View Full Version : How awesome, my kids have veiwed porn thanks to this forum :/

02-22-11, 03:10 PM
Our laptop is in a central location in our lounge room.
Thanks to no one culling the pornographic photos from the threads, my kids have now seen porn for the first time as I scrolled through forum topics.

Thanks heaps! Appreciate it, as do my 9 and 11 year old girls.

Totally awesome.


02-22-11, 03:39 PM
I hope team lava doesn't pay Norman for moderating their forums because he does a very poor job. He is never here, rarely follows up with support or questions, and doesn't even moderate posts. Although the picture itself is somewhat funny... it doesn't belong here for young kids to view. Kids grow up way too fast these days and the internet (even on deemed safe websites, like this) is partially to blame...

02-22-11, 04:04 PM
I think this forum needs more than one moderator. It's far too large for one person to oversee, so TeamLava should get Norman a helper!!

02-23-11, 04:41 PM
They at least need a "report this post" button

02-23-11, 06:01 PM
Our laptop is in a central location in our lounge room.
Thanks to no one culling the pornographic photos from the threads, my kids have now seen porn for the first time as I scrolled through forum topics.

Thanks heaps! Appreciate it, as do my 9 and 11 year old girls.

Totally awesome.


I reported one thread to team lava on 2/20 and am
disappointed to see that four days later it is still on the website.
Now I see there is another thread with porn. Very sad.

02-24-11, 08:32 PM
Just saw another thread abused with inappropriate content. (expansion question from new player)

Time to start culling IPs or switch to a registered forum. This is getting a little out of hand.

02-24-11, 08:35 PM
Just saw another thread abused with inappropriate content. (expansion question from new player)

Time to start culling IPs or switch to a registered forum. This is getting a little out of hand.

Registered forum? You got it!

02-24-11, 09:28 PM
well sooner or later they will see it

02-27-11, 09:09 PM
Registered forum? You got it!

Certainly is a great forum!! Two thumbs up. More people need to join!!

03-01-11, 10:57 PM
i dont believe its anyone fault beside yourself. even though this is a forum that should be worked on. don't expect it to be perfect the people you should blame is 2 people yourself and the ignorant people trying to get attention by posting porn.

Its your fault as a PARENT. a forum is a community for ALL AGES meaning if you can type and read your allowed. this forum doesn't have an age limit. Meaning its your fault in letting your children access the web especially on a forum for all ages.

Norman is a developer not a forum person. you guys want him to make new stuff now u guys complain he not on forum. Seriously? there an application in becoming forum moderator why dont you apply then *****ing at someone else?

Also the statistic say age 17 and below female girls do things without thinking. and this is going towards your 2 young daughter. for all we know they might have a facebook posing in there underwear and bra. it's called be a better parent if your afraid your kids are gonna be accidently looking at porn. that why they developed a software called PARENTAL CONTROL.

03-01-11, 11:40 PM
i dont believe its anyone fault beside yourself. even though this is a forum that should be worked on. don't expect it to be perfect the people you should blame is 2 people yourself and the ignorant people trying to get attention by posting porn.

Its your fault as a PARENT. a forum is a community for ALL AGES meaning if you can type and read your allowed. this forum doesn't have an age limit. Meaning its your fault in letting your children access the web especially on a forum for all ages.

Norman is a developer not a forum person. you guys want him to make new stuff now u guys complain he not on forum. Seriously? there an application in becoming forum moderator why dont you apply then *****ing at someone else?

Also the statistic say age 17 and below female girls do things without thinking. and this is going towards your 2 young daughter. for all we know they might have a facebook posing in there underwear and bra. it's called be a better parent if your afraid your kids are gonna be accidently looking at porn. that why they developed a software called PARENTAL CONTROL.

You realize you didn't make a single valid point and really come off as ignorant, right?

03-02-11, 12:48 AM
You are an incredibly ignorant idiot of the highest order!!! Obviously the parent was supervising her girls to have seen the porn content!!! Farm story is a game kids can play as well as adults so the forum should be policed accordingly! Previous poster get some awareness please or at least withold your ridiculous time wasting opinion!!!

03-02-11, 12:51 AM
P.s: comment 12 was directed at comment 10 which I was typing before comment 11 was posted. Clearly I'm not the only one who thinks the person making comment 10 is an uneducated idiot who has wasted our time with such rubbish.

03-02-11, 02:58 AM
i dont believe its anyone fault beside yourself. even though this is a forum that should be worked on. don't expect it to be perfect the people you should blame is 2 people yourself and the ignorant people trying to get attention by posting porn.

I don't expect the forum to be perfect. I don't expect to see porn here, either.

