View Full Version : Size of new animals are too small!

01-24-16, 10:02 PM
I read in another post from a moderator that the size of the animals were scaled down on purpose but PLEASE reconsider changing their new size! They are tiny now and you can hardly make out any of their details even in epic form! The new storybook adventure animals look like ants!!!! Please fix this Storm8!!!

[S8] Elsa
01-25-16, 10:10 AM
This is an intended change. Please see the response from Game Design below.

We felt that the earlier animals were fairly large and decided to scale it back overall. There's a fine balance of readability and cluttering up the habitat space.

01-25-16, 12:49 PM
Elsa;1240552']This is an intended change. Please see the response from Game Design below.

Okay Elsa, Thank you. When there is again the country extension please, I have 3 farms and selling a. Buy Evolution Flower and developing the animal, sell Evolution Flower. Re buying a farm , that get on nerves so slow and I only have 1 common animal more. Please give me an answer Elsa

01-25-16, 04:13 PM
Thank you Elsa...I know this was an intended change. My feedback is the change is too extreme! Now the animals are far too small! I know there are other players that agree.

01-28-16, 03:41 AM
All the latest animals are too small now. I am sorry, but what's the purpose to change only new animals and make them so small, when the old ones rest bigger? It makes huge disproportion between the new and the old ones. We can't even see these new animals in the habitats because they are just TOO SMALL compared to the others, so can designer explain how does that help exactly?

02-01-16, 07:07 AM
All the latest animals are too small now. I am sorry, but what's the purpose to change only new animals and make them so small, when the old ones rest bigger? It makes huge disproportion between the new and the old ones. We can't even see these new animals in the habitats because they are just TOO SMALL compared to the others, so can designer explain how does that help exactly?

I agree, an explanation would be helpful so we could understand the "why" behind the change. Personally, I don't have an issue with reducing the size of the animals as this game is so graphics intensive that I see it lagging, but it doesn't make sense to me either if the older animals remain large compared to the new ones. I too would appreciate an explanation of the reasoning behind this but I am not holding my breath waiting for one. We can speculate, however.

Is S8 planning to resize the older animals to make the balance aesthetically pleasing? If so, I applaud the move.

I believe that one way to alleviate some of the lack of space issue in mature forests such as mine (especially since the much needed expansions are not forthcoming and the number of animals currently released already exceeds the capacity of the forest), could be to reduce animal size and add capacity. By allowing each habitat the ability to hold one additional animal, the room in our forests could be increased by 25 percent without adding any expansions at all. This would not work well though, if S8 maintained the previous animal sizing. It might be unwieldy were there to be a wide range of sizes, with some Epic forms being smaller than similar, older lower level animals which is why I would like to see eventual resizing of all animals for aesthetic balance.

Please be aware that this is just speculation on my part and I am not privy to S8's plans tor the future of this game.

I am very pleased to see that they have something in mind and I really hope that this resizing of animals is indicative of a plan to continue to provide us with interesting and artistically pleasing unique animals and habitats while increasing capacity to match the reality of the number of aninals released so they will all fit in the forest. It is rare that we see such a change and I suspect it is part of a larger scheme to make this awesome game even better.

Although I would wish that S8 were a bit more open with explanations about the "why" of such improvements, I urge patience with this one and avoidence of a rush to judgement. Can we give it a bit of time to see where S8 is heading with this change?

02-02-16, 10:58 AM
55lee55 you explained it very well... I don't have an issue with reducing size of the animals either, if it applies on all the animals, I see I wasn't so clear in my post above. I would actually even prefer this new size if all animals were made like that, unfortunately at the moment with so many "giants" in our forests I really think this change makes it even worse. But as you said, maybe they are thinking or planning to reduce the old ones too in the future, so yes, let's wait and see how the things will be going in the future. However, a hint or any kind of additional explanation from the team would be really appreciated. We will see :)

02-02-16, 12:17 PM
55lee55 you explained it very well... I don't have an issue with reducing size of the animals either, if it applies on all the animals, I see I wasn't so clear in my post above. I would actually even prefer this new size if all animals were made like that, unfortunately at the moment with so many "giants" in our forests I really think this change makes it even worse. But as you said, maybe they are thinking or planning to reduce the old ones too in the future, so yes, let's wait and see how the things will be going in the future. However, a hint or any kind of additional explanation from the team would be really appreciated. We will see :)

I thought you were clear in your post and I agreed with you. I was just speculating about what might be behind the "why" of it. I agree that I would also like to hear an explanation from S8 about why they made the change. At least they admitted it was intentional. I would like to hear from them about how this change ties into their plans for the future of the game. I would like to hear, for instance, that they do plan to reduce the size of the older animals to bring them in line with the size if the new ones, and maybe an idea of about when as well. The size differences between the old and new is disconcerting.

So far S8 is silent on the why.

02-20-16, 01:57 AM
I think that old animal sizes were just fine. New ones are waaay too small in my opinion. You can hardly see any details of their gorgeous design. (I kinda regret buying the Winter Equifox even, because it's so tiny i can barely see it...)

I can also imagine habitats feeling sorta empty if you reduce the size of all animals, even if you could put one more animal is a single habitat, given that the regular ones are kind of plain-looking. But we'll see, i guess...