View Full Version : Teamlava does nothing about people harassing you

02-22-11, 06:46 PM
I have someone who started leaving crude obscene comments on my wall. Like a fool I responded the first time.
He /she came back several times and i have written TL several times. All I got was " Thanks for letting us know, and disciplinary action has been taken" What did they do? They deleted the comments this person made on my wall
but left my comment to them so they could keep coming back to me.
Today he left another comment so I again emailed TL, have gone back and forth in 5 emails only to be told that they can't delete comments at user request ( me).
So I have called Apple Developer Feedback and made a complaint against TL.
If anyone else has had issues similar I urge you to call Apple.


02-22-11, 06:53 PM
The best you can do now is just keep ignoring and don't you respond to him/her like you did the first time. They'll get tired of it eventually .. trust me.