View Full Version : No lucky coins being dropped

03-06-16, 07:31 PM
Help! I'm not getting any lucky coins dropped! The few I have gotten came from the value pack (which at first didn't show up) and from the first 2 Darcy's Dilemma tasks. :(

It makes no difference if I'm playing on my phone or iPad

03-07-16, 05:52 AM
The lucky coins are very rare drops. Did you try mining, fishing or sending deliveries? It took me numerous (at least 30) attempts before I got a coin. Completing some of the goals also reward you with a coin. I dont think this is a bug though. Keep trying. :)

03-07-16, 07:20 PM
I have tried EVERYTHING! Thanks for the reply!

03-07-16, 07:53 PM
Other members gave feedback in the event thread that they tried many times before they got it. The coins are few and far between. I mined 30++ to get one and sent 30 to 50 deliveries for a coin.

How many times did you try?

03-15-16, 06:21 AM
Closing thread since event is over.