Its your fault as a PARENT. a forum is a community for ALL AGES meaning if you can type and read your allowed. this forum doesn't have an age limit. Meaning its your fault in letting your children access the web especially on a forum for all ages.

My children were not on the forum. I was. And since I don't hide in a dark room, and if you'd read my original post, the laptop is in the lounge. Everyone can see what anyone is doing on it - THAT my friend is parental supervision.

Norman is a developer not a forum person. you guys want him to make new stuff now u guys complain he not on forum. Seriously? there an application in becoming forum moderator why dont you apply then *****ing at someone else?

I did not, and never have, *****ed about Norman, the lack of content or TeamLava as a whole. I did not in this post nor any other post I have made here at the TeamLava forums.

Also the statistic say age 17 and below female girls do things without thinking. and this is going towards your 2 young daughter. for all we know they might have a facebook posing in there underwear and bra. it's called be a better parent if your afraid your kids are gonna be accidently looking at porn. that why they developed a software called PARENTAL CONTROL.

I can assure you my 9 year old does not have Facebook page, nor any photographs of her in her bra. She is too young for such things.
My 11 year old also does not have a Facebook page, nor any photographs of her in underwear. Again, she is too young for such undergarments.

Are you suggesting I allow my daughters to upload photos that are illegal to do so in my country? Here it is illegal to harbor, transmit or publish any kind of suggestive pictures of children under the age of 16. I am not a pedophile. I am a parent.

The youngest age for Facebook is 13, and as a responsible parent, my children do not have access to Facebook.
I also have NetNanny on this computer, and the only acceptable sites my children are allowed on are Moshi Monsters, NickShack and Orisinal. That's it.

Where do you think you have the right to question my parenting of my children?
You did not take the time to even read my original comment, yet you think you have the right to point your finger at me and blame me of poor parenting?

Think twice, then post. Golden rule of forums. I suggest you use it.

And to the people who supported me and called this person out for the ignorant person it is: Thank you. Seriously, thank you for taking the time to respond to this person. You make me believe in the good side of human nature :)

03-02-11, 04:09 AM
Norman is a developer not a forum person. you guys want him to make new stuff now u guys complain he not on forum. Seriously? there an application in becoming forum moderator why dont you apply then *****ing at someone else?

Norman is a developer? Wow. Do you have some kind of inside information? Or maybe you are part of TL. He presents himself here as a moderator and a "messenger". His words. He's never spoken of himself as a developer.
What you say could be true I suppose...after all he's never on here at night. Norman needs to address to this and let us know the real story. Enough misdirection already.

03-02-11, 04:23 AM
Norman is a developer not a forum person. you guys want him to make new stuff now u guys complain he not on forum. Seriously? there an application in becoming forum moderator why dont you apply then *****ing at someone else?

Norman is a developer? Wow. Do you have some kind of inside information? Or maybe you are part of TL. He presents himself here as a moderator and a "messenger". His words. He's never spoken of himself as a developer.
What you say could be true I suppose...after all he's never on here at night. Norman needs to address to this and let us know the real story. Enough misdirection already.

Oh please don't take a comment from an illiterate fool and run with it. Please. There's enough real stuff to run with, without taking on nonsense.

Anyone who has been on these forums know that Norman is a low man. He's nowhere at nights because he's basically an 8hr guy. Doesn't work weekends either because they don't pay him to. He didn't even know that rofflecop and super cow were employees until rofflecop corrected Normans posts. Next morning Norman came into work and let us know.

Enough of paranoia. There is not a conspiracy lurking in every corner.

03-02-11, 05:25 AM
Oh please don't take a comment from an illiterate fool and run with it. Please. There's enough real stuff to run with, without taking on nonsense.

Anyone who has been on these forums know that Norman is a low man. He's nowhere at nights because he's basically an 8hr guy. Doesn't work weekends either because they don't pay him to. He didn't even know that rofflecop and super cow were employees until rofflecop corrected Normans posts. Next morning Norman came into work and let us know.

Enough of paranoia. There is not a conspiracy lurking in every corner.

Pretty sure Norman was at the grassy knoll and knows where all the important dead bodies are ... and he helped set up the moon landing hoax too.


03-02-11, 06:03 AM
Oh please don't take a comment from an illiterate fool and run with it. Please. There's enough real stuff to run with, without taking on nonsense.

Anyone who has been on these forums know that Norman is a low man. He's nowhere at nights because he's basically an 8hr guy. Doesn't work weekends either because they don't pay him to. He didn't even know that rofflecop and super cow were employees until rofflecop corrected Normans posts. Next morning Norman came into work and let us know.

Enough of paranoia. There is not a conspiracy lurking in every corner.

Relax! sorry if I didn't make myself clear....I was being sarcastic