View Full Version : food that I had just served disappeared!

02-22-11, 01:06 PM
can they fix something like this the game shut down and when I pulled it right back up the food was gone 9 different 8 hours items

02-22-11, 04:01 PM
I know, it happens to me regularly in Bakery Story and Restaurant Story. At least I get paid for all the items (I'll make like 25,000 in one minute) but it's still very annoying because then I have to build my display back up all over again! TL needs to look into this.

02-23-11, 09:21 AM
This happened to me lastnight switched from Bakery to Restaurant went back all food gone but I made 45,000 which is nice but then had to close to get more food cooked.

02-23-11, 11:32 PM

Hi Bakery Story,

My Storm ID: hueyching / Purple / level 34.

I had a lot foods served on counters, but thought of re-arranging my Bakery seating and counters so I kept the counters in storage, but when I bring out the counters, 16 counters of food are gone!

Can Bakery Story return my food back please? Afterall it took me pain of days to bake them. lol


02-23-11, 11:34 PM

I posted earlier, btw, i didn't get back any money! I lost my time and money to bake them!

02-23-11, 11:36 PM

Hi Bakery Story,

My Storm ID: hueyching / Purple / level 34.

I had a lot foods served on counters, but thought of re-arranging my Bakery seating and counters so I kept the counters in storage, but when I bring out the counters, 16 counters of food are gone!

Can Bakery Story return my food back please? Afterall it took me pain of days to bake them. lol


If you put your counters into storage with the food on them.... your food will be deleted! You can not store food. The same thing will happen if you put your stoves into storage while cooking. You wont get your food back (stupid question really), because it was your fault.