goes down. Here's advice: keep it up!

02-26-11, 02:09 PM
On my profile it says I have 2 out of 4 red stars. What does this mean?

The stars are a tool that can be used by you, your neighbors and any potential neighbors.

You can use the star rating to determine if you want to add or accept a player to your neighbor list:

You will be asked by many 3 X tippers to add them as they will include their ID in their message on your wall. If they are at a low level and their star level is also low, they are probably new to the game and could use a hand learning the game and could turn out to be one of your best neighbors. If, on the other hand, they are at a high level and their star rating is low, they are probably not a good neighbor since they don't tip nor gift very often and they probably won't tip or gift you often either. Think about adding or accepting them

You can use the star rating to decide to keep a neighbor on your neighbor list:

If they are already your neighbors and they have a zero star rating and you haven't receive a gift from them in a long while, you should visit them and see if they have no product to sell their customers, their tables are all full of tips and the comments on their wall from a long time ago all tell the player their tables are full. They probably have quit playing for good or for a long while. You now need to decide if you want to carry this neighbor or cut them from your neighbor list. You have only so much time and that is what it takes to tip your neighbors. Some times yo will read their wall and discover that some tragedy has befallen them and they take the time to explain this, you may want to consider keeping them until they can resume the game.

You can use the star rating to determine if you are keeping up with the game:

If you do not visit and tip your neighbors, your star rating will drop. I try to keep a 4 star rating all the time, but sometimes life gets in the way of Bakery Story and it starts to slip. I try to keep my neighbor list at around 100. If I miss a day of playing, my star rating slips to a 3, if I tip all my neighbors in one day, I will raise my star rating from a 3 to a 4 that same day. If I do that every day, I never go below a 4 star rating. So to keep a constant 4 star rating, I have to visit and tip at least half my neighbors daily. This is why it is good to only keep good tipping and gifting neighbors on your list. You will easily find 100 good neighbors if YOU are the good neighbor you are looking for.

Your neighbors and potential neighbors are using your star rating as a tool to decide to add, accept or keep you.