View Full Version : Items in store

02-17-16, 11:59 AM
Twice in the past couple of days I have put items in my store hoping to help out neighbors. I can see the items when they list but the neighbors I'm trying to help can't. I know this because we are "talking" back and forth on my wall. I know there is no guarantee that others won't swoop in and buy the items but sometimes they will stay in my store 2 or 3 minutes, all the time original neighbor can't see it. They can see items I post afterwards. Is this a glitch ?

02-17-16, 12:42 PM
If they just stay in your Store, the store may not refresh when you put items up for sale. Have they tried force closing the game first and then visiting your store to see if that will work? Please let us know.

02-17-16, 03:13 PM
They don't stay in my store , others can and are buying them. Neighbor I posted catfish for could not see them (only thing in store) but could see the egg I posted a minute later.she went back to her farm and then back to my store with no success. The fish were then bought by a random buyer. In the mean time egg was always visible .

02-17-16, 03:21 PM
Are they at the minimum level to be able to purchase those items?

02-17-16, 03:28 PM
I don't understand minimum level....but they are in level 47 and higher.

02-17-16, 03:35 PM
Going forward, could you try force closing your game after you've put up the items for sale to see if that will help your neighbour? Please let us know.

02-18-16, 01:07 PM
Same thing just happened again.. Yes we R at lvls that we can purchase items.... I did restart game even and nothing still couldn't see it... I go from wall to store and if I don't see item I even click on the market too...

02-18-16, 03:17 PM
Instead of going from the wall to the store, could you try tapping on the Farmer next to the letter on the top right? From there, tap on neighbours and tap on trade? Please let us know. Thanks.

02-18-16, 04:04 PM
Will try that! Thank u!

02-20-16, 03:12 PM
The problem persists... I put up 5 saws for a good neighbor, she couldn't see them and went thru the farmer on top. By the time she was there they were gone. Not fair that some of us can't make easy trades like everybody else. Can this glitch be fixed

02-20-16, 08:58 PM
Yep happened twice today with 2 diff neighbors... I also went thro the farmer up top... I took 2 screen shots.. It says 1 item in store but immediacy go to store and it's not there.. Let me knwo if U want to see the screen shots

02-20-16, 11:55 PM
Yep happened twice today with 2 diff neighbors... I also went thro the farmer up top... I took 2 screen shots.. It says 1 item in store but immediacy go to store and it's not there.. Let me knwo if U want to see the screen shots

Whats odd is that some people must be able to see it because it gets bought. Very very strange.

02-20-16, 11:55 PM
I am sorry guys but I dont think its a glitch since other players are able to buy your items. I did try this out and it's working fine. Some items in your shop do randomly hit the newspapers so your intended neighbour is basically racing against your existing neighbours and the community. The success of your buy/sell depends on speed.

1. Is your neighbour using a newer or older device? Older devices respond slower.
2. How good is the connection which your neighbour is using?
- cellular: how fast and stable is it?
- wifi: broadband or fibre? how good is the ISP package? how many devices are sharing this wifi?
- do you regularly switch off your device, router and modem? some dont for months and affect the wifi performance.
3. Is your neighbour playing on a small or big screen?

4. Is your wall clean or full of undeleted posts? Loading a full wall takes longer than a clean wall.
5. Is your shop full so your shop appears at the top in your other neighbours?

It's common to see there's 1 item indicated but the shop is empty cos it's sold. Your register doesnt jump immediately when there's a sale; there is a short lapse.

Here are some things you can do:
- do not chat before a sale
- seller to clean up your wall

Buyer - Restart game (even device, modem and router if need be) before sale

Seller - Minimise your game to return to home screen or force shut your game, after loading your shop (so buyer can see faster)
- Try a different slot if the sale fails
- Dont sell at minimum price to minimise your loss

We have more players playing since it's the weekend. And more so with players shopping for their events going on.

See this thread. Question on buying from neighbour (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?85053-Question-on-buying-from-neighbor&p=1198965#post1198965)

02-23-16, 03:13 AM
This is way too much work to try to make a simple sale to a friend. I respectfully disagree that it isn't a glitch. If it was happening with all my neighbors that would be one thing, but it happens with 2 in particular and we have tried all your suggestions. I appreciate your help and support , I just wish something helped.

02-23-16, 11:18 AM
Hey there! Sorry to hear you're still having issues. Please write into support@storm8.com and one of our agents will be able to assist you. Thanks.

03-13-16, 02:40 PM
I tried selling to someone once and they also couldn't see what I put up for them, they said they were on android.....guess that may have been the problem.....